Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Daily Devotional, GEnesis Chapter 21, 23, 2 Sons, 2 Directions


Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 21, 22

2 Sons, 2 Directions

In these passages for today we see two interesting stories, one of a son born to the slave woman Hagar, Ishmael, and another born to the wife, Sarah, Isaac. Abraham was the father of both.

Despite Sarah encouraging Abraham earlier on to have relations with Hagar, in order to have a son, I've always thought she had some jealousy issues, from the fact that a firstborn son was born and then encouraging Abraham to get rid of the slave woman and the son to insure that her son gets everything when the time comes. God however knows that Ishmael is still  the son of Abraham and is going to honor him. While the honors won't quite be the same, God still sees to it that Hagar and Ishmael are taken care of and that they are worthy of recognition and reward.

In many ways this is where much of the conflict between Jews and Muslims originated. Unfortunately, today people still see little value in each other just as during this time. Yet, God still sees the true story. He knows the history and will honor those who deserves to be honored. God will not abandon those He loves.

We will, just as Abraham via Sarah, face issues that could have us doing the wrong thing, based out of jealousy, hate, misunderstanding and so forth. Yet, God as mentioned above knows the truth. So many times we as individuals are caught up in conflict, yet, we must remember, God will do what is right.

Instead of going through life placing blame, sometimes it may be a good idea to try and understand where people are coming from and why they are in the situation they are. God loves. It is our actions, our lack of faith, just as it was in the case of Abraham and Sarah that leads to issues coming about. In the long run, Abraham shows God that it is to God that his ultimate love is shown to. While it was a hard lesson and temptation, Abraham came through. I can only imagine if Sarah had known of what God's test for Abraham would have been. The angels where there the whole time but the test was still challenged Abraham's faith and in the end, that faith won out.

As we go through life we need to understand and follow God and his direction, even in the hard things. In the process though, try to understand the other parties involved in our decisions. Don't hold grudges or place blame especially for the conflicts  we take part in creating. 

To see Genesis Chapter 21 and 22 Click the following link:


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