Time for another video from the Three Wooden Crosses 11 Inspirational Videos From Today’s Top Country Artists. Next on the video series is another I will have to come back to after I download it, that one will be Wynona Judd’s I Can Only Imagine remake of the song made popular by Newsong. I actually love her rendition but I promise that today’s video won’t be a disappointment for those that take the time to see it. Truth is the song; They Don’t Understand is in my opinion, not just a good song, but a great song. It exemplifies everything that The Virtual Pew tries to address in the lives of people, and everything that I believe Christians should be doing in society.
They Don’t Understand does something that all forms of music needs to address more; it addresses real life situations of people who are hurting. At its heart is the attempt to get those on the outside looking in to understand The Lost, The Last, and The Least all the more. Some call these the downcast, the downtrodden, the outcast, and you likely get the idea by now. To be simply blunt here, this song is brilliant in what it attempts to do. It is a song I would personally love to see a ton of discussion come about from because at that point I know that people would be facing the issue that so many within the church seems to ignore. I would love to see people talk about those who are having a tough time, people addressing how it feels when others don’t understand the situation they are in and the other various forms of discussion that can come about. Sometimes maybe just sharing an experience you have gone through, or known someone else that has gone through. In the talking about these things comes knowledge and often times healing. I know the truth is, many are hurting, and in some ways, even spiritually, dying because no one is there to lend a shoulder to cry on, or an ear to hear someone who needs to share their heart and the difficulty they are going through. All of us need people who understand the tough times we are going through, and sometimes all we need is someone to listen.
There is another brilliant and even spiritual concept this video specifically addresses. It shows us that when we think no one else is there, Jesus is there to be all we need him to be. It amazes me that this, another popular Country artist, is willing to sing a song that is so strongly supported by faith, faith in a savior that does understand, one that does care.
Today’s blog will be a little bit different; I am posting the lyrics prior to the video, then a brief comment about the song and then the video. Please read the lyrics, the comments, and then watch the video and comment.
Sawyer Brown
They Don’t Understand
A mother riding on a city bus kids are yelling kicking up a fuss
everybody’s staringnot knowing what she's going through
somebody said don't you even care
and do you let them do that everywhere
she slowly turned around, looked up and stared.
She said, "Please forgive them
they've been up all night
their father struggled but he finally lost his fight
he went to heaven in the middle of the night
so please forgive my children they don’t understand."
Everybody's busy with their own situation
everybody's lost in their own little world bottled up,
hurried up, trying to make a dream come true
they don't understand
everybody's livin' like there ain't no tomorrow
maybe we should stop and take a little time
cause you never really know what your neighbor’s going through
they don't understand.
A man driving on the interstate
slowing down traffic making everybody wait
everybody’s staring not knowing what he's going through
somebody honked from the passing lane
yelling out the window "hey I ain't got all day"
the old man looked around and he caught his eye.
He said, "Please forgive me you know it's been a long life
my wife has passed away and my kids don’t have the time
I've been left all alone
and it's getting hard to drive
so please forgive me, children
they don't understand."
Everybody's busy with their own situation
everybody's lost in their own little world bottled up,
hurried up, trying to make a dream come true
they don't understandeverybody's livin' like there ain't no tomorrow
maybe we should stop and take a little time
cause you never really know what your neighbor’s going through
they don't understand
A man hanging on a wooden cross
giving everything to save the lost
everybody's staring not knowing what he's going through
somebody said "you don't have a prayer
if you're the king come on down from there"
the man just turned his head
looked up and stared
He said "please forgive them for they have not seen the light
but they'll come to know me when I come back to life
and go to heaven to make everything all right
so please forgive your children
they don't understand
Everybody's busy with their own situation
everybody's lost in their own little world bottled up,
hurried up, trying to make a dream come true
they don't understand
everybody's livin' like there ain't no tomorrow
maybe we should stop and take a little time
cause you never really know what your neighbor’s going through
they don't understand
A mother riding on a city bus
kids are yelling kickin’ up a fuss
everybody’s staring not knowing what she's going through
I want to challenge you, where are you at in your life? Do you ever feel like there are people who either don’t care or don’t understand? Truth is I have been there myself more than I would ever want to admit. The other sad truth is, that unfortunately those who have experienced the purist of love for some reason don’t feel compassion enough to share that love with others who need it. On behalf of all Christians, I ask those that need someone to understand to forgive me, forgive us for not loving you in the way that Jesus has commanded us to love.
Now enjoy, be challenged, and be moved to not only share the times you need others to understand you, but to be challenged to also try and understand what others are going through.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives.
You can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word. Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew.(Please note that the links for The Virtual Pew blogs have been going through some changes and the url’s have changed.)
Okay, are you ready for this; I am on a pretty serious and new diet. The diet is the 6 Week Michael Thurmond Body Make Over. The diet guarantees my wife and I to lose 30 or more pounds each in 6 weeks and so far, three days worth, it isn’t the easiest thing on the planet to follow. Now I have mixed emotions from a variety of directions regarding this diet. There is the good, the bad, and the ugly. Let’s start out with the ugly.
