Who schedules a day like National Sleep in Late Day on a Monday?
Most people who work would never be able to observe this day.
Is it worth a national protest of not being able to observe this day?
For those that did observe it, did you use sick leave, vacation leave, or what?
How in the He double hockey sticks does someone go about getting a National Day for anything recognized, especially something like this?
Now those are but a few thoughts, feel free to add more thoughts in the comments.
Now there is other news for today, the new National Internet Radio Program HJ Live starts today. An extension of Hollywood Jesus this program is starting off with a bang, well hopefully it is. I have scheduled for interview today Victoria Jackson. Many of you will know Victoria from her 6 years on Saturday Night Live, or possibly other movies and programs she has appeared in. The program starts at 4:30 EST, 3:30 CST, 2:30 MST, and 1:30 PST. For those unable to listen live, you can make sure to listen to the archives. Depending on Victoria’s schedule we may have to change times, but we are keeping our fingers crossed. The call in number for HJ Live is (646) 716-8853
HJ Live kicks off today and we are already starting to schedule future programs including this Friday, November 2, David Bruce Creator and originator of Hollywood Jesus. Then next Friday, November 9 will be Hollywood Jesus Managing Editor Greg Wright. In this particular program we will have a feature titled: Hollywood Jesus Cinema Under the Radar. Here we will discuss smaller movies, normally documentaries and the hope is that this will be a monthly feature.
Click on the video below to see a video clip of Victoria Jackson, if the video don't appear, just click on the following link:
The Virtual Pew Live also has two programs scheduled this week. The Virtual Pew Live normally airs on Wednesdays at 5 PM EST, 4 PM CST, 3 PM MST and 2 PM PST. This week on Wednesday, Halloween we will have a show titled, Ghosts, Ghouls & Demons Looking at the Paranormal. We will hopefully have numerous individuals call into the program this week and share their stories. Then on Friday we have rescheduled our program interview with Sigmund Brouwer author of the new controversial best seller, Fuse of Armageddon. We will take a look at a differing view of the book of Revelation, Israel and Middle Eastern Terrorism. This show will air on Friday at a special time of 11 AM EST, 10 AM CST, 9 AM MST and 8 AM PST. The call in number for The Virtual Pew Live is (646) 716-9587.
Click Here to Go to The Virtual Pew Daily Verse and Read The Bible in a Year Passages
Click here for booking information to have Pastor Mike come speak or perform, from speaking to music or magic, something for all groups.
Click to visit with Pastor Mike regarding any of your needs. He will respond to each request personally, and if need be refer you to one of our other pastors.
Click to visit and join the new group The Virtual Pew, at MySpace. Become a part of a different kind of Christian group, check out the page for more information,all welcome, including those who are not followers of Jesus.
Click to visit the Virtual Pew Website and become a part of that ministry.
Click to subscribe to my blog
Click to visit and join our sister group at MySpace Hollywood Jesus.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.com
You can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Donations to The Virtual Pew
The Virtual Pew
The Virtual Pew Blog
Personal Furches Web Site
Mike Furches MySpace Page
Mike Furches MySpace Blog
Hollywood Jesus
Reviews With Mike
The Virtual Pew Sermons
The Virtual Pew News
MySpace Hollywood Jesus Group
MySpace The Virtual Pew Group
The Virtual Pew Live Radio Web Page
To Subscribe to The Virtual Pew Live Feed
Phone Number to Call During The Virtual Pew Live Show, (Please never call prior to the start of the show) - (646) 716-8587
Phone Number to Call During The HJ Live Show, (Please never call prior to the start of the show) - (646) 716-8853
Button Code for The Virtual Pew Live

Banners for HJ Live to go directly to the show is as follows:

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