Monday, August 23, 2021

Pretend I'm from Missouri, Just Show Me

I would like to let you know; I really care!  If there is anything I can do for you; please let me know! I’ll be there for you; you can always count on me!  I’ll be your friend to the moon and back! I promise; we’ll get together soon! I love you!

Have you heard comments like the ones above before?  Are you like me, doubting and knowing that half the time they are empty words?  I’ve come up with this saying in life, it is one that I wasn’t familiar with until moving to the Midwest a number of years ago and spending time in Missouri, my response more times than not, even if only thought and not spoken are, “Pretend I’m from Missouri; SHOW ME! 

Unfortunately, we live in a world where more times than not words are just empty and the person speaking them either doesn’t take them seriously or the person hearing them is just reminded that it is okay to be lied to and the other person just doesn’t take them seriously or seriously doesn’t care about them. For someone that is a Christian, to speak words without understanding the intent of those words or intention of honoring those words can be devastating to their witness.  It is one of the reasons, that in all honesty for me, is why I continue to have such a difficult time trusting others.

I am reminded of a concept as taught in the Bible:

When you make a promise, say only “Yes” or “No.” Anything else comes from the devil. ~ Matthew 5:37 (CEV)

Think about that concept by the way the words were spoken by Jesus! Does it ever seem like we hear a lot of excuses as to why a person can’t or doesn’t keep their word? Why their yes isn’t yes or their no really no?  This verse gives explanation as to the reasoning here, it plainly says, anything else other than keeping promises anything other than our word is of the devil. No excuses, only the need to improve and make sure that we are acting accordingly with the concept of calling ourselves a follower of Jesus.

Does this mean we won’t make mistakes or that things don’t come up?  Of course not, but it is clear, those are the exceptions as opposed to the rule and that above all, we think about what we say before we say it and we keep our word. If we make a promise, plan on keeping that promise. At that point, all those things in the first paragraph begin to change.  Our experiences, our expectations, and our word will be different.

I’m not from Missouri, I’m originally and always will be from Tennessee. I would rather not have to experience the SHOW ME state moto and concept, but unfortunately, I expect to. Can it change?  Yes, but it requires people to change. Will you think about your commitment, your yes, your no before speaking them in the future? 

I've always felt the following song applied to this in so many ways. Give Broken Promises by Rez Band a listen in this lyric video:

 Broken promises Resurrection Band with lyrics - YouTube

For going on some thirty years now I have done the work of The Virtual Pew, in part planting seeds but another huge part is getting to know people and being called by many Pastor Mike by my involvement in social media. From engaging in life, I have seen the impact of my work on people on the fringes all over the world. I have run homeless programs, housed homeless people worked with drug addicts, prostitutes and much more. All while giving back my salary, and for the last 8+ years not taking a salary. You can help tremendously by supporting the work, not just from the movie reviews but the work that goes along side that in the development of relationships of helping save lives and give purpose to the lives of others. I appreciate your consideration in this calling that I have seen and know God uses. 

If willing to help, it is greatly appreciated. I ask you, do not write checks or make contributions to me. All contributions should be made either to The Virtual Pew or Mosaic. The Virtual Pew is a Religious Organization and Mosaic is a 501-C3 nonprofit. 

If willing to help this ministry continue you can donate online at the following.

You can support us monthly at Mike Furches / The Virtual Pew / Mosaic is creating A Community of Faith To Those on the Fringes | Patreon

Pay Pal to The Virtual Pew at

Pay Pal to Mosaic at

If making contributions via pay pal, please designate as a gift to family or friends as to prevent us from having to pay additional fees to pay pal. 

You can donate at cash app at $MichaelFurches

Donations can be made at FaceBook via messenger to my facebook account Mike Furches

Or you can send a check to The Virtual Pew or Mosaic at the following address.
1249 North Saint Francis
Wichita Kansas, 67214

If desiring more information about this ministry or the testimonials from others, please don’t hesitate to ask. I really am dependent on others to support this missional ministry to keep it going. I have nothing left to give as I’ve depleted, and I’m not complaining, my savings and retirement accounts, now, it really is dependent on you to allow yourself to be used by God to help us out.

I am more than willing to share at your church, business and so forth. I have shared across America as to the work God has done and done for me. I love those opportunities.

Blessings and thank you,

Mike Furches

To Donate via Cash App, donate at $MichaelFurches

Click here to follow The Virtual Pew on Twitter

Mike Furches on Faceboook.

Click to subscribe to my blog

You can also check out Mike's Musical ventures by searching for Mike Furches and Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band. Mary Jane's album is available online and by contacting Mike and the Pastor Mike and Demon Slayer Blues Band album is available on over 150 download formats.

There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives on The Virtual Pew and Mike Furches Reviews. You can also contact me for a free audio book link of The Keystone Kid at You can visit

Hopefully, you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.

You can donate via paypal at or cash app at $MichaelFurches

Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word. Here is our contact information

The Virtual Pew
1249 N. St. Francis
Wichita Kansas, 67214

To follow Mike's Band, Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band, click the following link:


The Pastor Mike and Demon Slayer Blues Band 

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