Thursday, September 10, 2020

Daily Devotional: Genesis Chapter 7, 8 - God Loves The Animals


 Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 7, 8
An often unspoken lesson from Noah's Ark

Noah's Ark is one of the most debated concepts of the Bible. Did it happen or did it not?  There are all kinds of beliefs and serious conversations about these two chapters.  Here is a point I will bring out, there are flood stories in virtually every religion.  That gives for me, credence that a flood happened. I take the Bible for it's word here, and I realize that is a measure of faith but I also believe there is evidence of the flood. Now I won't debate that in a devotional, but there is a point I want to bring out after this mornings reading.

In today's world it seems as there are so many varying views of faith, unfortunately one of those aligns itself with a focus that seems to be more on politics, which can include varying concepts that may or may not be Biblical, and others that keep a focus on Biblical concepts. There is a concept here that aligns with what is often called The Creation Mandate. That is; God cares about our planet as well as his creation, including the animals.

Think about it, we see clearly here, that God cared enough about the animal kingdom in this passage that he made sure to include two of every species to come onto the ark to maintain the animal kingdom. God also cares about the creatures that roam the earth.

I see how people often treat animals and unfortunately there are far too many that mistreat and abuse the animals on this planet. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a meat eater, I'm so far from a PETA type of thing it is ridiculous. I am saying though, do we have compassion for animals, the way they are treated, the way they are raised. God does. I challenge, that today, think about loving the whole of the planet, including animals in the same way that God did in seeing to it that the animal species survived. In a world where animals are becoming extinct, we should care.

 This link takes you to Genesis Chapters 7 and 8

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