Monday, September 21, 2009

Contemplating Over A Panini At Meads Corner

I sit here in a super nice coffee shop this morning, Meads Corner in Wichita on the corner of Douglas and Emporia like I normally do a few days a week. I sit here wondering about things while contemplating life. Things like why would a police officer not want to help a church reach out to kids or young adults in an impoverished community? Why would a government not look out for the people it represents? Why would a person you have loved unconditionally turn their back on you? Why would a pastor not have the desire to love children? Why would someone not make the effort to share with someone that is hurting that they care and are either thinking of them or praying for them? Today, I wonder about a lot of things.

The truth is, I am far from perfect, but I follow one I know is perfect. For those who spend any time with me they know I am not as much of a “talker” as I sometimes let on. Truth is, one of the things I like about coming to Meads is I can sit at my little table, work on my computer, and at times just sit back, watch and listen to people. I like to contemplate. I like to ponder. Maybe it is conceded, but I think I am a much deeper thinker than maybe some give credit for. There are the stereotypes that sometimes come about from the long hair, piercings or whatever. People are so quick to judge based on outward appearance, without ever really knowing the heart of the person they are making judgments about. I don’t think that is such an unusual thing we all do it at times, I know that.

As I sit here, getting ready now for what is in my opinion the best sandwich in Wichita Kansas, (the chicken panini) I look around as the Rotary Club is winding down their meeting. The place is hopping, busy, yet, here I still sit, at my own little table contemplating the world. I see another guy on his computer, I wonder, what is he going through? Does he have a relative who is having a tough time? I think I know the answer to that question. There is a lady eating her gelato, alone for now, but apparently going to her meeting. I see another hooking up their computer and then a lady holding a small child talking to someone behind the counter. What are their experiences? What are they going through? As a brother of the human species do I even care?

Today, like many others, I contemplate, I have to be careful though, and my friend Jeremy just told me my panini is coming up. That sandwich is too good to think about other things, my stomach tells me to enjoy the moment. I think I will, but then I see across from me at another table, a young lady enjoying her sandwich. Maybe we should talk about how good the sandwiches are at Meads, maybe we will discover something else that has value, and maybe we will share in this thing called life. What do you think?

Sometimes I think I have the answers but I am quickly reminded, I don't. I think I have things figured out but something comes along to show me things are different than I thought. I have a meeting coming up after my sandwich. What will it be like? Will it be boring? Will something positive come out of talking about death? I don't know! I do know life is full of surprises and I might just be in for one. How about you, ever give that thought an option or possibility? If we never try, we will never know.

Meads, thank God a place exists that allow for the possibility of the impossible. Thank God I have learned lessons like that if I am willing to sit back and listen, give life a chance, sometimes, especially the times I need it the most, I might just be blessed. I could only hope there is a Meads Corner on every corner of every city. For some reason I can't help but think the world would be a better place.

One of the fun events recently at Meads was doing a concert there with my wife, son in law, and the band SHEL. The place was so full they had to move out the tables, and it was packed standing room only and a great evening of music and entertainment. Here is a video of our concert with Shel, just click on the video, if the video don't appear, just click on the following link.

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Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information

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P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217

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