Some may be wondering, “Where has Mike been this week?” The answer to that is really quite simple.
I am leaving tomorrow for California. I will be speaking on Sunday at Heritage Bible Church in Bakersfield. The phone number for the church is 661-871-1212. The web site for directions and information about the church is: The address for the church is: 2323 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93306. I don’t know the number of times I will be speaking there, am sure of Sunday morning and possibly some through the week. One thing for certain is I will be doing ministry in the Bakersfield and Central California area while there. During the Sunday morning program I will be telling the Story of Anthony, a journey from drugs, gangs, abuse and homelessness to the discovery of love.
There is a lot you can be praying for until my return home on July 10. I am still trying to find a location to stay in San Jose for Thursday night July 5. My daughter is also presenting at the conference and I would love to be there for her. I am even open to sleeping on a cot or on the floor in someone’s motel room if need be. I would also like to take as much time as possible to develop contacts while there.
Be in prayer for the ministry that will take place at each presentation and that the Lord would open up doors for additional ministry while there. It is my desire to do ministry in situations like this as opposed to sitting around and vegging out. You can also pray regarding the finances of this trip. I only have one speaking engagement that will contribute to my costs. The presentations at San Jose 2007 don’t help cover any expenses. Hopefully this opens doors for ministry in the future. I will tell you, the presentation will be something and will open up many eyes and hearts as to ways individuals can share their faith with others in an effective way.
So, that is what I have been up to, getting paperwork ready, packing, washing clothes, finishing up presentations, all of that kind of stuff. It has been a little difficult this go around because my son is at the National Duals in Oklahoma City and I have been trying to keep up with that, and my wife is at a conference in Topeka Kansas. I have been a bachelor for the week, but have been able to get a lot of things done that I needed to get done. It has been difficult at times, and I realize my own need for family, friends and God. I believe I will have several encounters with people this next 10 or 11 days that will have me sharing that very fact, need of family, friends, and God. It may be on an airplane, maybe in a city park, maybe with a formerly abused individual in a hallway, but God has a way of showing us our weakness when we share his love with others. Be in prayer, truth is, I still realize my own imperfections and sometimes wonder why it is God has me at the place he does. I don’t always know the answers but I know God is going to do something this week, despite the financial sacrifice my family is making to continue this ministry, a ministry with a ton of expense this week, and little coming in financially to support it. Well at least that is the case for now, God always finds away to answer that problem as well.
Depending on how much luggage space and time I have, if able to pack the video camera I will shoot some video while there, and will get on the internet as much as possible with updates and keeping up as much as possible with The Virtual Pew.
On a closing note, I am now booking for Fall and Winter of 2007 and all of 208. Contact me for information regarding presentations. Talk soon, and again, thanks for the prayers and support. BTW, if you know anyone in the San Jose area who would help take care of me for a day, (actually just provide a place to spend the night) or any additional ministry opportunities between Bakersfield and the San Jose area I would appreciate it.
An Older Video Of Me Speaking On Calming The Storm. If you see the video just double click on it, if you don't just click on the following link.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives.
You can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
First, let me make clear, my comments don’t represent the views of Hollywood Jesus, The Virtual Pew or any other organization, they represent my views and I take full responsibility for my comments.
I know from the get go, this may be one of the most controversial reviews/articles I have ever written and I have to admit, I DON’T CARE! It is time that Americans, and especially Christians across the globe to Raze (definition tear down and destroy) Hell and Stand Up about the health care system in our country. I don’t want to hear from the Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, or any other Politically Conservative or Liberal Group (of which there are many) Group that would deny health care to the poorest of the poor crowd, or makes the assumption that it is already there. I especially don’t want to hear from Christians who honor a political system more than they do the commands of a Risen Savior (One who has forgiven us for the things we have done wrong.) who is supposed to be our Lord, (Leader in all areas of our life, our master if you will). Why don’t I want to hear from these people, frankly I don’t want to hear from them because I don’t think their motives are pure, and I don’t think they take the commands of Jesus seriously. It is time those of us who do to STAND UP, seek justice and fair treatment for ALL people, especially in the area of health care.
Let me make something perfectly clear. I am not a fan of Michael Moore, especially after the debacles of Fahrenheit 9-11 and Bowling for Columbine. I did see promise and enjoyed Roger and Me but was reluctant to see Sicko. It was with reluctance I saw an advance copy of the movie and decided to do an early review. To say the least, I was blown away at this incredible movie that goes back to more of a documentary style than anything Moore has done in some time.
Sicko, as documentaries go, is incredible. Moore does a fantastic job at finding people to represent his view and the perspective he is trying to show. Yea I know that may seem one sided but it is something inherent with most movies, especially documentaries. What Moore does here though is find people most “regular,” “common,” “everyday folk” can relate to. His ability to weave this 2+ hour documentary into incredible story will keep any viewer from getting bored. Most viewers will find themselves glued to their seats, even through the credits. This is an emotional roller coaster that will have those passionate about their faith, and the plight of others in tears for the last 15 – 20 minutes of the movie. Moore weaves story and perspective so brilliantly that those giving this film a chance may fall in love with the documentary form.
