Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 27, 28: God Uses Broken People


Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 27, 28

Deceit and How God Uses Broken People

I am grateful that I don't have to be perfect to find favor with God. Many people over the years have told me over and over again how they can't be loved by God because of the things they have done in their past. There are multiple passages in the Bible that says otherwise, this is one of them,

One could, in fact, often does think that they are a good person, that they haven't done anything wrong but in comparison to Christ and the law as established in the Old Testament, (which doesn't exist as of this story) we are all broken. There is an innate nature to all of us that knows at some point the difference between right and wrong. It is clear here that Jacob and his mother know this, as does Jacob's brother Esau. What is somewhat confusing to me, and I'll admit it, is the realization that even after being fooled, and knowing that he was tricked, Isaac keeps the blessing he has made to Jacob, (which rightly belonged to Isaac,) and will not take it back.

We see the decrepit of both Isaac and his mother Rebekah, yet we also see the redemption in part of Jacob as he is traveling and has an experience with God. There is an old song with a line in it that refers to this, "I am climbing Jacob's ladder," which was really the ladder of God. It is during this experience that Jacob makes a pledge to God to follow him, in all ways, for the remainder of his life. He makes a commitment of time, and money.

Have you had a moment of realization where you realize who God is and his power? Have you experienced his love? If so have you made the commitment of time and money, I say, giving time on your calendar and through your bank account? Time and money are often the indicators of a willingness to follow God, in the Old Testament it was a minimum of a 10% commitment, in the New Testament it is the realization that it all belongs to God so it isn't how much you give, but how much you keep. This is a totally different concept. There are often excuses, but like Jacob, if we want the blessings of God we have a commitment to God.

Think about it, yes, God can use that which isn't perfect, me and you, and in our appreciation of that, there should be little to no issue of our willingness to show God appreciation for what he has done for us, even in our brokenness.

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