Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The War On Islam In America
Let me state first of all, I am an unapologetic Christian, holding firm to what I believe to be the truths of the Bible and the concept that I believe, Jesus meant exactly what he said when he said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” I also believe the Bible is correct when it says, “There is no other name under Heaven which any of us can be saved other than the name of Jesus.”  While I have issues with Radical Islam, I have strong disagreeing points of view from a religious perspective with any system of faith that prescribes to salvation offered by anyone other than Jesus. I also have serious issues with the way many who profess their faith as following Jesus who also are doing and saying the things they are regarding Muslim people.

I think it a serious mistake to not draw differences between Radical Islam and Moderate Islam in the same way I think it a serious mistake to compare all Christians to Westboro Baptist Church. It is dangerous to paint all people of faith under a single color, when in reality, there is a difference. When we paint others with a broad brush, we unfortunately include people under that color that does not fit there. I am no more a part of the same faith system of Westboro Baptist Church or the KKK than many Muslims are a part of Radical Islam. We would all serve ourselves, and our neighbors well to remember that reality.

A number of years ago I served as a volunteer pastor in the areas of Evangelism and Outreach at what was then named Westport Mennonite Brethren Church. That church, near Tulsa Oklahoma between Collinsville and Owasso sat on a corner called German Corner. It was so named because prior to World War 2 many who were a part of that church were immigrants from Russia and Germany.  During the outbreak of World War 2 many at the church still spoke German and if not mistaken, the church still had German speaking services because it was the native tongue of many at the church. You can imagine the attitudes of many within the community with the outbreak of World War 2.

Many of those in the community just like many other German Americans were dangerous to many people. These German immigrants were people who had left the persecution in Germany, to find freedom in America, they were a peace loving people, opposed to war but also understanding of the need for actions to stop Hitler.  Many Mennonites were put in internment camps in America, just as were many Japanese due to a fear of association with their land of origin. This last year, I drove by one of those internment camps and I was reminded of a story, which I heard first hand which brought tears to my eyes, as well as the person telling the story, some 45 or 50 years later.

While at Westport I also worked with our middle school youth. I had a concern that many Mennonite Brethren people had forgotten their history, a sad commentary especially since many of those experiencing and living through that history of coming to America were still alive. There was one such lady who was a part of the church that I wanted to share her story. I will never forget that experience.

This lady was in her 80’s and she was one of those who came to America with her parents to experience freedom. I will never forget her telling this story and her memories of being a young girl during World War 2. While it was close to 50 years later she would still cry telling of how she was treated during this time. She was bullied at school, had her hair pulled, called a Nazi and on and on. She would be beaten up, over and over again, simply because she was from Germany. She was guilty by association because she spoke German and was from Germany. She now understood more than most the freedoms afforded those who came to America, she understood what it felt like to have that dream and understanding ripped out from under her. As she told her story, I and others, wept, the hurt had lasted so long and what had been done to her was so wrong. The concerns many had about her and her family, at least to me, seemed similar to the way many are now treating many Muslim people.

I wonder sometimes about if we really think about the faith many who say they are Christian, represent. How do others see or respond to our faith by our words and actions?  I also think about how we proclaim the beautiful aspects of America while in reality, some promote a concept that is nothing like America. Now don’t take me wrong, I understand an appropriate vetting process, I understand the need to seek and insure safety as much as possible but as I look at comments on social media I am perplexed; How can we promote the respect for our soldiers who serve on the battlefield, yet at the same time, ridicule and belittle a United States Marine or others who served in our armed services who happen to be Muslim? 

Unfortunately, I believe many are allowing Radical Islam to win. We cower in fear and the way many show that fear is the way they group a whole group of people into the same category as the radicals. When the first response is to group all people into a radical group, we in many ways become no better than the people we throw under the umbrellas we do. We end up having a form of hatred in how we react. While we may try to mask it as caution, concern, etc.…, there is no doubt, there is for many a hatred that is certainly unchristian, and I challenge, for a nation of immigrants who says it supports the concepts of “The American Dream,” unfortunately rips the head off of the Statue of Liberty and all she stands for.