Sicko is about the plight of the Health Care System in America. Moore starts showing several tragedies before doing something unique, at least for Moore. He blasts both political parties including current Republicans, and Democrats including, Hillary Clinton. Moore does something he hasn’t done in his last two films; he takes appropriate pot shots at both parties for their lack of concern and compassion. From there, Moore goes to look at various countries and their health care systems, from Canada, to England, from France to Cuba, Moore adequately dispels a number of myths and the origins of those myths. He also finds ways to address the issues surrounding the health care plight of many in the United States. In this debate Moore not only looks at the opinions of single political party, he looks at Conservatives, Liberals, Christians, Atheists and others. Moore gives a brilliant presentation of what should be a non political issue from various perspectives.
From real people to politics and from corporations back to real people Moore drives home the need to address this issue. Moore concludes the program by looking at insiders within the industry and the needs of real Americans. The film climatically ends when he decides to take people to Cuba to visit the Guantanamo Bay Naval facilities where federal hearings have indicated that Al Qaeda prisoners there are receiving better health care than most Americans. Among three boat loads of people include legitimate American heroes who are experiencing serious health concerns after rescue operations during the World Trade Center Attacks in New York. This sequence when starting will have audiences applauding and laughing at the genius of Moore. Many will be critical, some such as Sean Hannity have called the movie “Un American” and even offered to pay for Moore to move to Cuba. All this political rhetoric takes away from the seriousness of the issues addressed in Sicko.
Just as viewers are quickly applauding Moore’s efforts and great story telling, they will soon be in tears. Many will be so upset at our political system they may hope for the same type of rebellion that secured the formation of the United States. A rebellion where all people, including the poorest of the poor stand up voice their concern and demand Americans receive the same benefits as does virtually every other country in the Western Hemisphere, and Western World. Moore illustrates this so powerfully one has little recourse to support current systems that put people on the streets to die, and refuses service based on ability to pay. We see an illustration of a medication that costs $120 in America, but only costs pennies in Cuba. We see democratic countries like Canada, England and France providing better services than America in their treatment of people. They treat the illness and provide help for prevention programs that addresses preexisting conditions, the same ones causing denial of services by U.S.A. insurance companies.
Moore, as always, presents himself and his commentary in Sicko but he does something in here unique even for him. Moore finds real people we can relate to and the bulk of the story is told by them, and their experiences. Moore while making his commentary, allows the people, the situations, the politics, and the realities tell the story. His blending of real people, with commentary provides lessons any film school could learn from.
As mentioned earlier, I expect this to be a controversial review. Some may ask why? The simple response to that is so many Christians in the USA have aligned their faith with a political system where they find it hard to say anything negative about our system. I challenge, especially for Christians, we have to do something with the teachings of Jesus in regards to helping and assisting the poor. Jesus, various prophesies, Biblical teachings, and Jesus life illustrated his teachings, they show obvious intent to serve. In Matthew 25 we see the only difference between those who go to Heaven and who don’t based on what they do and don’t do for “The Least of These.” In Jesus own life he went about healing people, he showed an obvious intent and concern regarding their physical welfare and their health. Instead of making excuses Jesus healed people, he was compassionate towards people with physical elements. When you watch Sicko, you will see sick people in need of hospitalization sat out on the streets. This is an on going problem in some locations. In the last weeks there is the story of a Los Angeles Hospital that allowed someone to die in the Emergency Room as opposed to giving them treatment. I recently saw conservative Christians on a wrestling talk forum making fun of the woman, making assumptions she didn’t have insurance, had a big screen television and on and on, all of this in a joking manner. I honestly believe this attitude sickens God.
I am passionate on this issue but I have personal experience. I worked at Trend Mental Health Center in Hendersonville North Carolina as the director of their Rehabilitation facility for Mentally Ill Adults, Sixth Avenue West. I was there when Trend became one of two American Pilot programs to test Managed Health Care practices. We now use this system in the USA. I was a part of negotiations regarding Managed Care in Mental Health Systems across America, even helped establish programs, coordinating these services with state mental health systems and state vocational rehabilitation systems across the USA. I am one of those insiders that could tell you from first hand experience that Sicko hits the problems exactly as they are. We have insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies basing health care decisions on their profit earning potential. Trend Mental Health Center, shortly after I left the agency went through a number of legal issues specific to this concern expressed in the movie Sicko. I have seen first hand, decisions made such as in the movie based on the companies’ willingness to pay for health care treatment. Many of these decisions resulted in serious negative consequences for those who should have received services. If you don’t believe me regarding the issues of this system, ask almost any doctor in the USA that sincerely cares about their patients what they think of the current policies, the gate keeper programs, and the decisions as to who gets treatment and who don’t. Americans should be so outraged that they hit the streets in mass numbers to STAND UP and seek out adequate treatment of our people.
I assure you, this problem; while it largely affects the poor because of their inability to have any insurance isn’t limited to just the poor. Sicko illustrates that all people, including the middle class, even with what they think is great insurance, is also greatly threatened. Sicko very accurately, according to my own experiences, the entire shows the problems of the health care system in the USA.
For those concerned with the Social Medicine Label, Moore also does a great job of illustrating “social” concepts already in place in America, including Fire and Police services, libraries, and others that provide services to all people despite their ability to pay or not. He addresses the origins of these thoughts and the current health care policies. Americans after seeing and hearing these examples will have additional reasons to be outraged. If not, it will only take a short time before they, or someone they love goes through the travesty of what we call Health Care, and they will then be outraged.