The truth is I am kind of ticked at how I have let my body get in the last number of years. I was a college athlete and played football and soccer in college. I tried basketball but it was just too hard going right into basketball from football. I never played soccer until in college and wish I had it all to do over again as I picked up the sport very fast and was pretty good. After college I played competitive soccer, including 6 years on a semi-pro team. I was playing on a Division A, or Premiere League soccer in Tulsa when I was 36. For those that don’t know much about soccer, that is impressive. I was playing with college aged players, and many of them were quite good. Not only was I playing against and with them, but holding my own still doing very well. I also coached some High School teams and have such fond memories of those years. I was always chunky growing up but prior to going to college I decided to get myself into shape. I still have a lot of photographs but between all the running, the weight lifting and more, I looked and was in pretty good health. I love it when my son looks at those photos and says to me, “Pops, you were buff.” Coming from a physical specimen like him I am reminded of who I was, and what I have become. I continued my athletic involvement after college, but not after some relapse. I allowed myself to get out of shape pretty badly, up to 297 pounds from 185 pounds when I played soccer and football. I decided to get busy and did just that, I got down to 205 pounds and at 7% body fat. It was during these times while working out religiously on the Cybergenics and Weider weight lifting programs. I was taking all the right supplements, (except for ephedra) and playing soccer, and doing a ton of cardio. I got to a point where I was in the best shape of my life, not bad for someone in their mid to late thirties.
Just as I thought things were going great, disaster hit. I went to a point where I was lifting weights on Saturday to a soccer game on Tuesday when I left all of the great progress and years of dedication behind. I was doing my pyramid set of weights at the Tulsa Eastside Gym. I started out with my warm up of 15 reps at 135 pounds on the bench press. I would pyramid up to a final set of 265 at 4 reps... The full pyramid sets included 6 sets going from lower weight to heavy weight, little rest between sets, and going to maximum failure where I couldn’t do the exercise. I would have a one minute to one and a half minute rest and start the next set. I knew I was in trouble when I couldn’t get 4 reps of my warm-up set at 135 pounds. I tried the work out that day, but my shoulder was in excruciating pain.
This was bad news but I figured I could at least run. It was on the following Tuesday that my team Hilti International had a game, a premier division game. It was in that game that I was playing as a midfielder, and forward. As I was chasing down a player to defend I tore my hamstring. For a period of 6 weeks I couldn’t lift, and couldn’t run. I got into a really bad habit and got really lazy, no excuses, but the years I had worked to develop an incredible habit of staying in shape was torn apart with two injuries within a week. The really bad thing is that I let the power of those injuries take over the years of work I had done. How many times have any of us done anything like that, worked so hard for something, then just let it go with a temporary set back. My weight went back up to about 285. Over the last year or so I have tried to get my weight down and it is down now to about 275. This is a lot more weight than I want to carry and I can’t do the fun things I used to do. To me, my body, a temple from God, had become ugly. It was time to do something about it, I don’t want the setbacks be what determines my life and my progress.
Now let’s look at some of the things that are bad regarding this diet thing.
First, I don’t know how to say it, but diet food and healthy food sucks with the exception of some of the summer fruits which I really love. I would really like to have right now, this very instance, a Georgia Mud Pie Blizzard from Dairy Queen, but…., it seems like foods like that, which really taste good aren’t on my diet. Now don’t get me wrong, I would have been happy today with a salad with dressing on it, not a ton, just enough for flavor, but on the diet I am on, this is a no go. It seems as if it is that way with a lot of foods. It isn’t that I have been hungry, but I have had terrible cravings. I guess I am learning lessons about letting the set backs control my life. If doing the right things, maintaining the right ways, I could enjoy these types of things on occasion, but unfortunately just like all of us, sometimes drastic measures are needed to bring about drastic change. Of course none of us like those drastic changes, we might even see them as bad, but that don’t change the reality of where we may be at.
Another thing is that I happen to have a body type that holds onto everything. One reason for that is being diabetic, my body just doesn’t respond to certain foods in the right way. Another thing is my poor metabolism, although that has improved since my gall bladder surgery some months ago. I’ll tell you, there are times things are miserable. Now don’t get me wrong, I have done the weight cutting and weight loss thing in the past, but it has never been fun. I know I need to remind myself that food is fuel, but sometimes food is really good too. One of the challenges all of us have to face is the need to understand moderation and controlling our actions with wisdom and smart decisions. On that point, I know I haven’t always been the smartest kid in the class, but I do have enough sense to know that I am responsible for the decisions that got me to the place I am at. When we can all address issues in our lives and make the needed improvements, then we will ultimately find joy in something other than the things we crave in our weak points.
I realize a person can’t have it both ways. I hate being sedentary, I love the outdoors, camping, sports, and all of those guy types of things, I don’t believe getting older implies you have to give those things up. For me though, being over weight plays on all of this, it plays on the types of things I can do, and more importantly it plays on my health. The older I get, the more I realize I want my health, I can indulge on occasion with food, but I know from my experiences, I can easily get out of the habit of taking care of the body, God has given me. I also know that the family tends to go down the same path as the weakest member of the family. It is why my wife is doing the diet with me; it is also why we have both fallen off the track regarding taking care of ourselves. Our goal is to be okay with getting out in a bathing suit towards the end of July, this will give us a huge part of the summer to enjoy the summer, and the exercise is easier during this time of year.
