Today starts a new day; I realize that I have been abused by religion. It took me through Day 8, 9 before I realized this, but I am glad I did. You can go back to see my comments on Day 8 and 9 to see what I am speaking of. I am taking the time to do the exercises as outlined in the book; Recovering From Religious Abuse, 11 Steps to Spiritual Freedom written by: Jack Watts. While I know that hurt and abuse as described and presented in the book are two different things, I have come to the understanding that in regards to taking advantage of me I have in fact been abused. I will admit, one of my greatest concerns is I may have at times abused religion. I don’t think I have but this journey will help me understand where I am at and in the process help others as I journal each day with the steps outlined in the book.
Over the years of my own recovery, I am confident of a number of things, my ongoing relationship with God, including prayer, where I converse with Him on a regular basis has been critical. I can say emphatically, not to brag or lift myself up, but as a statement of fact, I speak to God daily. Those conversations with God are not simple things like a prayer before a meal or something of the sort; I have learned how to apply the words of Paul, where I am admonished, as we all are, to pray without ceasing. I have learned that having access to God, in all situations, whether joyous, or sad, to express needs, or to offer praise, is something that keeps me going.
There are those who continue their desire to hurt me or be critical of me, but I don’t think they understand, I have found peace with God. There may be moments of difficulty but I can go to God. I am confident that applying the attitudes and actions of Jesus in my life takes me a long ways, when speaking to God on a regular basis. I am aware that others pray but they may use other means as their measuring tool, the institutional church, flag, country, denomination, co-workers, family and I could go on. Talking with God, studying the person of Jesus along with scripture has assured me, I can’t emphasize enough the peace I have experienced, even when others think I am loopy or crazy because of prayer.
Over the years I did a great deal of research on prayer. A number of great prayer warriors have written wonderful works, from Ravenhill to Spurgeon, there is a great deal of wonderful teaching. As a result of my studies I did a lengthy presentation titled, Prayer as a Prelude to Revival. I am confident that message was from God. I am grateful that I have a relationship with God where I can speak to Him anytime, even those times when those who say they love the church, appear to hate anyone or anything that disagrees with their perspective and includes me in their dogmas.
Father, help me to maintain that relationship with you. Help me realize you are my sustainment. You are my Father who loves and guides, but you also heal and provide. My prayer Lord is that others will experience a relationship where they can feel the healing you have provided, and the relationship you desire.
Make sure to check the blog archive to follow this journal through its entirety, plus an interview with author Jack Watts and the review of the book.
To see the video posted below click on the video. If the video isn’t at full scale or doesn’t show up, click on the following link:
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew 6441 N. Hydraulic Park City Kansas, 67219
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Today starts a new day; I realize that I have been abused by religion. It took me through Day 8, 9 before I realized this, but I am glad I did. You can go back to see my comments on Day 8 and 9 to see what I am speaking of. I am taking the time to do the exercises as outlined in the book; Recovering From Religious Abuse, 11 Steps to Spiritual Freedom written by: Jack Watts. While I know that hurt and abuse as described and presented in the book are two different things, I have come to the understanding that in regards to taking advantage of me I have in fact been abused. I will admit, one of my greatest concerns is I may have at times abused religion. I don’t think I have but this journey will help me understand where I am at and in the process help others as I journal each day with the steps outlined in the book.
Today I start Step 5 of the 11 Steps to Spiritual Freedom. I am moving along. As I understand Step 5 will have me turning away from the negative aspects of my behavior and life that has resulted due to the abuse I have experienced. It will involve me doing more than just saying sorry; it will have the expectation of me changing my behavior. There are two areas here that have impacted me over the years.
The first thing to touch on is from an old John Wayne movie. John Wayne is an officer in the war, and one night in a fox hole a soldier is commanded to stay awake and keep watch, during the night he falls asleep, the location is attacked and people are killed. Wayne when confronting the soldier is told by the soldier, ‘I’m sorry sir, I’m sorry.’ Wayne responds with a resonating truth that that often times people ignore, he responds, ‘Sorry is not going to bring these men back to life soldier!’ There is so much truth in that statement, so many times people will use the ‘I’m sorry,’ excuse as a way to get out of their actions, it isn’t something God expects though, God expects change. I know I need to walk towards God, not away from him in my actions and attitude.
