Friday, July 23, 2021

You're The One That I Want

In life at times, I am reminded that I need someone to either get me back on track or to get on track. I will admit, I lose my focus at times, I get distracted, in Christianize, (a seemingly foreign language spoken by Christians) I need “Spiritual Redirection.”  There have been few in life that have done that for me. I think one reason is it is difficult to trust others due to my experiences, but there have been those few. The two that have done that the most was of course Mary Jane my late wife. God put her in my life at the perfect time I needed her, but I lost her. Three years ago today I was given the notice by the doctor that the future was not good as her pancreatic cancer was terminal without a miracle. Mary Jane, a woman and partner to me was used by God to keep me focused, and in the place where God would have me.


There is another though, another that has come into my life that without her I honestly don’t know what I would do. You see I was ready to give up, not per say to the point of suicide, but certainly to the point of not caring about taking care of myself to the point of just letting myself go and die sooner of natural causes. Sheila Mitchell, my fiancĂ©, is another woman that God has used to inspire me, to make me want to live, to serve Jesus more, but in the process of serving Jesus more, to serve and love others more. There is more than that though, there are the ways she does it.


On social media, Facebook in particular, Sheila and I are quite opposites. I think that is something she will get used to as Facebook has been an outlet for ministry for me and her but in different ways. I truly desire to where possible be a light in dark places, to show love in difficult times, to be real in a world where people just don’t seem to be real anymore. It reminds me of the Rez Band song, Whose Real Anymore?  As to me, I can use a lot of words, after all, I am a writer.


Sheila mainly posts memes to be a light to the world whereas I post stuff like this and other things to get people to think. My objective is to post points to ponder or if you will seeds that can cause thought and growth.  Now don’t get me wrong, there is an intent in what I do although I don’t always respond to comments, as I believe in and of itself can be educational. But Sheila, she in a way, does the same thing, but in a much different way.  In her way, just as today, by the posting of memes that she has shared has caused me to ponder and contemplate the reality of God, the purpose of relationship I and others are to have with God. I know, if Sheila can help keep me in tune with the Holy Spirit, it must have the same effect and impact on others. Yes, Sheila is indeed, a woman of God, but, also, being used by God not just in my life, but in a loving, kind, caring way, the life of others. It is the purpose God has called us all to.


I find it amazing, that God would give me two incredible women to keep me on focus in my relationship with Christ. Frankly, I am such a screw up that I don’t deserve the goodness and people God has sent my way, but I sure am grateful He has.


Do you have those in your life that keeps you spiritually in tune with the world around you, with God, or with a higher spiritual purpose in life?  I’m not talking about things, beliefs, or “righteous behavior,” I’m speaking specifically about things that help you identify with the world around you, your God, (of course I believe there is only one true God) to cause you to ponder the reality around you and to help you be a better person. Someone you can look up to and admire?  Do you have that person be it a spouse, friend, lover whoever? 


Let me say, from personal experience, I know how hard it is to trust, I also know how hard it is to go through the decisions and process of life alone. I don’t believe God is a respecter of persons. I don’t think He would give me two wonderful helpers, (that by the way I asked for) for any reason other than I asked and God wants the best for me. I know that people say sometimes they have the best, most perfect lover, helper ever in life. I believe that God can send us the desires of our heart and the person that is best for us. In a season of life, Mary Jane was the best for me, but in this season of life, in my mind, there is no doubt that Sheila is the best for me because of what she is doing for me. She is reminding me of my first love, not her, not Mary Jane, but Jesus. While I go through struggles, tough times, not knowing how I am going to make it financially or even from a health perspective sometimes, for this season of my life, I know that God is using Sheila as one to keep me focus on the most important thing in my life. For that I love her more, but I also realize, her love, causes me to love God more. 


My prayer for you, may you find that love that completes you.  I ask continued prayers for Sheila and me as we transition from our singleness to the point of becoming one in marriage. God is moving us in that way, and we are on the path, may we get to the start of our journey as one sooner than later and walk that path until completion of this life together. May God also provide you that spiritual helper, be it friend, a rekindled relationship with your lover, or whomever. In all things, remember, God does want the best for you and has a plan for you. 

If willing to help, it is greatly appreciated. I ask you, do not write checks or make contributions to me. All contributions should be made either to The Virtual Pew or Mosaic. The Virtual Pew is a Religious Organization and Mosaic is a 501-C3 nonprofit. 

If willing to help this ministry continue you can donate online at the following.

Pay Pal to The Virtual Pew at

Pay Pal to Mosaic at

If making contributions via pay pal, please designate as a gift to family or friends as to prevent us from having to pay additional fees to pay pal. 

You can donate at cash app at $MichaelFurches

Donations can be made at FaceBook via messenger to my facebook account Mike Furches

Or you can send a check to The Virtual Pew or Mosaic at the following address.
1249 North Saint Francis
Wichita Kansas, 67214

If desiring more information about this ministry or the testimonials from others, please don’t hesitate to ask. I really am dependent on others to support this missional ministry to keep it going. I have nothing left to give as I’ve depleted, and I’m not complaining, my savings and retirement accounts, now, it really is dependent on you to allow yourself to be used by God to help us out.

I am more than willing to share at your church, business and so forth. I have shared across America as to the work God has done and done for me. I love those opportunities.

Blessings and thank you,

Mike Furches

Just as a side bar, in last 3 days, I among numerous other areas I have assisted another church in ministry to those on the fringes as to best methods and how to do it. A person seeking help for a person threatening suicide, and council to another individual regarding theological issues regarding the church they are going to. I’ve also had the ministry I do reaffirmed by others, but reaffirmations while great and very much appreciated, doesn’t pay the bills. Again, the ministry work continues thanks to the help of others and the sacrifices I have made and my late wife before me. 

To Donate via Pay Pal, donate at paypal at

To Donate via Cash App, donate at $MichaelFurches

You can also always donate to The Virtual Pew at 1249 North Saint Francis, Wichita Kansas 67214

Click here to follow The Virtual Pew on Twitter

Mike Furches on Faceboook.

Click to subscribe to my blog

You can also check out Mike's Musical ventures by searching for Mike Furches and Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band. Mary Jane's album is available online and by contacting Mike and the Pastor Mike and Demon Slayer Blues Band album is available on over 150 download formats.

There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives on The Virtual Pew and Mike Furches Reviews. You can also contact me for a free audio book link of The Keystone Kid at You can visit

Hopefully, you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.

You can donate via paypal at or cash app at $MichaelFurches

Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word. Here is our contact information

The Virtual Pew
1249 N. St. Francis
Wichita Kansas, 67214

To follow Mike's Band, Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band, click the following link:


The Pastor Mike and Demon Slayer Blues Band 

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