Now let’s go and look at some of that which is good;
One of the best things we were a lot of searching, purchase of a program, not inexpensive, that we know research backs and where the program works. This is important because we took the first step. I learned a long time ago, we can all dream, but dreams are of little value if we don’t act on those dreams. On this, both my wife and I are working. We have started the process that includes both diet and exercise. Simply put, we are watching what we put in our bodies, and making sure that we are doing the exercise necessary to help our bodies. Each of us, if we recognize the things that need to occur in our lives will be better off but sometimes we never get there because we don’t take that first step to make the needed improvement, whatever that improvement may be.
There is more good that happened though, we should never loose site that we recognized a problem. So many people just ignore all of the things going on in their lives, whether it be their weight, their attitudes, their temperament, their love affair, and on and on. One has to be willing to look at themselves with a discerning eye. How are they doing, not just in one area but all areas? When you get to the point you can do that, it is a good thing, because at that point one can begin to make the improvements needed. This isn’t just true for me and my family, it is true for all of us.
I know I am now on this journey to better health. I am on it with my wife, and I am on it with you. At least from the perspective you can help hold me accountable, accountable with things like questioning my progress, questioning and challenging me to keep eating right, and on and on and on. That is a good place to be, it kind of exemplifies where family and faith can come together, coming together to where friends become like family, not only in relational ways, but practical ways. Of course I don’t expect the journey to always be fun, but I do know that if I stick to it, bear it out, the end results of where I am going is a much better place than where I am at now.
What is the journey you need to look at taking? What are the things holding you back from the good? Are you willing to take the necessary steps? Are you willing to partner and help others out? I hope so, for none of us are perfect, and we are all on this journey. It just so happens that for the moment, taking care of God’s temple is a part of my own journey. We each have our own journeys though, where is yours taking you?
Here are a couple of videos for you today that are appropriate for the article, as with both of them, if you don't see the video click on the link, but, if the video is there, just click on the video.
This one is pretty good, but may have material that is offensive to some. It does address some serious issues in a comedic way. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=at3_Hol15dQ
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives.
You can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew.(Please note that the links for The Virtual Pew blogs have been going through some changes and the url’s have changed.)
A couple of weeks ago I got to go with my wife to see Craig Morgan in concert at the Wichita River Festival. In the past I have been very disappointed in this festival but this year they had some great entertainment and I knew after reading the lineup that if I only went to one evening of the festival it would be to see Craig Morgan.
Craig Morgan has had a number of hit songs and none no bigger really than the song, That’s What I Love About Sunday. It is the fifth song featured on the DVD Three Wooden Crosses 11 Inspirational Videos From Today’s Top Country Artists. I will temporarily be skipping over the fourth song of that series, Jo Dee Messina’s Because You Love Me. I will have to download that video if obtaining permission to do so as it presently don’t exist on YouTube.
There are a lot of things I could say about the concert with Craig Morgan. I’ll be honest, from the outset I was skeptical that he would be outspoken about his faith. I knew he was a person of faith as he speaks about it quite often in the songs he has recorded. I was pleasantly surprised though when this Country Megastar didn’t only share some of his faith, but was outspoken in a non apologetic way about his relationship with Jesus Christ. Thousands upon thousands of persons in attendance heard from a man who loved to have a good time, but also placed his faith and his family in their proper places of priority. Amidst all of the cigarette smoke, beer drinking, and partying, we were having church.
I was waiting for Craig Morgan to perform the song that is the feature of today’s Three Wooden Crosses songs. I should have known better but I was pleasantly shocked and surprised when his band started off with a rendition of Amazing Grace prior to breaking into his mega hit That’s What I Like About Sunday. It wasn’t long before people holding their 22 oz glass of beer was swaying to the music singing along. I couldn’t help but wonder, if the church was as described in the song today, if many of these people might reconsider their own willingness to give faith another chance, or possibly even a chance for the first time.
I love this song for a variety of reasons, even though I didn’t grow up so much in church; I was partially raised in a home where church was critically important. On occasion I would go to church with my grandparents and learned to appreciate some of the things associated with this Sunday event and even church. It wasn’t just a time for church, it was a time about family, love, and relationship which I largely enjoyed. I would enjoy some of the times I visited the Greenwood Baptist Church in Johnson City where my grandparents attended, I would even enjoy some of the time there, but the real joy came from being at home after church, having a great meal, having a game of football or whatever sport was in season, and then falling asleep in front of the television from being tired and full, full from the great meal my grandmother always prepared. I can still smell and taste those meals of fresh green beans, macaroni and cheese, meat loaf or fried chicken, homemade biscuits with gravy, and on occasion one of my grandmother’s favorites, tomato pudding. She always had a dessert whether a homemade spice cake or freshly cooked from scratch banana pudding, I miss those days.