In closing, I love this film for it’s honesty to what I know to be facts regarding the health care system in America. Anyone who wants to deny these issues has not seriously looked at the problem. I can personally tell you of many conservative, Christian people, with what they thought was good insurance. After a medical emergency they found out their coverage and treatments were sub par with what was needed. I was moved by the realization that as a Christian, I must do something more to assist those Christ went out of his way to show them he loved them.
I also appreciated that Moore went out of his way to show the problem isn’t the doctors. In one sequence he alludes that because of the value of what doctors do they deserve a high standard of living. I agree; I want the best treating me when I have a life threatening illness. He shows doctors in America who hate the system, and doctors in other countries whom make great livings, while at the same time, following their passion to help people get better. In England one doctor tells the story of how doctors there can make more money the more they treat symptoms and prevent illness. In America that is not the case. Without prior approval there are limitations placed if approval is given. That doesn’t address the issue of non treatment if there is a preexisting illness or condition.
My desire is that people around the world, especially America and her poor would STAND UP, be counted, be heard, and vote accordingly. It is a shame many of those don’t vote. It is an even greater shame that Christians find excuses to not do what Jesus Commanded, stand up for the least of these. He even tells us, “What you have done for the least of these (including health care treatment), you have done to me.”
Hopefully at least 10 people will stand up and be heard on this issue, if those 10 get 10, and so forth, before long we can do what virtually every other country in the world does, provide appropriate health care for all of our people. How convinced am I of Moore’s call to action for all people on this issue? Well, when you see me wearing my button that says Stand Up, you will know what I am standing up for.
On a Scale of 1-10, for everything a documentary should be and then some. I am honoring Sicko with a Sick score of 10. .
Matthew 25: 31-46
(31) When the Son of Man comes in his glory with all of his angels, he will sit on his royal throne. (32) The people of all nations will be brought before him, and he will separate them, as shepherds separate their sheep from their goats. (33) He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. (34) Then the king will say to those on his right, "My father has blessed you! Come and receive the kingdom that was prepared for you before the world was created. (35) When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat, and when I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink. When I was a stranger, you welcomed me, (36) and when I was naked, you gave me clothes to wear. When I was sick, you took care of me, and when I was in jail, you visited me."
(37) Then the ones who pleased the Lord will ask, "When did we give you something to eat or drink? (38) When did we welcome you as a stranger or give you clothes to wear (39) or visit you while you were sick or in jail?"
(40) The king will answer, "Whenever you did it for any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for me."
(41) Then the king will say to those on his left, "Get away from me! You are under God's curse. Go into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels! (42) I was hungry, but you did not give me anything to eat, and I was thirsty, but you did not give me anything to drink. (43) I was a stranger, but you did not welcome me, and I was naked, but you did not give me any clothes to wear. I was sick and in jail, but you did not take care of me."
(44) Then the people will ask, "Lord, when did we fail to help you when you were hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in jail?"
(45) The king will say to them, "Whenever you failed to help any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you failed to do it for me."
(46) Then Jesus said, "Those people will be punished forever. But the ones who pleased God will have eternal life."
Will You Stand Up For Jesus and What Is Right? This is a nice video that illustrates that one person can make a difference. If you see the video double click on it, if not, just click on the link.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives.
You can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Twisting and turning, upside down and round and round, I love the thrills of amusement parks. This year is a kind of exciting year for Wichita Kansas; we have the start up of what is called the first Wild West Theme Park in the country. Wild West World opened its doors last month and my family was among the first to jump on the season pass specials offered for the park. For $50 bucks each we were able to get passes to the park that would allow us unlimited admission and unlimited rides. Of course the food and games would be extra but that would be okay, we knew a bargain when we saw one. It was the rides and shows we were after and man o man did I have experience with rides. I have several stories of riding rides so much where I would get sick, throw up, then get back on the rides and ride some more. I can tell horror stories such as the time I was incredibly sick at the Tulsa Oklahoma State Fair and was walking out through the food section when the sweet smell of Funnel Cakes caused me to get nauseous and I threw up all over the person walking in front of me as I couldn’t make it to the trash can in time. Yep, rides that twist and turn you, upside down and all around when enjoying the grease and smells of an amusement park can do that. Unfortunately my wife and family can tell you more stories about that with me than I would like to admit.
Wichita has a history of amusement parks, it also has a history of them not doing well it was a gamble when Wild West World decided to open but I think they have a chance of making it if they keep on providing unique and quality rides, along with quality entertainment. They have a number of rides I haven’t seen before and while a wet six months has them a little behind in the park development what they do have is unique and thrilling. From a roller coaster with seats that spin like a tilt o whirl to a ride called El Diablo a kind of open seat Zipper ride that has you twisting and turning in virtually every direction one can imagine. The log flume opened this week, and the Ferris Wheel has you sitting in a covered Wild West wagon for a unique time. There are plans for a larger roller coaster that will travel above and beneath the lake in the center of the park. The entrance to the park resembles a Wild West town and the park has gone out of its way to provide quality family oriented entertainment. While there are weekly outdoor concerts and various stage performances, the highlight is the incredible Chinese Acrobats.
