Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Church Experience is not a Hobby Lobby


First, let me make it clear, I fully understand that in the world of Christianity, people have been talking about the 2nd coming of Jesus since shortly after his death and resurrection some 2,000 years ago. I vividly recall my grandfather, “Paps,” talking about the 2nd coming of Jesus. There were things he would mention, and I would think as a young man; “yeah, no way.”  To be brutally honest, my opinion of those things over the years have changed drastically as I have seen things happening that give indication that the things my grandfather, and others before and since him spoke about have come to be true. I could go into a great deal of detail but that would take up volumes. Two things specifically come to mind though, two out of many, one is the ability to communicate via live forms worldwide, (Facebook live is an example that while it be normal to many, for others, it is something we never thought we would see.)  Another is the change and acceptance of certain behaviors that seem to mirror Biblical prophesy’s that talk about as in the days of Noah, Sodom, (and no I’m not talking about homosexuality but the refusal to care for the poor and needy among others,) the lack of faith in God and the aspect of people turning their backs on and even mocking God.  As one who didn’t grow up in the faith of Christianity, yet became a Christian some 40 years ago, I have seen these things transpire and come about in ways I never thought possible. Then the world events and things happening around the world certainly contribute to the belief that Jesus may in fact, be getting ready to return.

 Now there are many theories and beliefs about the return of Jesus, I won’t go into those other than to say, that whatever belief you hold to, I would strongly encourage that if you believe in Jesus’ return, hold on to your faith and consider that your belief as to how and when may be wrong. In that belief, the most important thing is to be ready for His return and to be about the business of sharing Jesus with those around you.  If you don’t believe in Jesus, or the return of Jesus, this posting is not for you.  It is unusual in that way, but I will say from this point, I believe in the return of Jesus, and I believe the acceptance of Jesus is critical to the eternal destiny one has. There are consequences for believing in Jesus and accepting Him as well as I believe consequences for not accepting Him. 

 There are many in today’s world that speak of the return of Christ to take His children home and to judge the earth.  Again, there are various beliefs on this subject, but today I made a statement, that is, “…. If we really believe that (in the soon return of Jesus) we better be about the business of proclaiming Jesus and Jesus alone. Otherwise, you have a hobby, not a faith.”  My friend Kevin from Tennessee responded, “then would some churches be considered...wait for it... Hobby Lobbys ??”  That my friends, is a great question for the Church and those who are a part of the Church. 

 The Church and individual churches are not called to be “Hobby Lobby’s, they are called into action to worship God, learn about the ways of God for the “equipping of the saints to the carrying out of the Gospel message.”  That is, to preach and show the world that Jesus loves them enough to die for them and to offer a way to escape the tragedies of the world and provide an eternal, hope for more. 

 Now I could get into a lot of what I call “Christianeze” here but that is not my intent. My intent is twofold.  1st, People need to understand, God loves you and wants to have an eternal relationship with you. God wants us happy, but beyond happy, joyful. He does not want us to feel lonely, rejected, and suffering. I’ll be brutally honest, even accepting Him does not mean you won’t at times feel those things, I do, but there is an eternal hope that those things don’t have to stay the way they are. With God, through the blood of Jesus, and given the power of the Holy Spirit, I can overcome and be more. Heaven doesn’t have to wait until death, I can start to experience the joy of Jesus now. While there will be failures, there is again HOPE!  But there is more.

We must understand the calling of The Church. Unfortunately, as discussed in a breakfast meeting this morning, the church often likes to blame others for their own faults. Many who follow The Virtual Pew know this because you have felt the pain of rejection and judgement in the past.  That doesn’t change however the responsibility of the Church to be sharing the message of salvation as provided only through Jesus.  The bible clearly states, “There is no other name under Heaven that people can be saved other than the name of Jesus,” and “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me,” (Jesus speaking of himself.) The way of salvation, escape and ultimate relationship with God for all eternity is specifically, and only through Jesus.

Now just because the organized church has failed at this message doesn’t mean that the message and intent is wrong. Neither does it imply though that we can’t change our directives and be about the work that God has called us to. I like to say that God is a God of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and more chances.  There comes a time though, that we quit making excuses and focus on the things God has called us to.

Here is the question, whether you are involved actively in a brick-and-mortar church or not; are you about doing the work of God and sharing the message of Jesus?  We must be careful I believe to not do that in a compromised, unacceptable way.  Anything that takes away from the message and importance of Jesus is in my opinion, DANGEROUS!  Especially when you have groups that present Jesus as one of the ways, but not the only way.  We must take seriously this message, especially if we are in fact living in the last days. On this point, let me make clear, while we may, or may not be living in the “last days,” (I believe we are,) for some, whose life will end today as none of us are guaranteed of tomorrow, they are in fact, living in the last days.  The consistency of the message we live and share about Jesus is of catamount importance. 

 I believe the Church is a group of believers with a common purpose; to be about the same work of Christ, “To seek and save the lost.”  That said, each of us as individual members of the Church have a responsibility to live and share Jesus and the message of salvation. It might be through posting memes on Facebook, it might be a more direct message like I do through The Virtual Pew, but we must remember, “No one can have faith without hearing the message about Christ.” – Romans 10:17, Ultimately, we must speak the truth and share the message about Christ, not some other teacher, not some other belief, not some other system, but specifically Jesus. In that, may we all be more about practicing our faith and be legitimate and intentional as opposed to using the church as a form of a Hobby Lobby.

For an illustration on how to come to know God, as well as to how to share the message of God, check the following video. If making a decision after the following video, let me know, one of the things we would like to do at The Virtual Pew is assist you in your growth as a follower of Jesus, and to help you in the ways you can share and live out your faith. 

 What are the four spiritual laws? - YouTube

If willing to help, it is greatly appreciated. I ask you, do not write checks or make contributions to me. All contributions should be made either to The Virtual Pew or Mosaic. The Virtual Pew is a Religious Organization and Mosaic is a 501-C3 nonprofit. 

If willing to help this ministry continue you can donate online at the following.

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Or you can send a check to The Virtual Pew or Mosaic at the following address.
1249 North Saint Francis
Wichita Kansas, 67214

If desiring more information about this ministry or the testimonials from others, please don’t hesitate to ask. I really am dependent on others to support this missional ministry to keep it going. I have nothing left to give as I’ve depleted, and I’m not complaining, my savings and retirement accounts, now, it really is dependent on you to allow yourself to be used by God to help us out.

I am more than willing to share at your church, business and so forth. I have shared across America as to the work God has done and done for me. I love those opportunities.

Blessings and thank you,

Mike Furches

To Donate via Cash App, donate at $MichaelFurches

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You can also check out Mike's Musical ventures by searching for Mike Furches and Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band. Mary Jane's album is available online and by contacting Mike and the Pastor Mike and Demon Slayer Blues Band album is available on over 150 download formats.

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Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word. Here is our contact information

The Virtual Pew
1249 N. St. Francis
Wichita Kansas, 67214

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