Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Daily Devotions, Genesis 15 and 16, God Keeps His Promises

Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 15, 16

God Keeps His Promises

This morning as I watch the news there is continued talks and hopes of more peace in the Middle East between Israel and some of the Muslim nations. This warring between nations has existed since the days of Abram and Sarai, Hagar, and Ishmael. The conflict started historically with today's passage.

God made a promise to Abram that even in his old age he and his wife Sarai would have children and that their decedents would outnumber the stars in the sky. In their old age and the impatience of waiting you may say, Sarai offer her slave Hagar to Abram to have relations with. Out of that relationship was born Ishmael, often known as the father of Islam. Later on another son born to Sarai, but more about that later. The discord between Hagar and Sarai in many ways, and the decision of Abram as to which son would inherit his rights would become a matter of debate that continues to this day in the creation of the conflicts in the Middle East.

I have always been amazed by this story and the "Hollywood" nature of the story. It's difficult to explain the rationale of why Sarai would offer her slave Hagar to Abram so he could essentially, have sex with her in order to have a son. Then there is Abram who knew and had heard the direction of God in a vision from the Lord yet, here it is, a story that changed the course of the world.

There is an interesting tidbit from the story though that sticks out to me. That is the faithfulness of God. God keeps His promises to all parties involved, not just Abram and Sarai, but also to Hagar. I am reminded, that as messed up as things might get, God is faithful in keeping his promises despite our ability to keep our promises to God. Imagine though, that if we honor God how much better he will treat us. That is not always in the way of material means but in the way that is explained in the New Testament as a way that gives a peace that passes all understanding. In a way that no matter what is going on we have a peace with God and in our own lives.

Today as we read about and see the peace talks that are going on, remember there have been attempts at peace for many years. One thing is certain; to the individuals God has made promises to, God keeps his promises. Something to think about as we think about our own relationship with God.

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