Introducing Pastor Dave, and Billy Bob Thornton Interview among other things.
Greetings! Things have been hectic as of the last month with The Virtual Pew. From raising eyebrows, to challenging Christians to grow in their faith we continue to move forward. The last month hasn't been without some controversy. It is one of the things that keep this ministry unique and effective. We don’t approach our faith in the same mold as "
"traditional" or "typical" Christianity. While our belief in the fundamentals is strong, our desire to be effective is just as strong. As a result we do things somewhat different than most ministries. We seek to reach those who are burned out with the church, for whatever reason, and reach those who are not followers of Jesus in unique and different ways. The last month is an illustration of the effectiveness we can have.
"traditional" or "typical" Christianity. While our belief in the fundamentals is strong, our desire to be effective is just as strong. As a result we do things somewhat different than most ministries. We seek to reach those who are burned out with the church, for whatever reason, and reach those who are not followers of Jesus in unique and different ways. The last month is an illustration of the effectiveness we can have.

The Virtual Pew has also seen some controversy since the last newsletter. I wrote a piece in the form of figurative speech regarding sin. It was done as a press release and approached the issues of sin from an allegorical perspective. Some thought the press release was legit, but it wasn't. Hopefully not too many were too upset by that approach. I will say, we received many, many responses from people who felt touched by the post. Comments like it being a reminder of how we are all people who do wrong. Thankfully, there were many who were challenged by that message.

We have also continued in what I call pre-evangelistic roles in ministry since the last issue. The most recent venture into this area was an interview with Billy Bob Thornton the actor. That interview is currently posted at The Virtual Pew MySpace account, and will be at the Hollywood Jesus account once some server issues are corrected. If you would like to see the interview you may click at this link, or if the link is not available, you may access it by visiting the message boards at The Virtual Pew.

The Virtual Pew is also exploring the possibility of starting a small Bible Study Group, or Home Church group in the Wichita area. We have several people in the Wichita area who have expressed an interest in this ministry, some from the old United at the Cross, and others who have become aware of The Virtual Pew through various means. I already have several people who have committed to be a part of this ministry if and when it starts. Be in prayer about this. The Virtual Pew desires to provide opportunities to build a community of faith, not just on the web, but also locally. We have made many referrals to churches across the globe; it is nice to know we are finally at the place in the Wichita area that we may be able to move forward.
A lot is happening, a lot is going on. We can't do it without you, and the truth is, we are all a part of the fruit and lives that God is changing. Don't sit back and wait for God to do something, come on board and be a part of what God is already doing for the drug addicts, prostitutes, gang members, wrestling fans, movie buffs and virtually every other sector of life.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are numerous postings, and you will have to go into the archives to see the 100 plus postings over the last months.
Now I also want to remind you that you can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ and on the front page scroll down to the left hand side of the page where you sill see our store. Your purchases through our Amazon store provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something on the page to buy, you can click on the search engine for the store, (do not put anything in the search box at this time) and you will then be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew and/or at the very least shop our store. The items on the store page are highly recommended.

Oh Yea, here is that contact information again.
Now I also want to remind you that you can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ and on the front page scroll down to the left hand side of the page where you sill see our store. Your purchases through our Amazon store provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something on the page to buy, you can click on the search engine for the store, (do not put anything in the search box at this time) and you will then be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew and/or at the very least shop our store. The items on the store page are highly recommended.

Oh Yea, here is that contact information again.
The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217
Or you van give on line via Pay Pal at: http://www.furches.org/donations/index.html
To become a part of The Virtual Pew, visit, http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ To learn more about me visit http://www.furches.org/ I am also active on MySpace at: http://www.myspace.com/mikefurches I have another blog at http://blog.myspace.com/mikefurches To visit the Hollywood Jesus group at MySpace with membership by numerous Hollywood Jesus reviewers visit: http://groups.myspace.com/hollywoodjesus For a more in depth weekly study and conversation you an visit: http://virtualpewsermon.blogspot.com/ where you can access deeper teaching and ultimately videos for viewing and teaching. You can also subscribe to the newsletter at http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ or see the newsletter on line at http://thevirtualpewnews.blogspot.com/ You can also sign up for the free newsletter from The Virtual Pew by visiting the main page for The Virtual Pew, or you can see the newsletters online by visiting this web site: http://thevirtualpewnews.blogspot.com/ You can contact me via email at mike@furches.org or mike@thevirtualpew.com For those interested in knowing more about my own story, contact me for a free e-copy of my book The Keystone Kid in pre-edit form.
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