One of the most often heard reasons for not getting help in this area for the victims, is they can’t afford it. What if I told you that a new program was starting October 1, 2009 in Wichita to provide help in recovery for whatever a person could afford to donate? If they can’t donate anything, there is still help available. What if I told you this was a huge step of faith of two ministries, The Virtual Pew and Mosaic Church?
The Virtual Pew is a ministry I started online several years ago, as a part of our ministry we have been reaching out to people often ignored or neglected who access the internet. As a part of my own story of abuse has been the desire, and blessing of touching people across the globe. In my own ministry I realized some time ago the need to have an actual center to provide one on one, direct help and recovery. I came to this realization upon my visiting my mother in Johnson City Tennessee prior to her death, and shortly after her death. It was while there that I believe God gave me direction on this ministry. I hope to someday see centers based on this approach across the country, including my home town of Johnson City Tennessee.

While back home I shared this vision with the leadership at Mosaic Church, where I serve as the pastor. During this meeting we accepted the challenge of starting a program of this nature up in the Mosaic Church facility. This really is an outreach and ministry of service to all people, despite, faith, financial status, or orientation. It is provided in an environment to encourage recovery and growth. For many, this is simply allowing the possibility to just talk about their experiences, for others it will require more, such as personal confrontation with support and more. For those that seek to involve faith in their recovery process, then that support is also available, but it is not required for individuals who receive help in the strictest of confidential settings.
Mosaic ARC (Abuse Recovery Center) has had a nationally recognized artist express a willingness to donate services to help with art work for branding and logo purposes. We are currently decorating the facility at Mosaic. We are in need of various items regarding the decoration of space, as well as ongoing support in the costs of operating this program. Currently myself, and Debby Elwood, a Masters Level Certified Counselor is providing the recovery services. Neither of us is receiving any additional salary, and Debby is volunteering services at this point, with the hope of drawing in some salary. Currently 30% of all proceeds coming in from services will go to support Mosaic, and the remainder, including any income that comes in from the work I do, will go to support Debby. My salary is quite low at Mosaic and the hope is that eventually, through growth and services offered that there could be some increase, but I only mention this to indicate, our desire is to really help, and the truth is, on a contribution as you can service like this, it will become very difficult without your support.
· Make referrals to the program. If you or someone you know has experienced and had difficulties as a result of physical and sexual abuse, contact us at Mosaic, 316-305-0491 or 902 George Washington Blvd / Wichita KS 67211
· Donate financially and designate for the program. Contributions are tax deductible and should be made to Mosaic Wichita. Contributions can be mailed to the above address, or if wanting to give through The Virtual Pew, those gifts can be made online, although there is a charge to our services for those gifts.
· Donate by spreading the word. We have sent out numerous press releases, and one would think that with a service of this nature, especially with the national news, we would have had various interviews on the subject. Sadly, so far those requests have been few.
· Schedule me to speak at your church, business or event. I have shared The Story of Anthony across the United States from major corporations to small churches and small businesses. I am blessed to know this story has touched many persons. There is no charge for this, although contributions to the ministry are appreciated. If travel is involved outside of the Wichita Metro area, then request for transportation and lodging is requested. This story is not only informative, it is motivational for all persons, including those who have gone up in happy and healthy families. · Donate services. We need help from time to time for various things. Presently we need help with transportation of items that have been donated to the program. Even the use of a small pick-up truck would be appropriate.
· Donate items. A list of needed items at this point are needed to furnish the office, remember a small church, a ministry with little resources are taking on a huge task. Your contributions and help in this area help make this a community ministry, not just a ministry of Mosaic.
· There are other ways to help, if you are touched by the potential of this ministry, contact us and we will assure you, we will find a way to use you in Mosaic ARC.
· The donation of $300 a month would also allow us to rent the space next to Mosaic and use that space specifically for Mosaic services and specified space for Mosaic ARC. Currently we are using a former classroom in Mosaic which we are decorating and finishing up.
As mentioned earlier, there are items we are presently in need of. I am indicating those items, and please note, contributions to purchase the items can also be made and a designated dollar amount will be listed if wishing to donate the money as opposed to the item.
For the reception area:
· Television Stand - $100 (unless a flat screen which will be mounted on the wall, then $50)
· Television (we have priced several flat screens which would be optimal, with a built in DVD player for between $300 for a 27” and $400 for a 32” at Wal-Mart. This is to go in the reception area and be for parents awaiting children in tutoring, or friends or family with individuals receiving counseling for the Mosaic Abuse Recovery Center.
· Magazine Stand - $25
· Several appropriate magazine subscriptions – Price varies, subscriptions can be sent to Mosaic Address
· Book Case - $50
· Appropriate books – Generally $10 - $25 per book
· Wichita related art work – Price varies per work of art.
For the Mosaic ARC Office
· Locking file cabinet - $50
· Computer desk - $100
· Computer with appropriate memory and appropriate larger screen to be used in other events where video can be used in counseling or teaching sessions, (computer needs a DVD/CD player) - $900
· Appropriate computer speakers - $75
· Computer 3 in 1 printer - $50
· 2 comfortable nice matching chairs $200
· 1 nice office chair - $90
· 1 matching love seat - $150
· Larger book shelves - $75
· Appropriate books & Videos related to abuse, recovery, so forth - $10 - $25
· Appropriate lighthouse art work, or art work emphasizing recovery. – Price varies
· 1 nice floor lamp - $25 - $100
· Journaling note books to be given to individual receiving recovery services - $20
To see the story of Anthony, just click on the video, if the video don't appear, just click on the link.
Click here to follow The Virtual Pew on Twitter
Click here to visit Mosaic Wichita, the Church in Wichita Kansas where Mike is the pastor.
Click Here to Go to The Virtual Pew Daily Verse and Read The Bible in a Year Passages
Click here for booking information to have Pastor Mike come speak or perform, from speaking to music or magic, something for all groups.
Click to visit with Pastor Mike regarding any of your needs. He will respond to each request personally, and if need be refer you to one of our other pastors.
Click to visit and join the new group The Virtual Pew, at MySpace. Become a part of a different kind of Christian group, check out the page for more information,all welcome, including those who are not followers of Jesus.
Click to visit the Virtual Pew Website and become a part of that ministry.
Click to subscribe to my blog
Click to visit and join our sister group at MySpace Hollywood Jesus.
Click to visit Mary Jane Furches' new MySpace Page
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information

The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Donations to The Virtual Pew
The Virtual Pew
The Virtual Pew Blog
Personal Furches Web Site
Mary Jane Furches MySpace Page
Mike Furches MySpace Page
Mike Furches MySpace Blog
Hollywood Jesus
Reviews With Mike
The Virtual Pew Sermons
The Virtual Pew News
MySpace Hollywood Jesus Group
MySpace The Virtual Pew Group
The Virtual Pew Live Radio Web Page
To Subscribe to The Virtual Pew Live Feed
Phone Number to Call During The Virtual Pew Live Show, (Please never call prior to the start of the show) - (646) 716-8587
Phone Number to Call During The HJ Live Show, (Please never call prior to the start of the show) - (646) 716-8853
To Subscribe to The Virtual Pew Live Feed -http://www.blogtalkradio.com/feeds/thevirtualpew
To Subscribe to HJ Live Live Feed –http://www.blogtalkradio.com/feeds/hollywoodjesus
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