Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Daily Devotion: Genesis Chapter 5 and 6. Ancestry and Super Heroes


Daily Devotion:  Genesis Chapters 5, 6

 Ancestry and Super Heroes

 In today's reading Chapter 5 starts off with something that many tend to overlook when reading the Bible, genealogy.  We do the same thing in life, well at least most of us do until we get older. We tend to not focus on, be concerned about or search out our own history. Thankfully in today's world we are seeing some changes in that due to things like ancestry dot com and DNA research.  Prior to my wife's death, early on in her diagnosis with Pancreatic Cancer, I decided to invest in a detailed DNA test and research into our Ancestry.

 We learned fascinating things.  It was like her 10th great grandmother who was a passenger on the Mayflower, and my 10th great grandfather was the pilot of the Mayflower. The fact that our relatives likely knew each other was a fascinating thing to us. There were other things, like one of Mary Jane's grandfathers, being John Sterling whom Sterling Castle was named after where Mary Queen of Scotts was christened and King Richard the 3rd or 4th being one of my grandfathers and Henry the 8th being a distant relative as well. Ancestry while interesting is a part of defining who we are and where we come from.  A fascinating part of Jesus ancestry shows that not only King David was a part of his lineage, but so was Adam and Eve.

 While there is a lot who will debate the story of Adam and Eve and the history there, I find it fascinating and them being a part of the listed genealogy of Jesus is meaningful to me on various levels.

 Another thing that stuck out to me in today's reading is the Nephilim who were supernatural beings who bred with women on earth, and them being described essentially as "super heroes."  Personally I am fascinated and would like to know a lot more about these beings and their offspring as we just don't have that much written about them in the Bible. Anyone knowing of other reliable texts that may tell more about them, I would like to know as this is one of those things that keeps the Bible, for me, far from being a boring read.  Of course I like reading The Contemporary English Version when reading because of the easy to understand translation and the way it was translated. That said, wouldn't you like to know more about this species of creature? Is it angels, is it something else and how were they like super heroes?

The rest of Chapter 6 starts to get into the story of Noah. We see how far human kind has progressed, or regressed in the time frame from the point of creation to the point of Noah.  We see again, just like we saw earlier, God will only take so much before he acts. He is tired of what humankind has become and even contemplates the total destruction of the earth except for one who was faithful, Noah. How faithful are we in today's world to loving and serving God and others?  How many times will God show through scripture that he will only put up with so much?  Of course we know some of what is coming next and in the future, but until then, keep enjoying the read and thoughts.

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