Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Daily Devotional, Genesis 29, 30, Love, Deceit, More and More Wives


Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 29, 30

Love, Deceit, More and More Wives

In this story, Jacob goes and takes a trip to visit his uncle Laban. Laban who lives some miles a way, has a daughter that Jacob loves, her name is Rachel. Immediately upon seeing her, he falls in love and wants to marry her. The only problem, Laban tells him he has to work for him for seven years and after that seven year period he can marry Rachel. 

Well a series of events happen that I honestly have a hard time figuring out. Laban is deceitful and somehow Jacob marries his older daughter Leah. He doesn't realize he has married the wrong woman until the next morning. See what I'm talking about.

Naturally he is a little upset and has a talk with Laban. Laban makes another agreement that he can marry Rachel if he works for him for another 7 years. Jacob agrees to it and puts in another 7 years of labor. 

Through Jacob's life he has at times practiced deceit, and now, it is being used against him. A lot of people in today's world talk about the concept of Karma, while I don't personally believe in Karma, there are definitely times where God gives us some of our own. In other words concepts like "You reap what you sow" and other come to mind. 

There is another interesting concept here, these two sisters are jealous for all kinds of reasons, children being the main one. Jacob and Leah have a number of children and it is sometime before Rachel is able to bear children. As a result of the jealousy they both give their servants to Jacob to marry, (brining him up to at least 4 wives,) and he has child after child.  Can you imagine that type of jealousy. I know times were different then in a lot of ways, but I can't imagine more than one wife, especially since Jacob so loved Rachel and it was obvious to all of those around.

In life, we need to find peace with where we are at, we need to accept that to get some of the things we want in life, we need to work for it. In Jacob's case it was 14 years. In the end God provided for Jacob, there would be multitudes of descendents and he would accumulate wealth for his hard work habits. There was a price to pay though, one that I can only imagine, and thankfully have never had to experience.  Another lesson though, that reap what you sow thing can cause all kinds of problems if you're not careful, so for me, for you: be careful.

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