One of the benefits of the season pass is that my family doesn’t have to go spend long periods of time at the park, although we always take time to ride a few rides and enjoy the time there. Yesterday we decided to go and catch for the first time the Chinese Acrobats. We were pleased to discover they perform three shows a day, 6 days a week, (Mondays are their day off) and each show has four acts that last approximately 35 minutes. Not bad for a theme park program. I had never seen the Chinese Acrobats in person but wanted to as they caused me to marvel when I had seen them previously on television.
We were surprised to find the building the Chinese Acrobats would be performing in was actually quite small, sitting no more than 200 – 250 people if they packed in. The building has a high ceiling with two poles that went up approximately 30 – 35 feet. On the inside, the building looked more like a barn than a theater. With seats no more than 3 or 4 rows deep, around a center section of carpet with the poles and staging area. It was impossible to not have a good seat.
After getting into the arena I was pleased as I knew we were going to have an up front and close experience with these marvelous acrobats and entertainers. I actually had to move my feet back a time or two because the entertainers were so close to me and the rest of the spectators during their performance. My front row seat was the best seat in the room as my wife and I were the first ones in the performance area.
I always thought these performers were exceptional from what I had seen on the television. I wasn’t wrong, if anything they exceeded my expectations, in fact, I was so impressed that I will be making several return visits just to see them again. The best way I know how to describe their unbelievable feats is to say it was like watching Jackie Chan live and in person. From incredible balance to life defying acrobatics these entertainers had obviously worked for years at perfecting their performance. What they brought to the stage was not only entertaining it was awe inspiring, not just for myself but the numerous others in attendance. It was so thrilling at one point I had to nudge my wife to get her to stop applauding in what must have been a five minute ovation from her, in the middle of the show.
At the end of the day yesterday and through today I came to the conclusion that sometimes people make tremendous sacrifice, and take tremendous chances in order to obtain their dreams. We are all blessed, just like we were all blessed when watching the Chinese Acrobats yesterday when people use those gifts to bless and inspire others. Not only had the Chinese Acrobats gone after this dream, but so has the developer and owners of Wild West World.
Many will enjoy the park this season and hopefully, future seasons. Truth is, there are some things the park could improve on. I love a good magician, and a park like this needs a Wild West show that features a gun fight and entertainment of that sort. I even contacted the park at one point about being a magician or entertainer for them during the season. Presently they have neither of these two things which would contribute to the theme and enjoyment of the park. Maybe they will take me up on my offer for the remainder of the summer or next season. Between my wife and I we would give them a great deal while doing something we love, her music, my magic and acting. There are other little things they could improve upon, like the development of new rides as the years go on, and an intercom system at each ride that saves the poor operators from having to repeat to every rider the rules of the ride, but all in all, outside of a few minor things, this park has promise. I love marketing and management, and when I did it in the past I did a pretty good job, I can guarantee I believe in the potential of this park. Of course there are already some good people there insuring the park gets off on the right foot.
From the kind ride operators, to the friendly workers helping clean the park, I haven’t met a single rude person at Wild West World. The entertainment has been first class and certainly inspirational, but the park has been more than that in the short season they have been open. Wild West World has also been a reminder of going for dreams and not being wishy washy about the things you go after, or the way you go after them. That point can be a reminder for all of us as we go after the things in life we long for, whether that be a ministry like The Virtual Pew, a license to be a beautician, a school teacher, or a specialized machine operator, we can observe examples all around us of what it means to go after dreams. We sometimes think that in the West, especially in America that we have a monopoly on dreams, I will challenge this is not the case. As I sat and watched up close the faces of several young men from China I could see the joy in their eyes as they recognized the joy in not only my eyes, but the 200 or so people in attendance. May we all see that look in the eyes of others we come into contact with and have the honor of serving no matter what we do. May we all experience the joy of knowing we have gone after our desires, and that our desires and efforts can please those around us. Thanks to all of those involved at Wild West World for helping me realize this at a time I needed reminded of this. Thanks especially to those young performers, the Chinese Acrobats for not only entertaining me, but for reminding me there are ways to find joy in this life as we serve others.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives.
You can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
I just got the following email from an individual on MySpace.
hello, I am in a discussion with a friend on myspace and I noticed you posting vids of the Passion which is a movie by Mel Gibson..a self professing catholic that put many catholic themes in this movie. You, being a pastor, should know that movies and pics of God is idolatry, so why do you post this on people that don't know any better on their pages...can u please read the blog on my page about pics of Jesus being does not matter if you bow down to them or is a false representation of the Lord, for no one can pretend to be God, and no one can have a pic of the Lord, for he is a spirit....
hope u are open for correction, if not...I hope the Lord does convict you about this...
The Lord Reigns, 'nesto He also posted this blog which I made comment on but that comment and others were eventually deleted:
Here is my question, what are your thoughts? I know I hear from the overly religious at times, but thought it would make for good discussion here.
By the way to see the video in question you can click the following link, or if the video appears, double click on the video: Click to see Amazing Grace, Amazing Life.
Now as to my comments for the day; I sincerely believe that those of us who walk on this planet, state we desire to be as much like Jesus as possible, and follow him, need to be open to correction. The issue becomes where and who does the correction come from, and, how is it done? It is in that regard that I admit, I am kind of tired of people I don’t know coming to me and trying to force feed me their vision and image of Jesus and their religion, even if a form of Christianity.