I challenge for Christians, put on the armor of God and display the attitude of love for all people that Christ commands us to put on. Sometimes that battle is won with love, and believe me, it can be a real battle to love even our enemies. Our responsibility is to mirror Jesus, not some political slant. I would say to those Americans who are so quick to hate, to reflect on our history as a nation and the mistakes we have made as a nation. Let’s learn from those mistakes and do all we can to not repeat them.  Now again, as a point of clarification, I am not supporting Radical Islam, I believe that it is a nations responsibility to do all it can to destroy all such forms of terror, there is in fact, no reasoning with some people and it is time we quit trying to do so. There really is very little reasoning with people who want to kill and destroy you, it is best of course if we try to prevent from getting to that point but that for a current group of people is too late, maybe not for others, but for some, yes, it is too late. Now understand we have to be careful to not throw all Muslims under the same umbrella. It is a sad day in America, I still believe we live in a great nation, unfortunately, the actions of hatred by some tear down brick by brick much of what has made our nation great.  May we rebuild her as opposed to tear her down. God help us all.  

 The Virtual Pew and our other work is supported solely by the kind contributions of others. You can click on the donate button below to give any amount to this work that does so much more than just post articles on the net; I draw no ongoing salary from the church I pastor, Mosaic Wichita which is predominantly a homeless church; I am grateful for any small amount you can contribute to help with this ministry.  Believe me there is much more going on than most realize. I will also provide information to verify the ministry and income that comes into this ministry and work.  Thanks and feel free to share any material from The Virtual Pew, I only ask that appropriate credit is given and a link to the original site with the materials provided.

Click here to read about, and order the book, The Keystone Kid 

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Monday, July 6, 2015

Death, Dying, Serving
You evil person, how can you say you promote the Kingdom of God? What has your ministry really done to help someone? Why does your ministry ask for money? These three are but three of many questions I am often asked but yesterday was another example of how effective this ministry is. I must first state emphatically, the ministries I am part of, The Virtual Pew and Mosaic Wichita are not my ministries, they are ministries God has called me to and ministries that are His, not mine. They are ministries I have been blessed to see fruit from, not always the kind you hear about on television but the kind that if you step back, think about; you will realize it is a ministry that is different and is in fact, making a difference.

This last weekend I commented on social media about how lonely it is being in ministry. I have never lived close to my family, other than my immediate family since my mid-teen years for any extended period of time. There have been moments, but in the course of years, only that, moments. It is easy to get to the place where you experience the pain of loneliness but how about the pain of loneliness that comes from one who is literally in their last months of life?

For me, at times, it is very hard to distinguish the differences between the work of Mosaic and the work of The Virtual Pew. Both have as a purpose to reach out to and serve those who are hurting. One brings in some level of support for Mosaic, the missional church ministry, the other, The Virtual Pew, in many ways serves others in various forms of hurt with an evangelical twist but it also brings in some money for Mosaic. Of course you need to understand, neither brings in enough to operate a full-time ministry but the ministry is effective.

One of the things we have done at Mosaic is to follow the Biblical expectation that we care for our neighbors, especially the orphans and widows, the poor and needy. We do many things including we mow and take care of the lawns for two individuals across the street, living in different homes, one an elderly lady and the other a elderly man who has for the last year been seriously decreasing in health. We have made it clear to both, we want nothing in return, we just want to serve them. We also take them food and offer other helps. The little lady has another gentlemen in the community who is helping her out, the elderly man we have noticed has no one.
The man, Gene was given 3 - 6 months to live a year ago. He has lasted the year but has declined so much that he now realizes he is in his last months. I along with my wife meet with him again today to discuss a request from him. He wants to move in with us here at Mosaic so that he doesn't have to die alone. Think about that, he doesn't want to die alone in a nursing home and appreciates what we have been doing for him over the last months that he is asking to move in with us, so he can be around people who have shown him compassion before he dies and doesn't have to die alone. Stop for a bit before reading on to think about this.