I am reminded of another aspect of truth that is often ignored, especially by those practicing the once saved always saved theology. That verse is 1st John 3:9:
‘Those who have been born into God’s family do not make a practice of sinning, because God’s life is in them. So they can’t keep on sinning, because they are children of God.’
I love the concept presented here. The truth is, if we are born of God, if we have relationship with Him, this and other verses clearly point out we can’t continue to ‘practice’ sin. As a former athlete, I love the concept of practice. The truth is, some of us make excuses to practice and do wrong. If we legitimately love God, we will walk away from sin and towards God. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
As I work through the journal process I realize I worked on my relationship with God years ago. I don’t want people who read this to take it wrong, but I believe I am in good relationship with God. It is some of his followers that I have had, and continue to have issues with. I do need to be more like God in my relationships with others.
I also realized over my time of recovery, much of which predates my review of this book, that being in the right place with God is not always in being in the right place with others. Neither does it mean I don’t have work to do. I realize, if my relationships with others are to be healed and at an appropriate place, I have work to do to be at the place God would have me.
I still have work to do with my attitude. I have made progress, am doing better, but I realize my own need to have a more loving attitude. This doesn’t mean there won’t be people I disagree with, there will, but the attitude and actions of Jesus are required. I can look at Jesus’ own confrontation with the Rich Young Ruler, in the end, there was not unity and agreement, Jesus was sad about the incident, but he didn’t argue to prove his point. So many times, for whatever reasons, I tend to argue. I have to get over it, and while I am doing better I have a ways to go.
God, help me with my own need for an attitude adjustment, especially in the ways I interact with others. I am grateful that healing has taken place; help me see where improvements need to be made as I seek to be more like you.
Make sure to check the blog archive to follow this journal through its entirety, plus an interview with author Jack Watts and the review of the book.
To see the video posted below click on the video. If the video isn’t at full scale or doesn’t show up, click on the following link:
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew 6441 N. Hydraulic Park City Kansas, 67219
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Today starts a new day; I realize that I have been abused by religion. It took me through Day 8, 9 before I realized this, but I am glad I did. You can go back to see my comments on Day 8 and 9 to see what I am speaking of. I am taking the time to do the exercises as outlined in the book; Recovering From Religious Abuse, 11 Steps to Spiritual Freedom written by: Jack Watts. While I know that hurt and abuse as described and presented in the book are two different things, I have come to the understanding that in regards to taking advantage of me I have in fact been abused. I will admit, one of my greatest concerns is I may have at times abused religion. I don’t think I have but this journey will help me understand where I am at and in the process help others as I journal each day with the steps outlined in the book.
Over the last few days I have engaged in various conversations with people regarding some seemingly controversial subjects. I realize that at times, I can practice my own dogmas in my conversations and interactions with others. I am not saying I should compromise my positions, when I am convicted of those positions, but I wonder, do I use methods that come across the wrong way? I am confident that at times I do, and this is learned behavior that I need to walk away from and make new habits. Of course this isn’t always my fault but the approach is something I can control, since it is my emotions I am seeking to control. I am reminded of an old saying I learned some time ago, ‘being right, doesn’t make one right.’ I have to make sure that I behave in a Godly way in all things.
There are certainly negatives that have impacted my behavior related to how I have been treated by certain religious groups that I need to change. I also need to make sure that I am responding to others in a way that reflects the love of Jesus. I need to remember it wasn’t Jesus who didn’t love me; it was that some of his followers didn’t practice love.
I have done better in how I respond to others over the years, I am not as argumentative as I once was, and I try to find positive things to say use humor and try to think in advance about how others will respond to what I say. That doesn’t mean I am perfect in this area though. Today I realize, maybe more than in the past that this negative attribute is something that has come about from the things I learned from the abusers. I know I can do better at reflecting the love of Jesus. I don’t have to always be ‘right’ because the truth is I’m not and even when I am I have no right to express my dogma’s in such a way as to disrespect others.
God help me be respectful, help me be to love. When I am right on an issue, let me focus more on the love of the individual than my own selfish need and desire to be right. Help me be right in the way I love.
You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, to that you may spend it on your pleasures. ~ James 4:3
Make sure to check the blog archive to follow this journal through its entirety, plus an interview with author Jack Watts and the review of the book.