I never realized it until it was much too late, but the church experience, the visitations, the meals were all a part of what made Sunday’s special. I look back on those days and to be honest, I miss them, especially now that I am a Christian and the church part should and could mean so much more than it does. I loved the days when we always had company at my grandmas’ house, usually someone from church and sometimes a visitor. There were days when you could do that. I guess you still could but truth is we don’t. Church now is a place we go, and then as soon as it is done most folks go to their favorite restaurant. As a result we end up not building relationships, and more importantly, building memories. Even as one who wasn’t a Christian at the time, I can’t help but tell you I miss those days.
This is one of the things I love about this Craig Morgan song, it reminds us of what we used to have, of what Sunday’s used to be all about for some families. I believe it reminds us of what Sunday’s should still be. We can think of churches where Sunday is an event that you prepare for. You get the clothes ready the night before, you start the meal as a celebration of what has just occurred the night before, even getting up early on Sunday morning prior to going to church. I can still see my grandmother having it down to a perfect science. Lunch was always served within an hour after church and we all looked forward to it. I wish we still had the days where guests and other church members were invited to each others home to have a good meal, sit down, maybe on the front porch swing and visit a spell. Yea, those relationships those moments are worth remembering.
That is my little visit down the memory highway, check out the lyrics to the song, and then maybe share some of the memories of what church used to be like to you. Maybe of a meal at Grandmas’, maybe share a few things of how we can get that time back, a time where faith meant something, and friends were people you spent time with and cared about, not just someone you saw once a week at a Sunday morning service. Let’s talks about what we can do so we can love Sunday again.
Now check out the video, I love this one, if you don’t see a photo of the video, just click on the link, otherwise, click on the video to enjoy That’s What I Love About Sunday. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgyVKUJYHNk
Lyrics to That’s What I Like About Sunday
Raymond's in his Sunday best, He's usually up to his chest in oil an' grease. There's the Martin's walkin' in, With that mean little freckle-faced kid, Who broke a window last week. Sweet Miss Betty likes to sing off key in the pew behind me.
That's what I love about Sunday: Sing along as the choir sways; Every verse of Amazin' Grace, An' then we shake the Preacher's hand. Go home, into your blue jeans; Have some chicken an' some baked beans. Pick a back yard football team, Nothin' much of anything: That's what I love about Sunday.
I stroll to the end of the drive, Pick up the Sunday Times, grab my coffee cup. It looks like Sally an' Ron, finally tied the knot, Well, it's about time. It's 35 cents off a ground round, Baby. cut that coupon out!
That's what I love about Sunday: Cat-napping on the porch swing; You curled up next to me, The smell of jasmine wakes us up. Take a walk down a back road, Tackle box and a cane pole; Carve our names in that white oak, An' steal a kiss as the sun fades, That's what I love about Sunday, Oh, yeah.
Ooh, new believers gettin' baptized, Momma's hands raised up high, Havin' a Hallelujah good time A smile on everybody's face. That's what I love about Sunday, Oh, yeah.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives.
You can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew.(Please note that the links for The Virtual Pew blogs have been going through some changes and the url’s have changed.)
There will be some who have no idea as to why the title of this blog, I challenge you to read on, others, will be struck by the title because you will have some idea and wonder what is going on, I know you will read on.
For a large part of my life I was not a Christian. In fact, I hated Christianity. You can read my book The Keystone Kid to learn more about my hatred and rebellion from the church. I grew up with specific attitudes about Christianity, Christians, and the Church. To be honest most of those were not positive, and truth is, much about them is still not positive. While I now love the Church, while I love Christians, there is much to work on not only for Christianity and the Church, but also with me.
I ended up getting saved a little later in life when I came to see Jesus for who he is, the lover and giver of my soul. I saw him as a judge but one who wanted the best for me. I also began as I got older to understand Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit better as I begin to read “The Ultimate Love Book”, the Holy Bible. I saw and understood things as I had never understood them before. It wasn’t long before I began to realize that if the God, the Savior, the Church presented in the Bible was practiced like it was in the Bible, Christianity would be a lot more appealing to those like myself who was turned off by what they had seen..
A few years after my conversion to Christianity, latter in my high school and early college years I begin to work in the Christian music ministry. There was a lot of learning to take place, and it is one of the reasons I am so keen on the responsibility of the church to involve its people in a concept called discipleship. Discipleship is the process where followers of Jesus become as much like Jesus as possible. I didn’t know, or understand this process at first but came to know how important it was later in life. It was during these early years that I felt God call me into ministry. That is something hard to explain but I had multitudes of people reaffirm this. Over the years a lot of things happened, I would follow that call for part of the time, then for part of the time stray away from it. It was in 2001 that I realized my need to fully commit myself to ministry. I left my job associated with Mental Health Rehabilitation and begin to explore my involvement in full-time ministry. At first I volunteered for the church I was attending as a full-time volunteer, and from there, ended up taking a pastors job at United at the Cross Community Church in Wichita Kansas.
