During that time I actually ran for political office, a
state House Seat which I barely lost to a retired postman. It was unique, while
I ran as a Democrat I had garnished the support of the NAACP and the National
Right To Life and many Republicans, some would say strange bed fellows but both
areas of support I appreciated and cherished. From the NAACP for my willingness
to stand up against Dick Riley, (former governor and Secretary of Education
under Bill Clinton) who sought to take
away land rights deeded to a slave right after the Civil War and from the NRTL
for my strong pro-life, Anti Abortion positions. At the time, I even addressed
a strong pro-life position of which I received a standing ovation at the time
the largest Democratic Convention in the Country, The South Carolina Democratic
Convention. It has always been my desire that we come together as people of
faith regarding the need to bring about racial reconciliation. Believe me, I
learned early on, we still needed that reconciliation. That place where we see each other, "judged not based on the color of our
skin but on the content of our character." (Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.)
In that answer, they became vile, hateful, and let their pure hatred shine through. I thought Mike Gallagher would have a heart attack as I think he fully expected me to come across the table after them. But I didn't, I knew they had castrated their own points by the spirit and attitude they had just displayed.
I understand the reality of my situation, while my ancestry is French/Indian, I largely grew up in Black communities, even have a Black son, I appear white and for those that don't know me, that is their first impression. This has me reflecting in many ways regarding the news lately but it also has me reflecting on another church shooting that has 7 people dead in Charleston South Carolina, the birth place of my son. It is unfortunate, that hatred still exists based on little else other than the color of ones skin.

Today, I pray, I pray for those who suffer at the hands or racism, hate, and a desire to be something other than the intent of God. May all of us who call ourselves Children of God find ways to come together to show the world around us that there is the possibility to love despite differences. In a world where political hatred seems to drive the bus we all travel on, may we seek out a new bus, a new driver, one who would stand for above all things, love and for me, in the conclusion of that, may Christ be glorified and the miracle of love be birthed among those who have never experienced that love.
There will be those who will attempt to justify racism, but I am reminded by the words in
A song I wrote regarding holding fast to dreams. To see the video just click on it, if there are problems, click on the following link:
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