To see the video posted below click on the video. If the video isn’t at full scale or doesn’t show up, click on the following link:
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew 6441 N. Hydraulic Park City Kansas, 67219
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Today starts a new day; I realize that I have been abused by religion. It took me through Day 8, 9 before I realized this, but I am glad I did. You can go back to see my comments on Day 8 and 9 to see what I am speaking of. I am taking the time to do the exercises as outlined in the book; Recovering From Religious Abuse, 11 Steps to Spiritual Freedom written by: Jack Watts. While I know that hurt and abuse as described and presented in the book are two different things, I have come to the understanding that in regards to taking advantage of me I have in fact been abused. I will admit, one of my greatest concerns is I may have at times abused religion. I don’t think I have but this journey will help me understand where I am at and in the process help others as I journal each day with the steps outlined in the book.
God's Spirit doesn't make cowards out of us. The Spirit gives us power, love, and self-control. ~ 2 Timothy 1:7
In my past abuse, I think I am sometimes, if not a lot of times, over sensitive. The acceptance of others, to feel their love is of incredible importance. While I know people are far from perfect, even have the potential to hurt, they also have the potential to help, encourage, and yes, even love and be used by God to help those of us who have gone through tough times. I suspect I want the approval of people because for so many years, I felt unloved even by God. I have come to the place where I find joy in the love I feel from God, but I have to admit, I still hurt and cringe at times because of the lack of love I sometimes feel from people.
I want to find that happy place, the place where people are used by God to in part express His love to me, but also to the place where I know that the main love that matters is from God. I am reminded that if God is for me, who can be against me? I still want, and long for acceptance and love from others though.
The journal process for me is a way to open up and start letting people know of my desires, wants, and yes, even needs in regards to human interaction. It is also brings me back to the point I need to be to remember what God has and will give me.
Father, provide the love and acceptance I so desperately need. Where I need that love from others, move them and help me see it. I realize I need to lean not on my own understanding but to lean more on you. Help me in this area, help me come to the place where I find the fullness of joy you have for me, not just in my physical needs, but my emotional needs.
Make sure to check the blog archive to follow this journal through its entirety, plus an interview with author Jack Watts and the review of the book.
To see the video posted below click on the video. If the video isn’t at full scale or doesn’t show up, click on the following link:
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew 6441 N. Hydraulic Park City Kansas, 67219
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Today starts a new day; I realize that I have been abused by religion. It took me through Day 8, 9 before I realized this, but I am glad I did. You can go back to see my comments on Day 8 and 9 to see what I am speaking of. I am taking the time to do the exercises as outlined in the book; Recovering From Religious Abuse, 11 Steps to Spiritual Freedom written by: Jack Watts. While I know that hurt and abuse as described and presented in the book are two different things, I have come to the understanding that in regards to taking advantage of me I have in fact been abused. I will admit, one of my greatest concerns is I may have at times abused religion. I don’t think I have but this journey will help me understand where I am at and in the process help others as I journal each day with the steps outlined in the book.
This is crazy, especially if reading yesterdays post. Crazy because the book and request for the journal entry addresses the very thing I spoke about yesterday, even expounding on my thoughts. I had never thought about the fruits of the spirit all being emotional traits before.
Galatians 5: 16-26: (16) If you are guided by the Spirit, you won't obey your selfish desires. (17) The Spirit and your desires are enemies of each other. They are always fighting each other and keeping you from doing what you feel you should. (18) But if you obey the Spirit, the Law of Moses has no control over you.
(19) People's desires make them give in to immoral ways, filthy thoughts, and shameful deeds. (20) They worship idols, practice witchcraft, hate others, and are hard to get along with. People become jealous, angry, and selfish. They not only argue and cause trouble, but they are (21) envious. They get drunk, carry on at wild parties, and do other evil things as well. I told you before, and I am telling you again: No one who does these things will share in the blessings of God's kingdom.
(22) God's Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, (23) gentle, and self-controlled. There is no law against behaving in any of these ways. (24) And because we belong to Christ Jesus, we have killed our selfish feelings and desires. (25) God's Spirit has given us life, and so we should follow the Spirit. (26) But don't be conceited or make others jealous by claiming to be better than they are.
