The online sensible non-Church Jesus-following Gathering!
Monday, April 9, 2007
Oh Yea! Porn Baby!
Sometimes I have writers block as was the case yesterday but today, the juices are flowing. I read a friends blog this morning, and checked out a video he had posted from YouTube. The video features a ministry I have respected for some time now, simply put, gets it. They get the fact that Christians are to develop relationships with those in the world and love them in then name of Jesus. Unlike so many other Christians, they have decided to get their hands dirty. The truth of it is that getting your hands dirty while doing the work of Jesus shouldn't be something new, in fact, it should be expected.
For far too long many Christians have assumed that being a Christian means you go to church, hear a few songs, maybe, if you’re a really good Christian go to Sunday School, listen to the teacher or preacher, then go about doing your regular thing, whatever that is for the remainder of the week. How unfortunate and how sad that is the perception of many, if not most Christians. Somewhere along the way, the message of loving Him and loving them got lost. Somewhere along the way, the concept of showing love to others unconditionally was lost. While there is the, "You are going to Hell" crowd,that loves to justify their own holiness, I have to wonder if their actions aren't more like the Pharisees than they are the acts and methods of Jesus. While watching the video this morning, I was moved and compelled by the pastors of Craig Gross and Mike Foster as they described the need for Ron Jeremy, who they have a friendship and professional relationship with to know Jesus. These two are seen as ones who won't deny the existence of Hell but they also demonstrate the fact that Ron Jeremy can be forgiven for all of the wrongs he has done, and ultimately find salvation through Jesus Christ. The amazing thing about the interview is that while some may take offense to the methods and efforts of Jeremy seems to be supportive of it, even saying the Porn industry needs them.
There is a lot that one could get into but there are three basic Biblical principles that I will touch on today. Jesus says in Matthew 16, verse 18 to Peter, "……upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it." There is a concept here that I would touch on, that is, the church is on the attack. It is not sitting back waiting for the evils of the world to attack it, it is instead, attacking the gates of Hell. Hell as exemplified in the city gates of Jerusalem was also referred to as Hades. Hades, interestingly enough wasn’t just a spiritual place. Outside the city gates of Jerusalem it was a real place, a place where the extreme poor, the prostitutes, the lepers and all others were at work. It was in fact, a dirty disgusting place, yet many theologians and archeologists like Ray Vanderlaun believes that these are the very places we saw Jesus and the early church, on the offensive, going to disgusting dirty places, taking the message of love. Christians met together on a regular basis, sharing in each others lives, but they also went out into the deepest, darkest places of their community, sharing the love of Jesus with the very people many found disgusting. What ever happened to the churches efforts to do those things? I wonder about this when realizing that's greatest critics are those within the church.
Another Biblical concept is that Christ made clear; the greatest of all commandments was given in Luke 10:27, "YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND; AND YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF" Jesus goes on in verse 28 and says, that of all of the commandments none are more important or greater than these two, for when we keep these two, we have kept all of the commandments. Now think about that, part of loving God is loving others, we are to love Him, we are to love them! Isn't it sad that so many churches, so many Christians find ways to not love others? We talk about all of their sin, all of their wrongs, all of their dirt, all of their filth, but we can't find the time or ability to love others. Thank God that some like get it. They get it and are taking the love to Jesus to places where many Christians don't accept or tolerate. I have to wonder, how big you think that smile is on the face of Jesus regarding the obedience these people display. I can't imagine, the smile for the joy of obedience, but at the same time the sadness knowing that these are people he loves, yet few go out of their way to show that love. Jesus obviously went out of the way to show prostitutes and those involved in sexual wrongs that he loved them, yet we find excuses not to.
There is a third Biblical concept I will conclude with. There is a passage I love that is one of what I call the hard sayings of Jesus. Luke 9:23 is one of the hardest sayings in the entire Bible, but Jesus gives some very clear instruction here. He says; "If any of you want to be my followers, you must forget about yourself. You must take up your cross each day and follow me." All too often we hear about how hard it is to be a Christian like Jesus wants us to be. It is easy for many Christians to stay in their little cubby holes, having nothing to do with anyone but their friends, and not take the work that Christ has called us to seriously. That is a shame, and I believe a sin. Jesus never promised that it would be easy; he even compares the work here to taking up the cross. I will challenge, Jesus knew full well what it meant to take up the cross. He knew his own future in this regard but it didn't change the work he did. Neither should it change the work we are expected to do. We are commanded to reach our friends, neighbors, family and acquaintances with the message of Jesus love. It is the one and only thing that we can't do once we get into Heaven. In fact, Jesus stated himself that he came to this earth to seek and save the lost, which are those that have not experienced his love. We are told Jesus is the only way to experience that love, he went so far as to say that no one would know the Father in Heaven unless they first knew the son, or himself. Jesus knew these things, the Bible is very clear; we are to love the lost, the last, and the least. Jesus even tells us in Matthew that when we love the least of them, it is as if we have loved him.
I personally get excited when I watch someone like fulfilling the message and work of Jesus. Taking the love of Jesus to people caught up in unbelievable wrongs, while at the same time, realizing they must go through a great level of sacrifice and criticism when doing it. They are attacking an area and life where many people get hurt, and often ruined, with the message of love and change that Jesus provides. Who in our communities are we reaching? I’m not talking about those in the porn industry; maybe God hasn't given you that burden. But to the Christians, have you prayed asking God to give you a burden for someone who doesn't know him. Have you been willing to develop not relationships of judgment, but relationships of love for those people God has given you? The truth of it is, I know many hasn't done that, many don't care about sharing the love of God with others. Then there are those who want to share the love of God, but for whatever reason you don't know how or are afraid to do it. To those, who don't know how or are afraid, learn, I'll be glad to teach you. I'll share with you a way to share the love of Christ that won't be difficult; in fact it will be natural. For those that know me, you know that while I may on occasion be slow due to the large number of responses that are required, I do follow through with responding to each pm, each email, each phone call. There is nothing better you can do than love God with all of your heart, while at the same time, realizing that one of the best ways to love God is to love others. I would be glad to help you with that if need be. Find your niche; find the people just on the other side of the gates of hell to go after. They need you, and God expects it, now let's get ready to attack.
Here are some great videos featuring the work of Watch them; listen to the innovative ways they are reaching this community with the message of Jesus. From debates at institutions of higher learning to pancakes and porn breakfast meetings they have found their niche.
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