Thursday, September 24, 2020

Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 23, 24, Lost and Found Love, a Godly Woman


Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 23, 24

Lost and Found Love, A Godly Woman

I can so relate do the deep love Abraham has had for Sarah, although I don't always understand his reasoning in some things. There comes a time when all of us will leave this planet and so was the case for Sarah who has died. Abraham wants the best for her, even in death, so he goes out of his way to honor her. He insists on buying land to have his wife buried on even after he was offered the land for free. I've learned, grief does that. There is no doubt of the love Abraham had for his wife; we saw it through his life, we see it in the death of his wife Sarah. 

I can't help but think; while there are many lessons we can learn here; do we show the love we have for others in the now? I'm convinced, the more we love in the now, the more we grieve in the loss. I've experienced that, we see it with Abraham and Sarah. 

After the death of Sarah, Abraham turns to his son Isaac. He wants the best for him. Abraham realizes it is through his son that God will do the things He has promised.  Abraham sends out a servant to find a wife for Isaac. Through a rather unusual set of circumstances the servant finds the wife that God has for Isaac, Rebekah. Rebekah and her family see the hand of God in all of this. They allow Abraham's servant to take back Rebekah to Isaac where they will wed and have a deep love for each other.

The one lost person in this story is the servant. A servant who saw the sincerity of Abraham's faith and prays to the God of Abraham as he sees the power of God. Do we display a faith so strong that others around us are moved by that faith? I'm not talking about a lot of the things people relate to faith like healings, money and so forth, (although that can be a part of it,) but a faith that recognizes and accepts the ways and reality of God? 

I know that in the scheme of things, I'll never be wealthy like Abraham, but, I realize I can have faith in my life, as messed up as I am that can inspire others. Of course I have to walk in faith to demonstrate that May we all have a faith that produces results and inspires others.

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