For those seeking God and relationship with Him, we will seek after the fruit of the Spirit, recognizing in the process that we are no better than anyone else. That isn’t to say we shouldn’t want the best offered by God from the areas where he blesses us. We will realize there is a peace that passes all understanding provided by God. While there are those who would desire to exhibit power, disrespect and other things towards me and/or others, it doesn’t negate the work of God. God would have me loving, happy, have peace, patience, be kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self controlled. I can see so many examples where I have failed here, and yet I also see these examples succeed in the lives of others. The freedom and healing God provides and intends is far better than any material possession I could have. I know others are at the place of not having progress in obtaining the fruits, whether from abuse, or not, the reality is God would have the best for all of us. The abuser will not take that away from me.
God help me more so than ever before, exhibit the fruits of the spirit in my life, help me understand, share, live, obtain and experience them more than ever before.
(8) Everyone who asks will receive. Everyone who searches will find. And the door will be opened for everyone who knocks. (9) Would any of you give your hungry child a stone, if the child asked for some bread? (10) Would you give your child a snake if the child asked for a fish? (11) As bad as you are, you still know how to give good gifts to your children. But your heavenly Father is even more ready to give good things to people who ask. ~ Matthew 7:8-11
Make sure to check the blog archive to follow this journal through its entirety, plus an interview with author Jack Watts and the review of the book.
To see the video posted below click on the video. If the video isn’t at full scale or doesn’t show up, click on the following link:
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew 6441 N. Hydraulic Park City Kansas, 67219
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Today starts a new day; I realize that I have been abused by religion. It took me through Day 8, 9 before I realized this, but I am glad I did. You can go back to see my comments on Day 8 and 9 to see what I am speaking of. I am taking the time to do the exercises as outlined in the book; Recovering From Religious Abuse, 11 Steps to Spiritual Freedom written by: Jack Watts. While I know that hurt and abuse as described and presented in the book are two different things, I have come to the understanding that in regards to taking advantage of me I have in fact been abused. I will admit, one of my greatest concerns is I may have at times abused religion. I don’t think I have but this journey will help me understand where I am at and in the process help others as I journal each day with the steps outlined in the book.
Today I am a little conflicted. I find myself at times hurting, feeling pain as to the current situation I am in, but I have come to a place in my heart regarding certain theological truths I have alluded to in the past. That is the concept of free-will among people, even the free will to do stupid things that hurt others. In that understanding, I am not at the place where I blame God for bad things that happen in life but I am at the place where at times, I hurt.
While I believe in the concept of free-will, I have also seen God work at providing my, needs. It is the emotional struggles where I have problems and could depend more on God. While I have worked at having a great relationship with God, as mentioned yesterday, is often weakened by others. I don’t think they always intend it but I realize, I need to have my time with God and continue to have honest communication with Him where I share when I am upset, don’t understand, or need help moving forward. While I don’t have some material wants in life, I have all of my material needs. I need to recognize and trust God in the same way with my emotional needs.
Sometimes I want God to be what I call the Santa God where I can ask for what I want and get it. I don’t think God appreciates that, and to be honest, I wouldn’t either if that was all I ever did. I also know as a father of 2 grown children, I want my children to communicate to me their totality, despite what they are experiencing. Although grown, I still want to know their needs and bless them. If I want this from my children, maybe I need to get to the place where I realize that God is a more loving father. Just as my children would have nothing to worry about when being honest with me, I need to see God that way, but even better.
God, help me realize the importance of going to you in times of need. You have met my material needs; help me trust You with my emotional needs. Help me realize, You are a more loving father than I. I have many flaws and mistakes, you are perfect.
Make sure to check the blog archive to follow this journal through its entirety, plus an interview with author Jack Watts and the review of the book.
To see the video posted below click on the video. If the video isn’t at full scale or doesn’t show up, click on the following link:
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew 6441 N. Hydraulic Park City Kansas, 67219
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Today starts a new day; I realize that I have been abused by religion. It took me through Day 8, 9 before I realized this, but I am glad I did. You can go back to see my comments on Day 8 and 9 to see what I am speaking of. I am taking the time to do the exercises as outlined in the book; Recovering From Religious Abuse, 11 Steps to Spiritual Freedom written by: Jack Watts. While I know that hurt and abuse as described and presented in the book are two different things, I have come to the understanding that in regards to taking advantage of me I have in fact been abused. I will admit, one of my greatest concerns is I may have at times abused religion. I don’t think I have but this journey will help me understand where I am at and in the process help others as I journal each day with the steps outlined in the book.