Gene has no family outside of some nieces and nephews whom he has no idea where they live. If he were to move in, for us at Mosaic, it would require a great deal of sacrifice for all of us. He would have to stay in an upstairs room, not able to get around much, require nursing care that comes into the house and for those that live here, during the times Mary Jane and I are away, extra effort on  the other residents part to help out. It means all of us spending more time upstairs with Gene during his last days on earth. It means at some point, having to help clean him if he can't get to the bathroom, helping sponge bathe him because he is too week to get into a shower or into a tub. It means taking meals upstairs, it means befriending someone even more so to be with them as they die. Those are not easy things, for family who has done this with others you know of the wear and the tear, for others, you can only imagine doing that for someone who isn't a regular part of your life. Could it be a challenge? How could it help but be anything else?

Many ask as to why to support Mosaic or The Virtual Pew, it is really quite simple, what we are talking about will cost more money which we don't have, it will take more time which is hard to come by but it will be showing love to someone who frankly, needs love and has no one else that is willing to give it, not a big church, not a big ministry, not even a wealthy individual, it has in fact, fallen on us to make the sacrifice of offering love which on paper, financially and from a time commitment is hard to imagine being done. Others will come up with their solutions which would likely include him dying alone, not feeling loved, wherever that may be. That solution is not acceptable to us. It wasn't acceptable because our residents have taken the time to serve this man, to get to know him and thankfully, get to the place where we don't want to see him die alone.
Does all of this mean we are taking him in right away? To be honest no it doesn't mean that, but we are meeting with him today, will meet with hospice care this week to also speak with them about how and if we can make this happen. I don't know the answer right now but will say, there is a better than 50% chance that we will be having him move in with us very soon, so he doesn't have to die alone. Let me ask a simple question, what are you willing to do to help, if not with this man, but someone who lives near you, someone you know? Can you think of someone who doesn't want to die alone? Would you be willing to bring them in to sacrifice to show them the love that God expects all of his children to show others? 

This isn't written to make Mosaic or The Virtual Pew to look good, it isn't written to make you feel guilty, it is written so that those of us who call ourselves followers of Jesus will think more about the role and impact we can have on the hurting around us. Will we act like Jesus and show love to those who are hurting, those who struggle, those who need a companion and a friend named Jesus. Will we be willing to be the mirroring example of the love Christ has for them by loving them as Jesus loves them?  What you do with it will be entirely up to you, but I challenge, do something.

I love this song a great deal, to watch and listen just click on the video, otherwise if problems, click on the following link:

 The Virtual Pew and our other work is supported solely by the kind contributions of others. You can click on the donate button below to give any amount to this work that does so much more than just post articles on the net; I draw no ongoing salary from the church I pastor, Mosaic Wichita which is predominantly a homeless church; I am grateful for any small amount you can contribute to help with this ministry.  Believe me there is much more going on than most realize. I will also provide information to verify the ministry and income that comes into this ministry and work.  Thanks and feel free to share any material from The Virtual Pew, I only ask that appropriate credit is given and a link to the original site with the materials provided.

Click here to read about, and order the book, The Keystone Kid 

You can also order the book at all major retailers, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble and so forth. It is available via e-book for .99 Cents or if having a way to download, can download the full audio book at and simply going to Mike Furches / The Keystone Kid. The audio version of the book is available for a free download.!store
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Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word. Here is our contact information

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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Another Church Shooting and My Meeting with the KKK
A number of years ago we adopted our son. He was born in Charleston South Carolina.  He is a creation of God that came about via a rape of a very young woman. He is half black and half white. We knew at the time of the difficulty in the South, especially in South Carolina of child placement in a state with strong roots and history. We felt the call of God to do what we did and for the first part of his life, he grew up in South Carolina.

During that time I actually ran for political office, a state House Seat which I barely lost to a retired postman. It was unique, while I ran as a Democrat I had garnished the support of the NAACP and the National Right To Life and many Republicans, some would say strange bed fellows but both areas of support I appreciated and cherished. From the NAACP for my willingness to stand up against Dick Riley, (former governor and Secretary of Education under Bill Clinton)  who sought to take away land rights deeded to a slave right after the Civil War and from the NRTL for my strong pro-life, Anti Abortion positions. At the time, I even addressed a strong pro-life position of which I received a standing ovation at the time the largest Democratic Convention in the Country, The South Carolina Democratic Convention. It has always been my desire that we come together as people of faith regarding the need to bring about racial reconciliation. Believe me, I learned early on, we still needed that reconciliation.  That place where we see each other,  "judged not based on the color of our skin but on the content of our character." (Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.) 