Early on in the search I felt drawn to the church in Wichita. It was a church that was doing ministry in the type of neighborhood I grew up. There was a mixture of races, it was poor, and it was a church that had as its mission this community. I loved this little church although I would later find out there were multitudes of problems. I turned down a church in Benkelman Nebraska, Willow Creek in the Chicago area, and a church in Merced California. United at the Cross paid the least, $18,000 a year which I later requested be moved to $15,000 a year, minimal benefits, and it was an upstart church started by World Impact in conjunction with the Mennonite Brethren. It was the most racially diverse church in the MB conference, and was to the far extreme in the style of worship in its contemporary style. With all of my years in music and worship, this church at its peak was among the best worship experiences, with one of the best worship teams I ever experienced.
There were many issues with the church during the time I was there. My main concern was what I perceived to be a lack of support in regards to assistance, not financially, although that was an issue, but mainly in the area of providing maturity to help with the issues surrounding the church. Issues like most of our people coming out of backgrounds other than Christian that involved homelessness, gangs, prostitution and I could keep on going. In fact, it was the people, their backgrounds and the life transforming power of Christ that led me to this church. Yet, with those issues, the need for maturity was needed, as well as a continued financial support. Things were tough, and one of the mistakes I made was allowing people with little knowledge of these groups be involved in the leadership of the church. Truth is I didn’t do the training of some of these individuals I needed to do and when I did realize what needed to be done, it was too late. There was a lot more than that, a lot that I don’t take blame for that just made it difficult to survive.
There was a plan in place, a plan I felt would enable me to continue at the church, but one that would allow an inner city, multi racial, poor church to survive. We were looking at the incorporation of a team concept, which would allow me to better use my strengths and some within the church to better use, theirs. I have no doubt the process would have worked if we could have gotten the support we had requested from other churches. For whatever reason those churches didn’t see the need and didn’t help in the ways we had asked. I still have regrets about that because now, a little over a year ago, United at the Cross Community Church shut down. It shut down at the pain of me and the number of others who were still attending. I knew I needed to do what God was calling me to, and that I couldn’t do that, and do everything necessary to continue to pastor this church full-time. It was with that in mind, that the church closed its doors.
There are a number of the people associated with United at the Cross that I still maintain contact with, some on a weekly basis through either face to face, telephone, or the Faith in Film group I host here at my house. A number of them still ask about starting up a new church, with me being the pastor. In fact counting those from United at the Cross, and others there are around 25 – 30 who ask this. It is something I will continue to explore but for now am content in doing what God has called me to. I know God still desires ministry, but I am also sure God’s desire for the community of which United at the Cross was in never weaned. God gave an organization a vision of ministry for that neighborhood and community, I am confident that God still has those very desires. I believe now, looking back, it would have been best to fight for United at the Cross, to stay in existence with a few changes and continue. I have struggled with that since the church closed its doors. There are all kinds of reasons for those struggles.
With all of that said, with all of my concerns for this neighborhood, I have maintained a love and involvement in the South West Neighborhood of Wichita where United at the Cross was located. I have maintained The Virtual Pew address there because that is an area I still do ministry. My responsibility to that community did not end when United at the Cross closed its doors. That is part of what being a pastor is, you care about the relationships that have been built, despite those that walk away for whatever reason, despite those that didn’t follow biblical guidelines for whatever reason, despite whether I still live in the community or not, I made a commitment not only to the church, but to the community. Those who are not Christians see Christians do enough running away, it is time some of them saw Christians doing some running towards. I am reminded here of the parable of the Prodigal Son, in the end, love is illustrated initially by the desire to run to the one that was lost. I just don’t understand why churches, and church organizations don’t always see this.
God is good, God has a way of saying forget those who don’t honor commitment, if people don’t care then I will bring up a new people. God has a way of putting the call of ministry into the hearts of those who really are into ministry for ministry. It is with that being said that I was somewhat shocked, and even confused within the last few weeks. I was reminded by a prophesy one of the members of United at the Cross gave one week at church. That prophesy the individual gave came to be true, yet at the time people just ignored it, didn’t take it seriously. I honestly think that right now God is proving his word, and that prophesy to be true.
I have been attending a church plant named Mosaic as of the last months. Mosaic is a church that has been doing little things like going out of their way to show The Lost, The Last and The Least that they want to be Jesus to them. They have been doing things like feeding the homeless, providing hope to people hurt by the church and so much more. At a recent activity in Wichita, The Wichita River Festival, individuals were handing out stickers that said something like, “Forgive us as Christians for being such judgmental, hypocritical jerks. Mosaic a church for people who have given up on church.” I was blown away by this, it describes exactly the type of church that United at the Cross was, they are practicing the very things I believe in, in trying to be a church that ministers to the very people Jesus did. They are a church who seems to fully understand the vision and mission of The Virtual Pew.