Over the years as I have gone through my own recovery, not just from physical and sexual abuse, but the religious abuse as described in these journal entries. I have developed a relationship with God that has proven to be of great value in each of these experiences. Over the years, with some difficulty at times, I have realized, the more time I spend with God, in prayer, or in other ways the better I do emotionally. I value my relationship with God.
I spend time with God each day, whether going through this journal process or daily devotions. I seek wisdom and direction from God in understanding through my daily process, and I have for some time set aside Fridays as my Sabbath. There are distractions though.
Fridays is a Holy Day to me. While I try to spend time with God each day, I dedicate the whole day to God on Fridays, but there are people who don’t understand the importance of this day to me. As of recent I have had to turn off my cell phone. There are other distractions though, that even on the surface while seemingly good; take me away from the time I value most. Most of the time, those distractions are people who either don’t understand the reality of God, or don’t care about the time I value. The Sabbath issue is a big one for me because I the value of the time to reflect on the goodness and love of God.
I agree with the premise in today’s journal process. Everything in life that is worthwhile starts with a single step. That step of spending time with God, developing a real, lasting relationship is something that in my experience, most so called followers of Jesus doesn’t take. I am not saying people should get entwined into the religious aspects of Christianity. I am talking about a relationship with Jesus that goes beyond religious expectations. It is in Jesus that healing exists; it is in Him that relationship is developed with God. I don’t know the answers for everyone, but I know what has worked for me. The relationship with Christ has given me the direction, help and change needed. It hasn’t always been easy, but it has been honest, and in being honest with God, it gets easier with each step.
I realize there may be people who long for more with God. They long more in their relationship with Him. As hard as the first step is at rebuilding bridges and relationship it gets easier once one takes that step of working on their relationship with God. Hopefully today, at least through my experiences in this area, there are those who will take those steps.
Make sure to check the blog archive to follow this journal through its entirety, plus an interview with author Jack Watts and the review of the book.
To see the video posted below click on the video. If the video isn’t at full scale or doesn’t show up, click on the following link:
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew 6441 N. Hydraulic Park City Kansas, 67219
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Today starts a new day; I realize that I have been abused by religion. It took me through Day 8, 9 before I realized this, but I am glad I did. You can go back to see my comments on Day 8 and 9 to see what I am speaking of. I am taking the time to do the exercises as outlined in the book; Recovering From Religious Abuse, 11 Steps to Spiritual Freedom written by: Jack Watts. While I know that hurt and abuse as described and presented in the book are two different things, I have come to the understanding that in regards to taking advantage of me I have in fact been abused. I will admit, one of my greatest concerns is I may have at times abused religion. I don’t think I have but this journey will help me understand where I am at and in the process help others as I journal each day with the steps outlined in the book.
Today I start Step 4 of the 11 Steps. One of the precepts here understands the reality that God is not responsible for the abuse one endures. This is a concept I dealt with some years ago when going through my own counseling and am glad I did. To understand that God has been there all along, that He has been hurt by those who have abused or hurt me is something that has caused my relationship with God to be what it is. I have developed a strong belief in the concept of free-will, and the reality that people have the right to do stupid things that sometimes hurts others. Others will talk about how God allowed or caused abuse, but I can’t believe in any way that God wants abuse to happen. Turning it around for good is far different than causing the pain of abuse.
Over the years as I have gotten to know God, I have realized He is far different than what many present. I agree with my readings today, the best way to know God is to study the person of Jesus, the Son of God. It is in His behaviors, mannerisms, teachings and His willingness to love and sacrifice Himself for us that we can come to a place of understanding the love of God.
I think God is a loving God who loves beyond understanding. In that love is the willingness to let each of us make decisions, the decisions we make often impacts others but that doesn’t mean the current circumstance we are in is God’s desire or plan.
I also realize there is no way I know all there is to know about God. There is far more I don’t know than there is I do. I know He loves me and desires the best for me. God wants a relationship with me. I pray that I get to know God more, that the void and crevices that exist in life will be filled with a better understanding of God and His love for me. While I have an immeasurable love for God, I understand there is a desire on my part to have more. I don’t desire to know more to impress others or myself, but to better understand the plans God has for me.
Today, I ask God, help me know and love you more and help me be more like your Son.