www.thevirtualpew.comI learned early on that would be difficult, seeing posters for the KKK posted around regions of the Upstate where I was campaigning, hearing the opinions of separatism by the many I came into contact with on the streets, the looks towards us and our son while standing in line at a grocery store and I could go on. One particular incident in particular I will mention is when I appeared as a guest on the Mike Gallagher Show (now nationally syndicated) with members of the KKK. Mike knew of my situation in adopting a child of biracial origins when I was trying to make a point to the members of the KKK on the show who didn't know of my situation. I asked a question to show and draw out their hatred, as to what their recommendation would be to someone who had adopted a biracial child but had later recognized the wrongs of their actions and wanted to join the KKK.  Now understand, this is something I would never consider but I wanted to show their hatred and lack of understanding live on air. Their response helped me prove my point, "That person would be better off going to a dog pound and adopting a dog," they said, "They could at least legally put the dog down which is what it would deserve." Their anger was fuming, not over the desire to have others in their organization, but that someone would consider such an act, which I had not only considered, but done.

In that answer, they became vile, hateful, and let their pure hatred shine through. I thought Mike Gallagher would have a heart attack as I think he fully expected me to come across the table after them. But I didn't, I knew they had castrated their own points by the spirit and attitude they had just displayed.

I understand the reality of my situation, while my ancestry is French/Indian, I largely grew up in Black communities, even have a Black son, I appear white and for those that don't know me, that is their first impression. This has me reflecting in many ways regarding the news lately but it also has me reflecting on another church shooting that has 7 people dead in Charleston South Carolina, the birth place of my son. It is unfortunate, that hatred still exists based on little else other than the color of ones skin.

www.thevirtualpew.comI was a huge fan, still am of the Reverend (I try to never leave that part out of who and what he was) Martin Luther King Jr. I believe in his approach to teaching, living and sharing the gospel, I pray for the time when Red and Yellow, Black and White, and every mixture in between sees each other for the character of the person and not the color of the skin. I understand the power of hate but I also understand the even greater power of love. I understand the difficulty of displaying it, sharing it, giving it, but I also understand the total value of love I am called to display from the one I call King, that being Jesus Christ. I have to question, why do so many of his supposed followers choose to display actions of hate as opposed to actions of love? Why don't we take seriously our actions and beyond that the struggles of those God would have us call brother and sister. This morning I am once again, reminded to pray; to pray for the hurting, the need of our world to experience total, unrestrained, perfect love that only comes from the Son of God via The Holy Spirit.

Today, I pray, I pray for those who suffer at the hands or racism, hate, and a desire to be something other than the intent of God. May all of us who call ourselves Children of God find ways to come together to show the world around us that there is the possibility to love despite differences. In a world where political hatred seems to drive the bus we all travel on, may we seek out a new bus, a new driver, one who would stand for above all things, love and for me, in the conclusion of that, may Christ be glorified and the miracle of love be birthed among those who have never experienced that love.

There will be those who will attempt to justify racism, but I am reminded by the words in
1 John 4:20 ~ But if we say we love God and don’t love each other, we are liars. We cannot see God. So how can we love God, if we don’t love the people we can see?

A song I wrote regarding holding fast to dreams.  To see the video just click on it, if there are problems, click on the following link:

 The Virtual Pew and our other work is supported solely by the kind contributions of others. You can click on the donate button below to give any amount to this work that does so much more than just post articles on the net; I draw no ongoing salary from the church I pastor, Mosaic Wichita which is predominantly a homeless church; I am grateful for any small amount you can contribute to help with this ministry.  Believe me there is much more going on than most realize. I will also provide information to verify the ministry and income that comes into this ministry and work.  Thanks and feel free to share any material from The Virtual Pew, I only ask that appropriate credit is given and a link to the original site with the materials provided.