I realize that on this point I tread on thin ice and it is why I am trying to be careful, but it all comes down to how one responds to the myriad of views on theology and religion that exists, and how it is presented? In other words, how and whom do we listen to and take correction from? It is one of those things I know genuinely concerns many who this ministry reaches out to. People are bombarded with various questions. How can you watch movies? How can you tolerate bad language? What about violence? Nudity, it corrupts people, how can you watch it in a movie? The King James Bible is the only one, how can you even read something else? What do you mean you don’t go to church, don’t you realize you are in sin? Alcohol is a demon; surely you don’t condone its usage? How can you preach Jesus if you don’t preach Hell? And the questions go on, and on, and on.
It is likely you get my point. There are myriads of questions people ask. Often it is clear that deep in their heart they question the reality of the relationship we or others have with God, and the legitimacy of that relationship. It isn’t that this concern is a bad concern; in fact it can be good when driven for the right reason and purpose. Unfortunately though, it is very clear that most of the time it is for all of the wrong reasons, mainly to prove a point, and validate their own pharisaic attitudes. If those individuals actually cared about someone, they would make the effort to get to know them, spend some time with them, and not be so quick to judge before first offering love. The truth is though, most of the time this don’t happen. I have a few folks I have gotten to know over the last year or so who has taken the time to get to know me, offer correction, and I listen with an open and understanding heart and mind. Then there are others, that out of the clear blue, offers up a email or personal message that feels compelled to suddenly offer me everything from why the King James is the only bible, to how all movies are wrong, and now, how using the movie The Passion of the Christ in a video promotes idolatry and the destruction of faith among less mature believers. Then there is the line that because I am a pastor I should know better. Whew! See why I say in my page at MySpace that I am a different kind of pastor, one who attempts to be real, and thankfully has a ministry to people who has been turned off by this type of religion?
Unfortunately, there are those who think they are your friends, the ones who for whatever reason think they can can confront you when in reality, they haven't taken the time to get to know you, spend time with you, share your burdens with you, cry with you, laugh with you and I could go on. You know, these are often the religious types you have met through some religious organization, or even an organized church. They are the ones who say they love God, yet, find reason to ignore, and have nothing to do with those they are supposed to love as a brother and a sister. Those are the ones who usually tear me up because I find myself trusting, loving, and caring for them, only to be abused like a dog that is getting ready to be put down because they have been beaten so badly. They are the ones who never return the emails that are personal, the ones where they know you are hurting and don’t bother to pick up the telephone, or even those who live close by who would just as soon ignore you as they would the prostitute who knocks on their door asking for a donation to support her drug habit. Yea, the difference is, these are the ones who are called to love, but for whatever reason know so little about love that one has to wonder how they will respond when they face Jesus on this issue.
The truth is, those who have walked with me, those who have gotten to know me, love me, care for me, provide for me, share in life with me are the ones I will listen to. I don’t think it is any different for anyone else who has had a struggle with this thing we call faith and Christianity. I don’t think it is that God can’t use others, but I also think God can certainly speak to us in ways we will recognize. If God’s Holy Spirit was able to inspire and move various people over the ages, I think it is still capable to move me and others when we need to hear from him.
If we listen, we can recognize the voice of God, and we can recognize the voice that isn’t of God. Of course there are the times, just like in the Old Testament when people are foolish and don’t listen when they should, heck, I have been in that place. In those instances God may even use a donkey like he did Balaam to get the point across. Odds are though; God will find more subtle, realistic ways to address our issues and problems.
Do I think that a movie that depicts the person of Jesus Christ is sacrilegious? Of course not! I think the second commandment speaks to far more than a photograph or actor portraying Jesus. It speaks to things like the worship of self, putting things before God that take the place of God, and so much more. Of course one has to be careful because the truth is, we can make church, worship, religion, and even in some ways Christianity an idol that takes place over God. While we tend to look at the obvious idols, we forget about the religious things that can be just as dangerous. It is one of the reasons some people put so much stock into legalism, their views, and various doctrines. They have idols, they just think they can justify them because they are religious in nature.
Truth is, God chose to have a relationship with us, and he gave his son as a willing sacrifice to make that happen. For those who choose to follow the leadership and receive the forgiveness offered by that son, Jesus Christ, we have been given the Holy Spirit to help us understand what is right and what is wrong. It is high time, that some people let the Holy Spirit do his job, and they in return do their job, whatever that job may be.
For those who struggle with being misunderstood, being questioned, and being put down, know this, God loves you and God can find ways to communicate with you that you will appreciate, understand, and receive. God will do this even when that communication involves things that may be hard for you to hear. As to those who choose to correct, put down, and approach you without knowing what you are going through, love them, pray for them and above all, listen for God. But, whatever you do, don’t become like them, if need be, ignore them and turn from them, but on this, be careful, you never know when God will use a ass to speak his truths.
You may not like this video but I think it gets the point across. If you see the video just double click on it, if not, click on the following link.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives.
You can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217
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Today I decided to go ahead and do a post with a follow up to this weekend’s article, Birthdays, Friends, and Dying / Faith in Film. To see yesterday's article just click here.
