Sunday, August 15, 2021

Hearing God In The Whispers

Sometimes life is difficult, so difficult in fact that we are almost ready to give up. The walls around us close in and the stress can be so difficult that we are ready to give up.  Those emotions and feelings have recently been smothering me, even as good things in life happen, there are no guarantees of happiness or joy. The sad truth is, we all at times face difficulty.

I unfortunately have a disorder called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, that makes things even more complicated in the above area. They are compounded with feelings of worthlessness, and the experiences in life can be a reminder that nothing good is going to happen and that life is set up for failure. There is the desire to be accepted, to be loved, to feel a since of a word I hate, “normalcy.”  While there is a need to be loved, and reminders needed of feeling like one has accomplished something in life for everyone, due to typically abuse or some form of life-threatening event, this is especially true for the victims of PTSD. With a very tough week that I recently had, my PTSD was kicking in more than usual. The specifics as to the triggers are not so important, the way that God came through to help in the little things are.

I am reminded at this point of a passage from 1 Kings 19: 9-13   9 and he spent the night there in a cave.

While Elijah was on Mount Sinai, the Lord asked, “Elijah, why are you here?”


10 He answered, “Lord God All-Powerful, I’ve always done my best to obey you. But your people have broken their solemn promise to you. They have torn down your altars and killed all your prophets, except me. And now they are even trying to kill me!”


11 “Go out and stand on the mountain,” the Lord replied. “I want you to see me when I pass by.”


All at once, a strong wind shook the mountain and shattered the rocks. But the Lord was not in the wind. Next, there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 Then there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire.


Finally, there was a gentle whisper, 13 and when Elijah heard it, he covered his face with his coat. He went out and stood at the entrance to the cave.


The Lord asked, “Elijah, why are you here?”


In the above passage I have come to realize, although I don’t practice it perfectly, that sometimes in searching for God, in finding peace, maybe just maybe we need to take a step back and listen to the gentle whisper of God. Maybe just maybe making sure that we enjoy, appreciate, and observe the little things are the ways that God can bring us back to a place of peace. For me this week, that was the case. 

It started out in a number of ways, first was spending some quality time with my fiancé after a little bit of a misunderstanding. Taking the time to communicate, be open and honest with one another despite the relationship is a place to start.  Then sometimes there are the gentle reminders that you’ve made a difference and in reality, have friends who mean something to you, where you’ve made a difference. This week God had two friends who I hadn’t seen in a very long time just happen to run into me, one who was passing through Wichita and another who I happened to run into from Dallas Texas who was at a little Amish restaurant in a little Amish town of Yoder Kansas. What are the odds. My fiancé has reminded me of how the smile on my face was so beautiful and how good it was to see me so happy.  God will find a way if we listen to the whispers.


Saturday Night/Sunday morning was another time. My fiancé and I happened to take a walk late in the evening on a golf course, and then later that night, late night we decide to go lay down on the golf course on a blanket, in the middle of the country, and watch a meteor shower.  Laying down, gazing at the heavens we realize the mighty power of God and the beauty of His creation. I was reminded of the song. “The universe declares Your majesty, you are holy, you are holy…”  As we sang together a few tears pop up because it was in Gods’ gentle whisper in the night, gazing at God’s creation that I am reminded, God speaks in a gentle whisper.

Truth is, life sometimes is just awful, especially for someone like me who has PTSD, but in those times where it seems to be awful, and we feel so lost, if we step back, spend time with those we love, or even alone, and listen to the gentle whisper of God, maybe, just maybe, we will feel more complete and recognize the purpose God has for us.  Something to think about. Now sit back and listen for that gentle whisper.

To listen to the song mentioned in the posting, click on the following link.

God of Wonders - Chris Tomlin (with lyrics) - YouTube

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1249 North Saint Francis
Wichita Kansas, 67214

If desiring more information about this ministry or the testimonials from others, please don’t hesitate to ask. I really am dependent on others to support this missional ministry to keep it going. I have nothing left to give as I’ve depleted, and I’m not complaining, my savings and retirement accounts, now, it really is dependent on you to allow yourself to be used by God to help us out.

I am more than willing to share at your church, business and so forth. I have shared across America as to the work God has done and done for me. I love those opportunities.

Blessings and thank you,

Mike Furches

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You can also check out Mike's Musical ventures by searching for Mike Furches and Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band. Mary Jane's album is available online and by contacting Mike and the Pastor Mike and Demon Slayer Blues Band album is available on over 150 download formats.

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1249 N. St. Francis
Wichita Kansas, 67214

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