Click here to read about, and order the book, The Keystone Kid 

You can also order the book at all major retailers, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble and so forth. It is available via e-book for .99 Cents or if having a way to download, can download the full audio book at and simply going to Mike Furches / The Keystone Kid. The audio version of the book is available for a free download.!store
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Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word. Here is our contact information

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1249 N. St. Francis
Wichita Kansas, 67214

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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Birthday Wishes and a Thank You

Why in the world would someone take the response to reply to some 600 or so birthday wishes on social media? For me the answer is quite simple and something that recently took me almost a full day to figure out how to do it, (with facebook settings it can be tough) and then get the effort done.

You see it is like this, some years ago I was serving as pastor at United at the Cross in Southwest Wichita. One day while out doing home visits, that is visiting the folks in the community, I would often go door to door introducing myself. I will never forget the conversation with this small widow lady and her reasoning's for not attending church.

I knocked on the door, introduced myself and the lady rather quickly stated after figuring out who I was, "I'm not interested in church!"

Now understand, I have never been the hard recruiting type because I truly think I understand some of the reasoning's some have issues with the Church. This lady confirmed my thoughts as I responded, "Ms. I am not here to recruit you to church but to let you know I live in the community and if there is ever anything I can do to assist or help with I want you to know I and our church are available."

Now serving others, in the community has always been a part of the ministry I believe God has called the Church to do. It is one of the reasons that at Mosaic, as small as we are, we help take care of the orphans, widows, widowers, poor, handicapped and the needy among others in our neighborhood as we can. I believe it is a part of the call of the Church to care for the community of which they exist. It is one of the things I have said over the years about the Catholics, they seem to understand the community or parish concept.

The lady, in her early to mid 60's, small and frail, but feisty, was shocked. "Well I appreciate that and it is the first times a church has offered to help me with anything." She went on to tell me and the person with me, "My husband and I used to go to church, (she was specific to the name and one not far from our church in Southwest Wichita) but he wasn't doing well, not that anyone at that church would know. It was near his birthday and I asked the pastor if the church could sing him Happy Birthday. The pastor responded that if they did that for him they would have to do it for everyone and they just didn't have the time for it. Truth is, that was the last Sunday I ever attended church."

I grieved for this woman but also for a church that was to be a representative of the work of Jesus, the Bride of Christ. How could they Biblically justify this type of action for a family in need? My response to this lady, was "What would have been wrong with that, we sing Happy Birthday all of the time and so what if you had to do it for everyone? That's a part of celebrating the life of those in church."

For years, I have made a point that at churches I have been involved in to sing happy anniversary, happy birthday, celebrate days of recovery from addictions and to find reasons to celebrate the things God has not only given the church but the individuals that make up the church.  Recently we had an entire service to celebrate the graduation from High School for one of our members who has Asperger's. It was a great service and a service that I think let that person know they are important. Unfortunately, sometimes the church is more caught up on the programming than they are the people. I understand why some have issues with that. Can you blame them?

Long story made short, I later found out this ladies husband died from cancer and this event kept them from ever attending church again. While we all, (speaking of the church and the members of the church) have issues and at times fail, we have to be careful I believe to make sure to say things like, "Thank You," or sing happy birthday or show an interest in the life of each other. The flip side of this is everyone expects this to always be the pastors job, even though the Bible clearly speaks about the role of the pastor to teach and equip those within the church to carry out the work of the church. This doesn't excuse the pastor for not doing it, but neither should we condemn the pastor when others participate. The bottom line is the church is a group of people, not just a singular one.   

Now on a side note, my time on facebook is largely ministry related time for me through The Virtual Pew. It is why I challenge some to search deep for answers, share my heart, and just try to be honest. It has also been a time though that has been a blessing to me and those I love. For that, I am grateful.

Now let me say a few things, please, never take lightly the "Happy Birthday," comment you leave for someone at facebook or the kind words you may share with another. For some, those who are lonely, hurting, or down and out, it may be the boost to get them over the hump they are at in that point in time of life. For others, like me, it is worth it to also take the time to try as best as I can to respond and at the least say thank you.  For me, I try to genuinely respond, for those I know well, to add a note of thanks, blessing or a personal note of where God may be leading me. Does it take up time to do so? With approximately 600 responses, you bet it does. Do I regret it? Heck No! These are people who took the time to offer a well wished thought. I am honored that real friends as well as FB friends would take the time to do this. 