Abuse is a real issue; it is a real issue that affects its victims for the majority of their life. I can only share of my personal experiences here, I write about this a great deal in my book, The Keystone Kid. In fact that book is about the desire to discover love and the affects of abuse on my life. It is about much more than that, but abuse is the root and concept that drives the book. It centers on the journey of Anthony and his journey with a therapist.
I will never forget the times I was sharing with the therapists my struggles. My sister and I were both abused and for much of my life I questioned where God was when the abuse was going on, not just with me, but my sister. I can’t tell you the damage the abuse played in developing my own attitude about sexuality. I ask in the book, how could I who learned about sexuality from abuse, and the abuse that would carry on for years ever have an appropriate view of sexuality?
I remember like it was yesterday asking the therapists, “Where was God through that whole period of my life?” I can recall him telling me, “Mike I honestly believe that Jesus was right there with you, weeping and crying over what choices some people had made, and the way they affected your life.” I could deal with that, I could deal with the fact that Christ was there and weeping over the free choice he had given people, even to do wrong.
On this issue, it is easy for people to say, God could have intervened, or that a loving God wouldn’t allow something like this to occur. I will tell you, as one who has been through it, I can accept the fact that God would give free choice, free will, even for people to do wrong. I can also accept the fact that God didn’t make, didn’t plan, and didn’t desire for the things that happened to me, or happened to others to occur. In fact, when wrong is done, I am convinced that if we look, we will realize that God is there, crying, weeping over the wrongs that are done to those he loves.
A lot has happened over the years, I remember telling my story years ago and a dear friend, Sharon Harper hearing the story and writing a song about how God was there all the time, weeping and crying for me. It is what I will leave you with before going to the video today. In all of your hardships, whatever they may be, God is there with you. He is there with you crying and weeping because he loves you so much.
On to today’s song by John Michael Montgomery, The Little Girl; it is a song I won’t need to say much about, just watch the video, and listen to the words. Then realize that others have seen what I am talking about today. Others know, thank God that the popular culture is beginning to see it, comment on it, and even sing about it.
For anyone desiring a free pre edit copy of the book The Keystone Kid just email me at and I will send you a copy via email
John Michael Montgomery The Little Girl Lyrics Her parents never took the young girl to church Never spoke of his name Never read her his word Two non-believers walking lost in this world Took their baby with them What a sad little girl
Her daddy drank all day and mommy did drugs Never wanted to play Or give kisses and hugs She'd watch the TV and sit there on the couch While her mom fell asleep And her daddy went out
And the drinking and the fighting Just got worse every night Behind their couch she'd be hiding Oh what a sad little life
And like it always does, the bad just got worse With every slap and every curse Until her daddy in a drunk rage one night Used a gun on her mom and then took his life And some people from the city took the girl far away To a new mom and new dad Kisses and hugs everyday
Her first day of Sunday school the teacher walked in And a small little girl Stared a picture of him She said I know that man up there on that cross I don't know his name But I know he got off
He was there in my old house And held me close to his side As I hid there behind our couch The night that my parents died
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives.You can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
First: Faith in Film will meet tonight at the Furches household, call or email for more info if in the Wichita area. The movie will be Mike’s choice, those there will be given a choice of two films, we will pick one of those, watch it, and then discuss it. It is also a birthday bash so we will be cooking out around 5:30. Those that want to bring something to cook out needs to bring it. On to the article for the day, Birthdays & Friends
Today is one of those days and I’ll be honest I don’t know how to feel. You see, today is my birthday and truth is, birthdays have always been one of those confusing times for me. Yea, most people celebrate on their birthday, but most people have learned it is a day of celebration. I have never learned that, in fact. I can’t recall much of my upbringing where any holiday was good. I think part of that is growing up in a tough environment and an abusive home. I know folks don’t like to hear that, but it is the way it is. Those demons still haunt me, still cause pain. Even yesterday, getting a phone call from my mother was tough. Tough for a lot of reasons I won’t go into here but bottom line, I never really knew my birth mother, and had some serious issues with what I did know. I still don’t now her to be honest, and to be even more honest don’t know if I want to. I try, but for those who have gone through abuse, both physically and sexually, they will know the difficulty I face. God has been good and helped me, but it doesn’t take away from the near impossibility of developing a relationship. Some cringe at that, but they don’t know the demons I have faced or the abuse I have gone through. Even at my now 48 years of age, those things hurt more than most will ever know, thank God, those of us that do know would never want our experiences to be experienced by those we love. Only a person who has gone through abuse would even begin to understand, and for far too many of us, it is more pain than most can bare.
On this point, I would say, don’t give me, or anyone else who has gone through the abuse pity, we hate it, we hate it because it fails to understand the thing we need most. The things we need most is friends who understand, friends who care, and friends who love, no matter what. Not the make believe, often times MySpace types of friends where we make an acquaintance just to make ourselves look better, but a real, honest to goodness, friend that loves, cares, understand, and wants to be there for us kind of friend. I want the kind of friend girls often have, and the kind of friends that guys seldom have. I guess that is the curse of being a guy, we are supposed to be macho and all of that. Well, excuse me here, but that is crap. Men need friends, the kind of friends that can be there, be buddies, and share the things that hurt, as well as do the macho fun guy things. It is tough, I have learned there are all kinds of people in this world who will call you friend, then stab you in the back. It isn’t that they do just that though, they have to dig and dig the knife around a little more to give more pain. Unfortunately, that is often the types of friends in life we have, especially those of us who have been abused and look for friends, but often end up only finding friends who hurt us. Do I feel misunderstood? You bet I do, for most of my life I have, I realize that is a part of growing up in the hell I did, a part of the scars that are still there, a part of the healing that will be going on until the day I die, only those who have been hurt in the same ways understand, but those who have been hurt are reluctant to build relationships because of the hurt we have experienced that few others will ever relate to.
