Monday, September 21, 2020

Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 19 and 20. Rape, Deceit and God's Anger


Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 19, 20

Rape, Deceit, and God's Anger

I believe that today's passage could easily have numerous Bible Devotions related to it. It is why I encourage folks to read the passage for themselves and see what they get out of it, of course with a bit of understanding and openness would be beneficial.

I believe that especially chapter 19 of Genesis is one of the most misused, abused passages in all of scripture, especially when it comes to the misinterpretation and way many have taken it regarding the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and their destruction.

We see the continuation of the story after Abraham has been visited by the Lord and two angels. He and the Lord are on a hill conversing as the two angels go to the cities of Sodom and Gommorah to try and see what is going on and then ultimately deliver Lot and his families to safety as God decides to destroy the cities.

What we see is a group of men in the cities who try to take the angels captive, to rape them. Many over the years have said this is specifically related to homosexuality. Let me be emphatic, it is about rape, and much more not homosexuality. In fact, in the book of Ezekiel Chapter 16 we see God give the specific reason as to why the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. In Ezekiel 16:49, we read from the NIV - "'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy."  You can look at other translations, all say the same thing. It was not homosexuality, it was a perversion of focusing on self more than others, and not caring for those in need, especially the poor and needy. While there can be debate as to how to care for the poor and needy, God's desire to care for the poor and needy, to not be arrogant and prideful, are not up for debate. I will also say, if one wants to address the area of homosexuality, there are other passages to discuss and study, this is not one of them. I would however, even on this subject, encourage a detailed study using the Hebrew and the Greek.

I challenge, it is easy to misinterpret and misuse scripture because it makes it easier for us to get away from examining ourselves. Do we care for the poor and needy? Do we engage in sins to bring self pleasure, even when done inappropriately and outside the will of God. Are we perverts in seeking sexual gratification, I'm not talking about with a loved one you are committed to, I'm talking to the point that the sex you are engaged in is for the wrong purposes and solely to bring self gratification without the love God intended. When doing a self examinations, this passage becomes rather difficult because I still maintain, while we have Christ as a redeemer in our lives that forgives sin, the nature of God does not change.

Of course the passage is about much more. Do we laugh at those trying to give us advice that would save us such as the potential husbands and families of Lot's daughters did?   Do we make excuses to delay the things God would have for us? Think about it, the arguing and persuasion the angels had to do for Lot and his family? If we look at the world around us today, is it really that much different than what we see in these passages?

I could go on, in chapter 20 is a continuation of a story we read about earlier in Genesis. It shows how God intervenes at times to save us and to protect our relationships, such as between Abraham and Sarah. It also shows a measure of deceit of where we have to be careful, even among family who would try to do the wrong things to obtain the things they want. It is all about if you will, in a way, selfishness, a concept where we ignore the aspect of loving our neighbors, to care for our fellow human being.

All in all, we see that while God is a God who will go out of his way to show love, mercy and forgiveness, we need to also remember that God is also a God who exercises justice and vengeance. Just because we think God will never do harm, or have His way, doesn't make it so. God is God and God will not be mocked, nor will God be made light of. He has aspects that He holds true. Us not liking them or putting God in a place where we don't agree with what we read does not change God no matter how much we try. Of course in this I can also say, misquoting scripture and making it say things it does not say, especially in situations like the story of Sodom and Gomorrah does not make it so either. We will know this if we study scripture. Today's passage is one that can take days and days to reflect and chew on. Yet, it is also one that shows the lack of study that we sometimes engage in. We can't just take the word of the one doing the teaching, we have to be prepared to do the study ourselves. The Holy Spirit is fully capable of giving us understanding.

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