Now in conclusion am I saying everyone should do this? No I am not, I am saying though, that for a community of believers, a church if you will, it is important to take the time to give the individual the time they need, as we can, even if that time involves singing happy birthday to a dying man looking for the comfort of friends. I am also saying there are those in the church who can find ways to make special days special. I will never forget at United at the Cross the effort to sing Happy Birthday to each individual but I am also reminded of a lady named Katie Flores who each year took the information from each member, or participant, and writing out and addressing a birthday card to them.  All I had to do was put a stamp on it, sign it and mail it. It was a practical way that those of us in the body let each other know that we loved each other. So there are ways to do it, we should never be answering questions on things like this on why we can't do it, instead, may we search for ways that we can. 

In that regard, for those taking of their time, to show and share love and the kind words to me. I know, I can say with all sincerity, yes it was worth it to take the time to personally thank you and if I failed to do that with anyone, forgive me, it was never my intent to leave out anyone.  Now there is another reason to share this though, that is to let you know, that you actions matter and saying Happy Birthday to someone like me, or anyone for that matter, may have more of an impact than you will ever know. 

Once again I say to all of you, Thank You and all of God's Blessings!

The Virtual Pew and our other work is supported solely by the kind contributions of others. You can click on the donate button below to give any amount to this work that does so much more than just post articles on the net; I draw no ongoing salary from the church I pastor, Mosaic Wichita which is predominantly a homeless church; I am grateful for any small amount you can contribute to help with this ministry.  Believe me there is much more going on than most realize. I will also provide information to verify the ministry and income that comes into this ministry and work.  Thanks and feel free to share any material from The Virtual Pew, I only ask that appropriate credit is given and a link to the original site with the materials provided.

Click here to read about, and order the book, The Keystone Kid 

You can also order the book at all major retailers, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble and so forth. It is available via e-book for .99 Cents or if having a way to download, can download the full audio book at and simply going to Mike Furches / The Keystone Kid. The audio version of the book is available for a free download.!store
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Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.

Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word. Here is our contact information

The Virtual Pew
1249 N. St. Francis
Wichita Kansas, 67214

Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew

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Friday, June 5, 2015

Scarred for Jesus

I know some take me wrong sometimes, and this may be one of those times but I try to always share with the utmost of integrity my heart and I sincerely post things to get people to think; to think about their faith, the world around them, the reality of God etc...

In all honesty, I don't want people to take this wrong, so please understand it is not my intent to get sympathy, I am not trying to raise money or anything of that nature, I am just trying to be honest and share my life and thoughts with you.

I just got back from a visit with my doctor this morning to check on recent headaches and a rash type thing I experienced during my last couple of days in Sedona and for a few weeks thereafter. He explained what it was, (a medical term I don't even know how to spell) and had him check out my chest as he had wanted to do a few weeks after he had removed a skin cancer on my chest. He explained to me there would be a lot more to cut out after the biopsy came back but wanted to do a follow up even after that prior to cutting. 

I  some get upset at me getting upset at others sometimes. One such thing came up a while back after a gal said we were using church money for vacations and the like. The truth is, we have never done that, my wife and I have made many sacrifices for the ministries we have believed in over the years. Not just at Mosaic, but for the duration of our marriage and walk with Jesus together. I can honestly say, while I have had weak moments in my life around various issues, I have never given up on, doubted, or not loved Jesus with all of my heart since I came to know Him. I have not accepted or received a salary from Mosaic for over 5 years and most of the time don't get a housing allowance, in the amount of $300 a month. Which has been less than 6 times in the last 12 months and less than 10 times in 2 years.) Do we get to travel? Yes, from speaking, (where I give the money back to the church) and from friends who gave us a time share which we get to visit (and or others) 2X's a year and other times from friends that take us with them once or twice a year. We have learned, like in Sedona to get free visits to other places and take an hour and a half of our time to sit in on a presentation, say no thank you and receive free food and or show tickets. It is a way we believe God has blessed us.