I have plugged in at Mosaic, I am a part of the worship team, Nathan is going to youth group meetings, and Mary Jane starts teaching children’s church this month. The church has also supported The Virtual Pew and the ministry I am involved in. Recently they provided about a months worth of funds and they continue to offer prayer support for the ministry. In some ways you could say it has been a good marriage. That don’t mean things are perfect, they aren’t but they are good, and I am amazed at how this one church is carrying out the mission of what church is supposed to do. They have the support financially from other churches that have helped as well as help via people from those churches making commitments to help in leadership. Hope Community Church and others in the area have helped; I would encourage more, as I am certain this church is filling a need within the city of Wichita.
Now this is where God has been working on me, it is where he is working from the perspective that in some ways he is raising United at the Cross from the dead. Mosaic has been meeting at a local school, Robinson Middle School. There have been issues with that school, but good things as well. Recently due to some undue difficulties that were coming up, Mosaic decided to look at another location for church. I sill long for the day the church has its own space but for now, they decided on a place to start meeting this next weekend. It was to my astonishment at church a couple of weeks ago when I heard that Mosaic, at least for now, and until God says otherwise, is going to start meeting at Truesdale Elementary School. A school in the South West Neighborhood of Wichita, only a few blocks away from where I lived, and United at the Cross was located. God is in fact, placing this church, and placing me and my family once again, into the community he called us into when we first moved here in 2002.
Through all of this process I have struggled a little, struggled about going back into my old neighborhood, going back into an area where I saw so much promise but was hurt so much by an unwillingness of some to do things right. I could go on, but I am simply amazed, that in some form, the mission, and ministry I longed so much for in this community may be ready to take place. I can still be pastor to those involved with The Virtual Pew, as well as those seeking pastoral guidance, leadership, and help from the relationships over the years. I can see a ministry do the things I wanted, desired and prayed for in this community while at the same time, taking my own ministry desires to a new level. I can’t explain it, and the dead aren’t walking yet, but there is promise, promise that God still lives, and don’t abandon those he loves.
There are several things this week I can ask for, among the top of those is prayer. You can pray for The Virtual Pew, for Mosaic, and certainly for those who cared about the ministry that once existed with United at the Cross Community Church. There is also the ongoing need of financial support, not just for myself and the ministry of The Virtual Pew but also the ministry of Mosaic. I would ask individuals, churches and organizations to also pray that God continues to build the marriage of ministry between The Virtual Pew and Mosaic. Then I would ask, for those that supported United at the Cross Community Church to consider ways you can support this rebirth. Maybe it is by becoming involved in Mosaic, maybe it is by something else. I used to have a friend that walked the community with me, showing love to the community. I am still willing to do that but need partners. For those that are not a part of a church, or are maybe a part of a church who realizes that there is need for ministry that wasn’t fulfilled consider becoming a part of Mosaic as they take on this new area of ministry. Be a history maker, not one who just sits back and expects others to make it.
I could go on, but will leave it at that for today. It is a new week, a new day, and a new moment in ministry. I am pleased with the fact, that like I said earlier, God still has a special place in his heart for The Lost, The Last, and The Least. Now the question for you is what are you doing to serve those whom God cares so much about in your community? I know he cares, and I also know that if you care, he will raise up workers to get the job done. It is time for all of us to get off our buns, and make a difference, if not in South West Wichita, then where ever you may be located. It is time for the church to be the Church and quit making excuses. Are you listening?
If wanting to see a great song on raising the dead, click on the following video. If the video don't appear, click on the link.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives.
You can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word. Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew.(Please note that the links for The Virtual Pew blogs have been going through some changes and the url’s have changed.)
I guess one of the first things I should have made clear when looking at the articles reviewing the videos from the DVD Three Wooden Crosses 11 Insperational Videos From Today’s Top Country Artists is that it has only been within the last few years that I have become a fan of Country Music. I remember being with my mother and her former husband listening to Country Music and me hating it. I much more preferred the sounds of Foghat, Bachman Turner Overdrive, ELO, The Who, Aerosmith, AC-DC and others along those musical styles. In fact in those days I really couldn’t stand Country Music that was hat the likes of Porter Wagoner, Loretta Lynn, George Jones and the more twangy styles. I guess it was only after the influx of new artists, the adaptation of more rock n roll into their music and moving to Tulsa Oklahoma, the home of Bob Wills and Cain’s Ballroom that I begin to enjoy Country Music.
Don’t get me wrong, there were those in the field of Country that I appreciated, people like Linda Rondstat, Johnny Cash and then there were those new artists in the day that I really liked, artists like Randy Travis. I was kind of impressed in getting to meet some of the legends when I worked in the field of music, people like Ronny Millsap, Individuals within The Marshall Tucker Band like Toy Caldwell who I had a fair relationship with, (I still haven’t forgotten that Toy died owing me a few hundred bucks.) Then there were those I didn’t meet but met some of the people who played in their band, people like the lead guitar player for Randy Travis who ended up playing on my wife’s cd. It was after the fact of playing on it before my wife realized who he was, and as she was always a big fan of Randy Travis I found myself listening to even more of his music, watching even more of his videos.