Truth is, I don’t just speak just for myself. I assure you that my words will resonate with multitudes of people who have gone through the same experiences as I. We obtain hope in someone or something, only to be let down again and again. We long for, strive for, someone to understand, only to be let down again and again. We realize our scars are a part of the problem but we can’t control the scars that have marred us time after time. We realize we need help, but so many offer help in words and so seldom in actions. It is as if we face a life of struggle with little or no hope, and no one cares, or if they do care, they offer us up empty words that give no resolve.
What can you do to help out people like me, and others who have experienced the same heartache? Love, not just in words though, but in reality. Don’t question our hurts, don’t explain away our feelings, and don’t give us a religious offer of help, truth is, little of that does any good, in fact it tends to make things worse. There is a verse in the Bible, in the book of James that says, Faith without works is dead. Some of us need others working in real love, with works. We realize we are broken, we realize we need help, we realize we need mending and put back together, believe me, after 48 years I have come to conclusions that I know to be true about myself. I don’t need people saying they will pray for me, without putting their prayers into action, I don’t need people offering me Jesus without being willing to be like Jesus, I don’t need people promising me Heaven if they aren’t willing to bring Heaven to me. Doing all of those things, without the actions behind them only hurts me and/or others more because they bring to our attention our broken lives. What we need is a friend, a friend that loves unconditionally and without excuse or desire for our future. We want a friend who loves us here, loves us now, and loves us as we are, broken and fragile.
Truth is, we all need that, we all want that, it just so happens that some of us seem to have never had it, or if we have had it we don’t realize it because of the blinders that have been placed over our eyes because of the abuse and struggle we have gone through. Yea, I know I complain, but the eyes of which we see our surroundings hurt, it hurts so bad that we would please ask to get the log out of your own eye before you start to worry about the splinters in ours. We know the splinter is there, we are reminded of it day by day with the difficulty of our emotions, addictions, and yes even sometimes, our life.
Want to give me a birthday present? Be Jesus, love me for who I am, love me for who he wants me to be, love me with an understanding of the hurt I have gone through. If you can’t do it for me, do it for someone else who is hurting for in many ways, we are one in the same. Now for all of those offering that friendship, that love, thank you, thank you not just for me though, thank you for all of us who can relate to the words I share today.
Many will have issue with the blog today, thinking it offers little hope, to those, I say read again, and realize, I speak for millions of people today, people who I guarantee can relate to the need of real friendship and real love. We realize we are drowning in a cesspool of difficulty and hardship, even self pity, but are you going to let us keep drowning, or attempt to save that which you can? Thankfully the Jesus I serve was willing to go to the depths of Hades and touch those that was ignored by society. He still does that, unfortunately many of his followers have forgotten how to be like Jesus.
Pleasae watch, and pay attention to the following video Concrete Angel by Martina McBride. the facts of the video, while hard to watch, demonstrate the pain that many of us still go through, even after 48 years. If the video appears, click on the video, if it don't click on the following link.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives.
You can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Okay I think it is time for something like this, I hope you are ready because today, well, today I have to get some things off my chest.
I have been on this diet, The Michael Thurmond 6 Week Makeover. I am eating 6 times a day, it seems like the same ol’ same ol’. For breakfast oatmeal and egg whites, for snack, tuna and fruit, for lunch, vegis, meat, and fruit, for snack, meat and fruit, for dinner meat, fruit, vegis, and for snack meat and fruit. I never have more than 4 OZ of meat, and if any kind of read meat, never more than 3 oz. per meal. To say the least I don’t care how many ways you try, tuna, tuna still taste like tuna. I am also seriously limited on carbs. My delight comes for dinner when I get a medium sized baked sweet potato. I could say a lot more about this diet but, to put it all in perspective, after the first week I had only lost 1 pound 2 ounces. I have to tell you, I was starting to wonder if it was worth it. Would you rather be healthy, live a little longer and never satisfy the taste pallet, or die young, fat, and enjoying things like barbeque, a hamburger, ice cream and you can only imagine.Another thing I have started, which I have yet to do today, take a 2 ½ mile walk, at least 5 days a week, plus get in a workout at least twice a week. Now I don’t mind the walk, will say more about that later, but the work out is with rubber band type things. Now I am going to tell you, you can tell how out of shape you are when you work out with rubber band type things and get tired.