Now, not to be political but I know the Affordable Health Care Act helped many people, it hurt me as I have not had insurance since it went into effect. Our income before deductions is too high and my premiums went up while the benefits went way down.  You see our donations back into ministry are extremely high on a percentage level. That said, I have no insurance as we simply can't afford it. We are extremely blessed that I have a good friend who is a great doctor who sees me for free and everything done at his offices has no charge. Over the last 3 - 4 years though, there has been extreme medical debt, from CT Scans, MRI's and much more, most recently, the skin cancers I have had that could not all be done at the offices.  

Today I was told that I needed to have an even bigger section cut out of my chest than even last thought. Tom wanted to schedule it today if at all possible as the cancer has rapidly grown but he also stated it would be best to see a plastic surgeon. He could do the surgery in his office but would look liked a botched tummy tuck that would leave a pretty nasty scar. No money and no insurance will lead to a nasty scar that will look like a botched tummy tuck in the center of my chest. That surgery will be at 2:45 PM June 15, the soonest we could schedule it in the office. The size cut out of the center of my chest will be about the size of an egg. In this, I remember Isaiah and the scorched lip that reminded him of the touch he had received from God given to him by an angel touching his lip with a burning coal. While it may end up looking like a "botched tummy tuck" to many, it will be a reminder of God's call on my life to give all.

Now why do I say all of this? Actually for 2 reasons, don't tell me about the cost of ministry, from losing our dream home on the lake, a Cadillac, Mustang GT, and boat in the driveway and a 6 figure salary to now giving it almost all back and our family living on less than $10,000 per year, it has been worth it. We haven't taken a proverbial vow of poverty but in many ways a literal vow of poverty. We don't do work with the homeless, we are blessed to be a part of a ministry that has set some of the homeless free and works at giving family to the homeless who have not experienced family. But, this all hasn't been just for the homeless, we have friends through The Virtual Pew and real life that we have been blessed to share in life with, whether they be people who have been physically and sexually abused, someone going through sexual confusion and gender identification, atheists who can see the power of Jesus in a life like mine, those who ask questions but have been judged once too often by a Christian who doesn't come across as loving and I could go on and on. None of this to brag, but to simply say this, I would live my life no other way than walking side by side with my best friend, the leader of my life, the savior of my situations, Jesus Christ. I say it to instill and offer hope because without Jesus, I would have no hope and believe that Jesus Christ is easily, the chief author of Hope. I believe God is no respecter of persons, if he will reveal Himself to me as The Great Provider, He would love to reveal himself to you as The Great Provider.

I say this for another reason though; there will be those who will offer to pray for me. While I appreciate that, the truth is, my situation is my situation, God has I believe instilled natural law and spiritual laws. It is simple, there are consequences for violating those laws whether you intend to or not. You get out in the sun without appropriate sun screen and it is possible that skin cancer is the consequence. I have some Indian blood, (I am French Indian) but part of the dark skin does not negate the need for me, or any of you, to protect yourself from the ultraviolet sun rays which can do harm to your body. That is a part of the consequences for violating this natural law. I will likely have a pretty nasty scar for the rest of my life that will be a reminder to use sunscreen instead of Hawaiian Tropic Tanning Oil, (or any other brand for that matter). 

The lessons from these two things? Learn to protect your mind, body, and soul.  Do the things necessary, and instead of making this an argument or debate about healing, politics or whatever, let that BS go, let it instead be a lesson or discussion about how we should take care of ourselves and beyond that, best serve those around us who may need some measure of hope, not speaking of me, (I promise), but for those worse off, those who have no support, no love, no compassion, no understanding, no hope.

May we accept the consequences of our actions, learn lessons from them and fall so much in love with Jesus today that we can't help but share him with those we come into contact with tomorrow. 

The Virtual Pew and our other work is supported solely by the kind contributions of others. You can click on the donate button below to give any amount to this work that does so much more than just post articles on the net; I draw no ongoing salary from the church I pastor, Mosaic Wichita which is predominantly a homeless church; I am grateful for any small amount you can contribute to help with this ministry.  Believe me there is much more going on than most realize. I will also provide information to verify the ministry and income that comes into this ministry and work.  Thanks and feel free to share any material from The Virtual Pew, I only ask that appropriate credit is given and a link to the original site with the materials provided.

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