That appreciation for, and love of Randy Travis music is a love that didn’t need a lot of fertilizing to grow in me. I have always loved his music and recently when checking out a CD from the library, Three Wooden Crosses, became more aware of his conversion to Christianity and his commitment to it. It has been evident to me that a “Revival” of sorts is happening within the Country Music Industry. While the Gospel has always been key to the industry, the impact, the reality, and the influence of the Gospel on peoples lives hasn’t always been as evident as it is now. Just last week I went to see popular recording artists Craig Morgan in concert and was amazed at his openness in sharing his faith and the impact of his faith on his songs. For all practical purposes, the thousands in attendance could have just as easily been at a church service. I don’t know if all of the people drinking their beer and partying during the concert realized that, but they should have as Craig Morgan couldn’t have made it any more clear.
Today’s video is the title track from the DVD Three Wooden Crosses 11 Inspirational Videos From Today’s Top Country Artists. The video Three Wooden Crosses tells a powerful song of acceptance, change, forgiveness, and God’s love.
I love the song because it is done in a style I love, as a ballad, or story we hear the incredible, tragic, yet, celebratory story of a bus, truck accident that claimed three lives one late night. In the story we hear of the sacrifices and contributions of a preacher, a teacher, and a farmer. We also hear the story of a survivor a hooker, or prostitute. What ends up happening in the story is what I call the shock factor of the song, we find out we are being told the story by the hookers son, who is now a preacher.
Randy Travis has one of the most unique and quality voices in all of music. He is kind of like Melinda Doolittle, he has such a great voice that if ever on American Idol you would have to wonder if people would recognize the quality there is that exists. The difference is that people will, and have recognized the uniqueness of the voice and the talent that goes behind it. 11 Wooden Crosses is a song that also shows the brilliance and importance of a great song. The only critical aspect of this song is that I wish I could find a version that shows the story, not just a concert performance video. That is okay though, it allows the song to speak for itself. Now use your imagination of loved ones as you listen to the song. If you do that, it will make the song even more powerful.
I know many don’t like God, that is understandable as the only witness for God they often see are Christians who don’t really walk perfect lives. Some of them are even quite judgmental. It is a shame that more don’t see the love that often also comes from Christians, those that love God and know how much God loved them. This song, by a man who loves God, is also a song that shows how God can work and change people. Enjoy it.
If you don’t see the video below, just click on the link. If you see the video, click on the video, enjoy and from here on out, when every you see a wooden cross on the side of the highway, you will think of this song. I can even tell you how much I think of it every time I see multiple crosses, including the one just down the street from me that has three wooden crosses. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEEMTJKKDQE
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives.
You can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew.(Please note that the links for The Virtual Pew blogs have been going through some changes and the url’s have changed.)
Today is going to be short and sweet. I was drawn from working yesterday due to the background noise, and I mean it when I say noise. Simple today, but what do you think?
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives.
You can visit www.thevirtualpew.com and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew.(Please note that the links for The Virtual Pew blogs have been going through some changes and the url’s have changed.)
Today I am doing another song off of the DVD Three Wooden Crosses 11 Inspirational Videos From Today’s Top Country Artists. Today we will look at the video I need You from LeAnn Rimes.
LeAnn Rimes born in Mississippi but raised in Garland Texas released the song I Need You as a part of the music soundtrack for the movie Jesus. Rimes a young and talented artists has had her share of difficulty in life so the song is one that could have significant meaning to her, especially when looking at the spiritual significance of the song when looking at it as a love song of appreciation to Jesus.
I actually love the video on this one. We see LeAnn early in the video as a young woman alone, almost even questioning her surroundings. All through the early segments of the video, and in fact all through out the video we also see a light orb. While many will look at various aspects as to what the meaning of the orb is, I see it as a representation of the Holy Spirit which I will get to later.
In the first verse of the song we see that the lyric talks about how Christ, (assuming that is what she is talking about since the song was for the movie Jesus.) provides all she needs. The blessings, the things aren’t nearly as important as the relationship she has. Notice the last two lines of the first verse, You’re my only reason; You’re my only truth. I am reminded here of the passage in the Bible where Jesus says of himself, “I am the way the truth and the life, no one goes to the Father unless they go through me.” The lyric indicates that they know that Jesus is the truth.
I also appreciate the chorus in this song, a chorus that looks at water among other things. When thinking of the water reference, I think of two things, baptism, which involves water and shows a willingness to follow Christ, and of the fact that Jesus called himself “Living Water.” This isn’t all the chorus reflects on though. There is the reflection of the mercy provided by Jesus, as well as the freedom we have from Heaven as a result of what Christ has done for us in showing us ultimate love. It is in fact that love, the fact that Christ will bear our burdens that the song reflects the attitude that we obtain freedom from being lifted up, carried if you will by Christ. It is there that we can recognize how much we need Jesus.
In the first chorus of the video we also see the orb, or Holy Spirit begin to move across LeAnn. We see it symbolically begin to have an effect on everything about her. This actually has some significant bearing which we will see amplified even more the next time the chorus comes around.