Now on to the walking, we found this great place, a public park in town with a great walking track. We have been going each morning and I enjoy the time with my wife. Yesterday we decided to take the dogs, a little wiener dog named Oscar, and our white German shepherd named Kersey. Here I am, thinking that the little wiener dog isn’t going to make this walk. Our white shepherd seemed to be in great shape, a trim female but normally pretty active. Well let me tell you, after about a mile and a half, our German shepherd decides to plop down and won’t budge. I don’t know what it is, I think she was so out of shape that she got tired, maybe her hips bothering her a little bit and then she just plops down and won’t move. Now this is a gentle, loving dog, never shown me her teeth or anything but I didn’t realize she was hurting and tired and boy did I make a mistake. I finally got tired so figured it would be best if I carry her the remaining ½ mile to mile to the van. Big mistake, my arm now looks like a big ol’ vampire took a bite out of it and I have bruises on one side and teeth marks on the other. Now don’t get me wrong, the dog wasn’t the bad one here, it was me. I was seriously concerned that our big puppy was going to die from a heat stroke or something. She is doing fine now, but lesson number one, don’t mess with a dog, or person that is tired, and don’t want to be messed with.
Now I was also excited because after all of the time on this diet, and feeling that I could afford to cheat for a day, I thought, “hummmmm, Sonic (A popular drive in restaurant in the area) was offering free root beer floats, why not go get one.” Guess what? We decided to go get one. Well on the way there we saw a line of cars that went back a quarter of a mile into the road, so as patient as I am, I decided, no root beer floats. There is nothing like wanting to cheat on a diet, then not being able to. What do I do? It is really quite simple, I go home, mad and upset that I didn’t get my root beer float.
Time went on, things were so so and my wife says to me; “Know what I would like to have?” “No.” I responded. “I wouldn’t mind having a sugar free frozen fudge bar.” Guess what? I agree, decide to hop in the van and drive down to Wal-Mart, (A store I don’t like shopping at that much but all that is open here after 11:00 PM. On the way, we see that while Sonic is full, we can end up getting into a parking spot, so we decide to forgo the purchase of a fudge cycle and end up going in to get our free root beer float.
There we are, we make it into our spot, and call our order in. Then, we wait, and wait, and wait, and wait. After about 25 minutes waiting a car pulls in beside me. On the other side of me is a boy on a bicycle, seriously, a boy at a car drive in on a bicycle. Now he has his root beer float and low and behold if the car hop doesn’t come out, and give him another after we had ordered ours. That was bad enough, but when the people beside us, who hadn’t been there for 3 minutes, (honest to goodness, no more than 3 stinking minutes) the car hop gives the two of them in the car, three root beer floats. At this point, I have to tell you, I begin using language that I later had to pray about and ask God to forgive me for. I was a little upset. Thankfully there weren’t any cops around when I pulled out of Sonic or I would have gotten a ticket for “exhibition of speed,” that’s when you peel out and stuff like that. On the way out of Sonic I decide to go down to the Wal-Mart and get the frozen fudge bars we had originally set out after. They were sugar free and would be okay, wouldn’t be cheating too bad I thought. Well we finally get to Wal-Mart and it is now approaching 12:00 midnight. I get the bars, and then with my wife, get in line to purchase the bars. Now can someone tell me, why it is that at a Super Wal-Mart with 30 something check out lanes, they only have 2 of them open? Of course I decide to get into the speedy check out, you know the one with 20 items or less lane.
I don’t mean to be rude, but let me tell you, not only do strange people shop at 12:00 midnight; strange people work at Wal-Mart at 12:00 midnight. The line I am in has about 8 shoppers in front of me. The little lady paying for her items sends all 19 or 20 items through the check out in the 20 item or less line. The check out lady is, no kidding, is the slowest checker I have ever seen in my life. After the shopper has all of her items sent through the check out, she then gets out her check book, borrows a pen, writes the check, and pays for the items. Of course this isn’t all, after she gets her receipt, she stands there, and checks off every item in her 12 bags, (I still don’t know why you need so many plastic bags at the store) with her receipt, and after about 10 minutes, (no kidding) she leaves. Needless to say, we finally get to the check out to purchase our frozen fudge bars, a sugar free pack of popsicles and a diet Pepsi. I give the lady a $20 to pay for our $6.52 purchase and I have to stand there and wait an additional 5 minutes to get my change figured out, and handed back to me.
Whew! What a night, but it wasn’t over. On the way home we noticed that there were only 4 cars at Sonic, guess what? I pull in to get my free root beer float. I was surprised; it was no more than 5 minutes before the car hop brought me the float. I am now in the car, with my wife, and my son, (who should be in bed by now) and we have 3 root beer floats. There is only one problem, the ice cream machine is not working right and instead of root beer and ice cream, we have root beer with watery (not frozen) ice cream mix. It was horrible, how horrible may you ask? Horrible enough that I took one sip, gave it to my son, and he ended up pouring it down the sink when we got home.
What did I do, and what did I learn after all of this, well I ended up eating a fudge bar that took me an hour and a half to get, some 4 miles from my house. I also got home and ended up watching a few programs to calm down before going to bed, you know the reason, right? How you should never go to bed angry. As to what I learned? Well it is really quite simple, when on a diet, or making a commitment to do something, it isn’t worth the little cheating that we do here and there. I have learned one lesson; stick to my commitments, and as to that lesson, maybe we all need to hear that on occasion.
Click on the following link to see a great clip of someone slowing things down, I could almost guarantee you that you will laugh. If the video don't appear, just click on the link, otherwise, click on the video.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives.
You can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew.