Today I am to contemplate my understanding of God and ask myself, who is God? Over the years I have tried to ponder this and the best answer I can come up with is that God is God. I know that on the surface this seems like a simplistic answer but in reality, it is actually a complicated concept. You see, while God is God, He is the creator, the all in all, the Holy one; I simply can’t comprehend the complexity of God.
I have learned to see God in a holy way, one that pays respect to His reality. That said, I still find myself at times taking far too lightly the complexity and holiness of God. One of the things that bother me is where some people seem to take the nature of God lightly. I can’t and don’t see Him as a buddy, a homeboy or any of the terms that take His holiness lightly. I believe that through the Holy Spirit, God communicates, and the nature of Christ can be loving, respectful and even easy going. That all changes though due to the situation and while there will I believe, ultimately is judgment, I don’t think God hates. I believe God understands. We may not see him this way, but it is the way He is.
I would ask God, through His Spirit to help me understand more about him. Then, as I better understand God, I will likely have a better understanding of how He sees me.
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