Monday, September 7, 2020

Daily Deotional, Genesis 3 and 4


Daily Devotional: Genesis 3, 4

 Today as I write this it is Labor Day in the United States, a day where those who worked in labor and the unions are recognized for the work and improvements made in this country.  It is with this in mind that I do today's devotion on Genesis chapters 3 and 4.

 Early on in Genesis 3 we read about sin. There is the sin of Adam and Eve disobeying God, (when in reality they had it so good and only had to follow one directive, to not eat of the fruit of the tree) and then later on the consequences of disobeying God and also the sin of one of their son's in the first of Chapter 4, Cain who murdered his brother Abel.

 All of us must accept the fact, and we see it early on here, God has expectations and there are consequences for not doing what God tells us we need to do.  God isn't a God who like many parents, warns us over and over again, ultimately in some cases without consequences. When we see children live a life of not facing consequences for their inappropriate actions, we see much of what we see in society today, people who think the world owes them everything, while at the same time, acting like spoiled brats.  We need to also understand, what few rules God has are not rules to keep us from the joys of life, but are guidelines that helps us enjoy the goodness of God and the very purpose of our creation, to have relationship with God.

 Many think that one of the major punishments from God is the requirement of labor. Some draw that conclusion from part of what we see in regards to the consequences of violating God's one rule.  Yet, would that be a punishment if God himself is a worker, after all, he created, worked for 6 days in the creation of the universe prior to taking a day off to reflect on that creation.  Labor, work, is not a sin, it is not a punishment. It is something we can, and should take pride in and find joy in. Unfortunately many don't seek out the very things that God would have them do and get stuck in a rut, but that rut, is also a place, that if we search, while doing the things that God desires of us, can be a place to find joy and purpose. It all depends in a way on how we see our work.

In this country, and I challenge, in every country, there are those who work and make life easier for the rest of us, whether on an assembly line making product we use every day or working jobs that while considered blue collar are really works of service for others, things that make life easier for all of us, whether a fireman or police officer serving their communities to keep them safe, or a garbage man or woman keeping our streets clean.  Every job in many ways provides a service. Of course there are those jobs that provide a service that is outside of the desire of God for us and that is a whole other devotion, I would say, remember the first part about there are consequences for violating God's directives and instructions.

 I like to address things that others don't address when I study Scripture, the end of  Chapter 4 is one such area. We read about the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, meeting people, getting married, and the start of the formation of cities. I won't make something up that I don't know, here is my truth, I don't know where those people come from.  I'm not going to pretend I do. I will say, in the overall scheme of things, it doesn't change for me who God is, and the basics of what I get out of chapters 3 and 4. 

What about you as you study this passage, what else do you get out of it?  I'm curious to know.

Here is a direct link to Genesis Chapters 3, and 4 from the CEV Bible. 

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