Starting with the second verse we can begin to see that in many ways this song is a prayer of recognition of what God has done. We see the concepts of pleading and recognition again in the lyric, but also in the symbolism of the video. We see these concepts when the lyric talks about the hope and courage that comes about because of the relationship with Christ. Even through cold and dark times, Christ is there to lift us, to hold us, to carry us. It is nice to see the lyric reflect here that they know Christ has provided these things. It is also nice to see it reflect the fact that they know what Christ has done, and as a result won’t go back to their old ways of doing things.
It as we get through the second verse of the video, towards the end of the chorus that we see the Holy Spirit take control of LeAnn. We see it as the orb enters her soul and engulfs everything about her. One could say that this is a reflection of letting the Spirit of God live through you, that when we do allow that we begin to see a difference in our own lives, our own ways, not only where we can see those differences but others around us can see the differences.
From the point of influence by the Holy Spirit in the video, we see all images, including the image of LeAnn in a white backwash and white clothing. This represents the purity offered and provided by Christ. It should be known here, we don’t do the changing, in fact, it is questionable as to how much we really change. It is in fact though, just as illustrated in the video that Christ, or the Holy Spirit is the one who brings about change. It is only after opening up her life, and opening up her soul, that we see this transformation take place. Just as it occurs in real life, only when we allow the Holy Spirit to make change, does change actually occur.
I could say more, but challenge you to watch the video, think about the lyrics, knowing that the song was written for the movie Jesus helps us understand who the song is really all about.
I don't need a lot of things I can get by with nothing Of all the blessings life can bring I've always needed something But I’ve got all I want When it comes to loving you You're my only reason You're my only truth
I need you like water Like breath, like rain I need you like mercy From heaven's gate There's a freedom in your arms That carries me through I need you
You're the hope that moves me To courage again You're the love that rescues me When the cold winds, rage And it's so amazing 'cause that's just how you are And I can't turn back now 'cause you've brought me too far
I need you like water Like breath, like rain I need you like mercy From heaven's gate There's a freedom in your arms That carries me through I need you Oh yes I do
I need you like water Like breath, like rain I need you like mercy From heaven's gate There's a freedom in your arms That carries me through I need you Oh yes I do I need you I need you
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives.
You can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word. Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew.(Please note that the links for The Virtual Pew blogs have been going through some changes and the url’s have changed.)
Yesterday I got to do something I haven’t had the chance to do in a while, I got to play golf with my wife. Now don’t get me wrong, neither of us are great golfers by any means but we aren’t horrible either. When I play a lot, like once a week, I can shoot in the mid 80’s not too bad. Of course I haven’t been playing as much lately so am shooting around 100, one of those numbers you have to get away from. Then there is my wife, she has the distinction of being listed in the Hall of Fame for hitting a hole in one at a course a number of years ago. Every time I go to play a par three, I am reminded, can I duplicate what she has done? While I have had two eagles and one double eagle in my life, I have never had a hole in one. My wife reminds me of that quite often. Then again, she isn’t that bad of a player either. When playing from the red tees she can stay there with me, and truth is, about half of the time beat me. She doesn’t hit the ball long, but she hits it straight, an attribute you really need if you want to do well in this game.
Kansas is a tough place to play golf, it is windy and the roughs are legitimately roughs. There is a lot of what we call tall grass out here and when you hit a ball in one of those areas you hope you can find it. My usual hope when I play golf is that I leave with at least the same number of golf balls I started with. I hate it when I lose balls. Yesterday was a good day for both my wife and I. We actually left the golf course with two more golf balls than we arrived with. Our game wasn’t great, but we had fun and enjoyed each others company.
I guess that in its simplicity that is what yesterday was about. We knew we had a tough day on us. Our house in Oklahoma we assumed went before the judge for foreclosure yesterday. After speaking to several friends who have gone through the same thing, and the realtor handling the house we were told we wouldn’t need to be at the court hearing. With gas prices at $3.29 a gallon here and an anticipated gas bill of $100 we decided instead to play golf. We really needed to find a way to keep the day from being so bad. It wasn’t that we were running from anything, but we knew there was nothing we could do about the house so we needed to find a way to make a bad day into a fun, or good day.
Yesterday was one of those days my wife beat me in the game of golf. For some guys that would be a horrible day. I am reminded though of the bumper stickers that say a bad day fishing is better than a great day at work. Yesterday was kind of like that. The truth is, I got better as the day went on, but my wife got a lot better. I was okay with that, because we laughed, we kidded, we played around like two sweethearts on a date doing something they love. I guess in a way that is exactly what we were doing.
Now I realize that not everyone here loves to play golf like my wife and I. But there has to be something you do love. Find out what it is, and when you are facing tough times, spend time doing the thing you love, hopefully with someone you love. There isn’t much better medicine than that and God knows how to fill an empty and hurting heart with some of the most simple things, that is if you let him. I’m here to tell you, at least yesterday, I am really glad I let God work in a lot of ways, on a golf course in Clearwater Kansas. That little taste of love and fun, carried over to at least the next morning. What more can a man ask for when facing the tough times we were facing yesterday?
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives.
You can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word. Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew.(Please note that the links for The Virtual Pew blogs have been going through some changes and the url’s have changed.)