Friday, April 27, 2007

The Virtual Pew and a Presidental Candidate Joins the New Group

Here goes, hopefully won’t be too long today, but there is good news, there is bad news. Bad news first, I left another “Christian” group yesterday. It kind of hurt to leave that group because in the past it was a very good group with a lot of great discourse. The group WWJD or What Would Jesus do went through the last year and had a new moderator appointed after the person that used to moderate the group left. Long story made short, I saw posted in the bulletin board of that page a list of rules and it was referenced to the rules being posted before and that if people didn’t follow the rules they would be “BANNED” from the group. Well long story made short, I simply suggested that the rules be posted someplace besides the bulletin board because I realize that many times people don’t read those bulletins. Well you would have thought I had just made the biggest insult possible and was berated and called out as the person thought a lot was said that was personal, despite the fact that I thanked the person, went out of the way in the post to thank them and say other good things about them. I decided to leave, but since found out that a few folks came in said good things and because they did they were deleted from the group. I noticed this morning that that particular group is down quite a few members from yesterday. That is sad, be in prayer but bottom line is those types of things, especially when people assume you meant something you didn’t can be tough.

Now the good news; As a result of yesterdays activities, and some of the things I have been actually contemplating for some time, I started a Virtual Pew Group at MySpace. That particular group, in less than 12 hours has over 230 members. It has grown quite fast over a very short period of time. Of course the postings in other groups, and invitation requests from myself and others didn’t hurt. Here is the question, have you joined yet? There are already several topics of discussion that is taking place that range from Pro Wrestling, to What is A Christian. I plan on being active in the moderation of the group and keeping it on task and on focus. Those a part of the Hollywood Jesus Group know how careful I have been about things there. So far, we even have one of the presidential candidates that have become a part of the group. Now I realize this is likely their campaign group, but it is the official candidates page here at MySpace. Now I would love for all of them to become a part of the group, even look in occasion if they desire, even make a comment, but I’m not keeping my fingers crossed too much on that one.

A note on my contacts with the Presidential Candidates and the friends request here at MySpace. I have received friends acceptance from every single candidate at MySpace and they are listed on my friends list in the order I received their response. If they are not on my page, they either don’t have a MySpace page or as in the case of Rudy G. he has a private page, and hasn’t responded as of yet to my friends request. The presidential candidate that has joined The Virtual Pew group is Tommy Thompson, his MySpace page is available if you visit please understand, this is in no way to be seen as an endorsement of Tommy Thompson, just a notice that at least he has joined the group.

Now what can the rest of you do for The Virtual Pew group? Join if you haven’t. If you have be a part of the discussions, talk about whatever, even start your own topics. Of course you need to read the rule, (that’s right we only really have one rule, see if you can figure it out.) Then, another thing you can do to help there be a group that sticks to it’s guns and makes the attempt at really having church here at MySpace, invite your friends. The process for this is really quite easy, invite your friends, and have your friends invite their friends. Just go to the main page and click on Invite Friends in the banner.

Now that will be about it for now thanks for reading, and thanks for being a part of The Virtual Pew.

Click to visit with Pastor Mike regarding any of your needs. He will respond to each request personally, and if need be refer you to one of our other pastors.

Click to visit and join the new group The Virtual Pew, This group has had over 200 new members in less than 8 hours and is still growing, become a part of it, a different kind of Christian group, check out the page for more information, all welcome, including those who are not followers of Jesus.

Click to visit the Virtual Pew Website and become a part of that ministry.

Click to subscribe to my blog

Click to visit and join our sister group at MySpace Hollywood Jesus.

Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives.

You can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.

Here is our contact information

The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217

Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew.(Please note that the links for The Virtual Pew blogs have been going through some changes and the url’s have changed.)

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