Make sure to check the blog archive to follow this journal through its entirety, plus an interview with author Jack Watts and the review of the book.
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Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew 6441 N. Hydraulic Park City Kansas, 67219
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Today starts a new day; I realize that I have been abused by religion. It took me through Day 8, 9 before I realized this, but I am glad I did. You can go back to see my comments on Day 8 and 9 to see what I am speaking of. I am taking the time to do the exercises as outlined in the book; Recovering From Religious Abuse, 11 Steps to Spiritual Freedom written by: Jack Watts. While I know that hurt and abuse as described and presented in the book are two different things, I have come to the understanding that in regards to taking advantage of me I have in fact been abused. I will admit, one of my greatest concerns is I may have at times abused religion. I don’t think I have but this journey will help me understand where I am at and in the process help others as I journal each day with the steps outlined in the book.
Today I came face to face with an interesting concept that I have to digest, chew on, and reflect on. Am I talking back to God more than I am talking with God? This is an interesting concept and to be honest about it; one where I think that as of late, I have likely been talking back to God more than talking with him. There is a difference.
It is in the talking with God that I understand God’s direction, purpose and confidence. In this place I will be able to better see what is best for me and reflect on the situation I am in.
I have no doubt that God loves me and desires the best for me. I have had a lasting relationship with God for a number of years, but is it possible that the relationship I have has become routine? Have I forgotten the freshness of a loving conversation? Is my conversation with God one where not only I share my thoughts, but I take the time to listen?
God has in the past, and will again in the present and future, use the circumstance I am in to help and bless someone else. I have to learn to receive what God has for me. My relationship with God is not all about what I can do for others, it also understands, and appreciates what God can and will do for me.
God, help me to escape in our times together. Let me look forward to those times much like a date on a mountain side overlooking waterfalls and blueberry fields. Let me renew my spirit in those times, in those places, not just to enjoy the surroundings but to hear that gentle whisper of the things you have for me.
We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him. They are the ones God has chosen for his purpose, ~ Romans 8:28
Make sure to check the blog archive to follow this journal through its entirety, plus an interview with author Jack Watts and the review of the book.
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Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew 6441 N. Hydraulic Park City Kansas, 67219
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Sometimes it is better to use caution prior to writing something and then there are times one needs to say what needs to be said. Others will see the comments from today’s posting as something I should use caution with. I am doing that, but please understand; I have quite a few years of working with, being with and of serving the poor, homeless, mentally ill, and others often neglected by society under my belt. What I write is from experience, and personal, first hand observation. It is with this perspective that I hope people seriously think about the words I am putting on paper. I will assure you, I am fully convinced, that unless we do, we as a society (speaking specifically of America) and we as a Church, are quite possibly doing more harm than good with the populations we serve, albeit with good intentions.
Many have heard the comment that; ‘The road to hell is paved with good intentions.’ In this saying is the implication that no matter how much good is intended, it is possible that nothing of value is being accomplished in the work one is doing. I believe with all of my heart that our politicians, care providers, and yes the Church are quite possibly doing more harm than good. Let me explain.
It has been stated by some that the Bible speaks about poverty in over 2,000 verses. While I personally don’t know if that is true, (I tend to think it is not), one can’t deny the reality that the Bible does speak quite a bit about poverty, the poor, orphans, widows and so forth. There is no denying the reality of Matthew 25 when Jesus clearly states, that what we do for the least of these is of catamount importance. As a follower of Jesus, it is simple, I am commanded to serve, and help the poor. The question becomes though, what is helping the poor?
It is in the definition of help that many have come to irreparable points of debate. Some say the government should have no role in helping the poor, some say God judges nations for their treatment of the less fortunate, and unfortunately, many perspectives are based not on Biblical guidelines, but on political influence. It is after working with the poor and disadvantaged for over 30 years that I have come to the conclusions I have. I am aware that for many, those views will be controversial.
Let me be clear from the outset of my ongoing experiences. My wife and I have as an act of faith, given back much of our material possessions to carry out the ministry we do. For many years of our life we have had people living with us, and our children grew up seeing those people living with us, and celebrating holidays with us. My daughter, now approaching 30, has had more Thanksgivings with the mentally ill, than she has had with extended family. My wife and I still live by the concepts taught by Ron Sider in the Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger book. We are both an active part of our church which has as a point of emphasis, serving the poor. I am with the homeless and mentally ill approximately 6 days a week, for extended hours. Through our church we operate programs for the homeless at least 5 days a week and we located to our present location to be of service to the downtown community including the homeless. To be blunt, I value and have exhibited a life of service to the poor and homeless. This concept continues today, and will continue tomorrow. I say this not to boast, but to assure you, if it is possible with me, it is possible with we.
