Thursday, May 17, 2007

Faith In Film, Chicken Little / The Fountain

This week we will be watching Chicken Little in the Faith in Film Series. Before we go there a few things I would like to address if possible.

We are now doing the entire film as opposed to a television series. We will likely go back and do some television series but for now we are focusing on regular movies. Believe it or not, the longer movies don’t take as long because we now have people who have done the Faith In Film Series enough that they are trained to help notice the Spiritual aspects of the film, and then bring those aspects and points up. That is great because it means less prep time on my part, (don’t get me wrong, still prep time) and it involves more people in the group.

The Faith in Film Series so far has been wonderful with so many discussions on so many spiritual topics. From evangelism to serving, from gifts to tongues, from helping the needy to appreciating the things God has done for us. Despite what some may believe, Spiritual growth is occurring for those who participate. I challenge you here, Jesus desires for all of us to grow. Using our culture to discover Spiritual Truths is very much following in the manner Jesus taught. Remember, he never taught them anything without first telling them stories. Movies are the most popular form of storytelling in today’s world.

Now to a few practical things; while things have been wonderful, attendance has been sporadic at best. As most of you know I have been attending Mosaic Church and the hope was that this could be a support ministry of sorts, for Mosaic. Truth is we have had one person, besides our family from Mosaic attend, we have had another 25- 30 persons non affiliated with Mosaic who has either attended or expressed a desire to attend. That is great. Many of you have asked about the possible start up of another church, and that is something I have been willing to explore, but…, and a big one here, people have to be accountable, and make the effort to be involved before I would even begin to explore that possibility. Of that 25 – 30 approximately 15 – 20 of those have bought up the possibility of me being pastor of a church again, with the understanding of continuing on with what I have been doing with The Virtual Pew. Again, before I would even begin to consider this, I need more people to be accountable and follow through with their intentions of showing some level of commitment. Now don’t get me wrong here. I am not saying this is what I am doing, only that for me to consider it, people need to follow through. For now, I am plugged in at Mosaic, and realize that many, for whatever reason, have no desire to either plug in at Mosaic, or for that matter, any other church. I am okay with that and am honored that some have still expressed an interest in being a part of The Faith in Film group.

Now as to specifics; we will be starting at the regular time this weekend. Weather permitting I will have the grill going at around 5:15 PM ready to go and cook on. Please if coming, have your food ready to cook and be done by 6:15 PM so we can get started on time. I never know, so for those coming bring pillows or chairs in case we run out of seats.

Now the last point, I challenge each of you, bring friends, and come with an open heart. I have been involved in discussions the last couple of days that remind me of the fact that Jesus calls us all to be disciples. Are you making that effort? Do you really want to be as much like Christ as possible? Do you really want to share your faith with others in the same type of way Jesus did? I could go on, but I want to be careful to make sure this don’t look like some sort of guilt trip. I am confident though, that when it comes to giving God our time, many of us fall far too short and really treat him like he is the last person we want to be with. I am not talking about going to church activities more, I am talking about building relationships and becoming more like Christ. Is this something we really hunger and thirst after?

Now for those that don’t know, this week we will be watching again, Chicken Little. Next week we will be watching a new movie that has just come out on DVD called, The Fountain and starring Hugh Jackman, of X-Men and Van Helsing Fame. I will be attaching copies of the flyer for both of these movies that go out via email, and trying to post other information via web sites and blog sites accordingly. I am also sending this to many friends in the Wichita area who have either expressed interest or are people I would love to see present.

Blessings and take care.


Trailer from Chicken Little here, If you don't see the video just click on the link

For a Trailer for the movie The Fountain, same thing, if not seeing the trailer, just click on the link.

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Here is our contact information

The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217

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