Some may ask, with my perspective of helping the poor and the belief that all followers of Jesus are commanded to do as much, what is the problem regarding governments, churches, and individuals doing more harm than good? A part of it is sense of competition that exists among these groups.
The overwhelming majority of programs established for the poor, and the homeless in my opinion should be largely defunded and new programs, on a limited basis reestablished to require effectiveness in what they are doing. The funding of keeping people in a disadvantaged state is largely what is taking place in many agencies. There is an old missionary concept that says, ‘It is better to teach a man to fish than to give them a fish. When you give him a fish you feed him for a day, when you teach him to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.’ I challenge, when you teach a man to fish, not only do you feed him for a lifetime, you feed his family for a lifetime. That individual also teaches others around them something that has them in effect, changing and feeding their families for a lifetime. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of our programs and tax dollars are providing a perpetual cycle that teaches laziness and an attitude of entitlement, thus doing more harm than good.
While we may have read passages that command us to feed, help, and touch, we can’t forget about the passages that encourage us to work, find value, and discover our purpose in serving our fellow human being. Unfortunately, many programs provide just enough to get by from day to day but we haven’t done what is necessary to help one provide for them in the long term. Not only is this a shame, I think it is a sin.
I was reminded today that for a large percentage of folks, as much as 35% of the homeless, they are stuck in their environment no matter what. While this is a shame, and we should help these people, we can’t ignore the shame of not doing what is necessary to help the other 65% get back on their feet and rediscover their life. Unfortunately the overwhelming majority of programs and ministries I have come into contact with have as a focus the 35% while ignoring the 65% who can, and should be helped to get back on their feet. As a result, through the definition of ‘ministry’ we have created systems that develop a sense of entitlement and in reality cause dependency as opposed to independence. On this point, there is blame that could go around, but the bulk of the blame has to go to those who deserve it, those who have created systems of service that give a man a fish as opposed to teaching him to fish.
Today I was reminded that as hard as it is, there are those who appreciate being taught how to fish. For some, it has been years of going through what they call disrespectful services, or requirements to realize they aren’t worth more than those services see them as, a no good homeless or poor person. I am reminded, it is as one believes in the abilities and talents of others, created in the majesty and image of God that they will see themselves as worth while and as one who can do more, and in fact, wants to do more. I saw it today as individuals thanked me for a program that respects them, cares about their welfare, sees them as equals, and as people deserving of being served as opposed to something less. A pat on a man’s stomach, a hug for a lady washing dishes, a touch of sympathy for a man needing glasses, it causes one to want more for themselves as they see themselves as someone with potential, worth a touch, and worthy of love for the first time in a long time. When the Bible talks about Jesus touching the sick, the down and out, the prostitute, the hungry, the homeless, the leper and more, there is more implied than we sometimes recognize. It is in touching someone that he showed love, that he showed their worth. He did more than touch their bodies; He touched their souls with a penetrating love that had not been experienced in some time, and for some, ever.
I don’t need to go on a lengthy discourse here, but let me ask the question, are you supporting ministries that give fish or teach how to fish. Have you spent enough time with the homeless to understand where they are coming from and what they believe or see? For those that do spend time with these folks, you will quickly learn how they know how the systems and approaches have failed them. It is easier to send a few dollars to a cause and never really know that cause than it is to spend time with the people being served. If you spend time with the people, you won’t often hear the same things you are being told by the agencies. Go into one of these programs as a homeless person undercover and see for yourself. Don’t just do it for a day, do it for a week and get a real taste of what life is like when you are treated like a piece of dirt with little or no value, even from those who say they are in ministry.
It is so easy to just send money, let me remind you of something, as strange as it may seem, God don’t need your money. What God wants and desires are for you to get your hands dirty. He desires for you to touch and to love the undesirable. When you do, you will find out that the undesirable really isn’t undesirable; it is in reality, Jesus. Remember the words of Jesus, ‘What you have done for the least of these, you have done for me.’ Bono from U2 is right, why worry about what to do or how to get close to Jesus. We know that Jesus is already with the poor, He is already among their mist, why not go to the place where we know Jesus is.
Now in closing, don’t assume that I am ignoring the reality that the Bible has some strong statements regarding the poor, the lazy and so forth. I haven’t forgotten, but neither have I forgotten the concept of doing more than just giving bread or water, we are called to serve a savior who has come to give us life and to give it to us more abundantly. God has the desire that people love themselves, no matter their condition, but He also would have us love others, not just feeding them, but in providing opportunity to know, and experience, the fullness of what God has for them. For many, this will include finding a home, getting a job, being a part of a loving community and more. Unfortunately, few places exist that provide these things. It is why I am honored to be at Mosaic and with The Virtual Pew though, we try to do these things. While it is very hard and we are relearning this new process, it is well worth it.
Today, I ask you to be willing to get your hands dirty; touch the person you are called to love, not metaphorically, but literally. Encourage work survival skills instead of simple day to day survival skills. Advocate for programs, churches and agencies that do more than just feed, have the expectation that we do more, because we can, and we should.
Now as I close today, check out the verses that talk about laziness. As you read these, understand I am advocating for doing more, not less, but I am also advocating that we do something that is effective, putting Band-Aids on a persons heart isn’t much of help for one that has just gone through heart surgery. Neither is a simple feeding of a man or woman who needs to learn living skills or work skills. Let’s teach people how to fish instead of just giving fish.
Now those verses I was telling you about:
Work hard, and you will be a leader; be lazy, and you will end up a slave. ~ Proverbs 19:15
If you are lazy and sleep your time away, you will starve. ~ Proverbs 12:24
Laziness leads to poverty; hard work makes you rich. ~ Proverbs 10:4
You lazy people can learn by watching an anthill.
(7) Ants don't have leaders, (8) but they store up food during harvest season.
(9) How long will you lie there doing nothing at all? When are you going to get up and stop sleeping?
(10) Sleep a little. Doze a little. Fold your hands and twiddle your thumbs.
(11) Suddenly, everything is gone, as though it had been taken by an armed robber. ~ Proverbs 6:6-11
Having a lazy person on the job is like a mouth full of vinegar or smoke in your eyes. ~ Proverbs 10: 26
Work hard, and you will be a leader; be lazy, and you will end up a slave. ~ Proverbs 12:24
Anyone too lazy to cook will starve, but a hard worker is a valuable treasure. ~ Proverbs 12:27
No matter how much you want, laziness won't help a bit, but hard work will reward you with more than enough. ~ Proverbs 13:4
A lazy person’s way is blocked with briers, but the path of the upright is an open highway. ~ Proverbs 15:9
Being lazy is no different from being a troublemaker. ~ Proverbs 18:9
Some people are too lazy to lift a hand to feed themselves. ~ Proverbs 19:24
If you are too lazy to plow, don't expect a harvest. ~ Proverbs 20:4
As the door turns on its hinges, so does the lazy man [move not from his place] upon his bed. ~ Proverbs 26:13
Don't be so lazy that you say, "If I go to work, a lion will eat me! ~ Proverbs 22:14
The servant who had been given one thousand coins then came in and said, "Sir, I know that you are hard to get along with. You harvest what you don't plant and gather crops where you haven't scattered seed. (25) I was frightened and went out and hid your money in the ground. Here is every single coin!"
(26) The master of the servant told him, "You are lazy and good-for-nothing! You know that I harvest what I don't plant and gather crops where I haven't scattered seed. (27) You could have at least put my money in the bank, so that I could have earned interest on it."
(28) Then the master said, "Now your money will be taken away and given to the servant with ten thousand coins! (29) Everyone who has something will be given more, and they will have more than enough. But everything will be taken from those who don't have anything. (30) You are a worthless servant, and you will be thrown out into the dark where people will cry and grit their teeth in pain." ~ Matthew 25:24-30
Then you would never be lazy. You would be following the example of those who had faith and were patient until God kept his promise to them. ~ Hebrews 6:12
Those too lazy to plow in the right season will have no food at the harvest. ~ Proverbs 20:4
Despite their desires, the lazy will come to ruin, for their hands refuse to work. ~ Proverbs 21:25
Take it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
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Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew 6441 N. Hydraulic Park City Kansas, 67219
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew