This morning I sit in a coffee shop named the Oasis off the campus of East Tennessee State University in Johnson City Tennessee. I am home for the first time in over 25 years at Christmas. I am here to visit my mom who is in the hospital, fighting lung and throat cancer. Yesterday I saw her for the first time in quite a few years. As some of you know if you have read my material as of late, you know I am here mainly to let her know that I forgive her for all of the things I experienced as a child, including the abuse and more. I am also working on video footage for a documentary. I have the story line down, but it seems to change from day to day.
Yesterday as I walked into the hospital room I don’t think I was prepared for what I experienced and saw. I have forgiven my mom, I wanted to let her know that, I want to do that in privacy though and will look for that time today. But what I saw, what I experienced, broke my heart, and it was all I could do to stay strong and fight back the tears, in fact, fight back the weeping. I was strong though, God gives grace and I was able in that moment, when I needed to stay strong.
As I walked into the hospital room, I didn’t recognize the woman who lay in the bed. I have unfortunately seen far too many people dieing of cancer in the last few years. I have fortunately seen a few beat it, but God has put me in a place where I will continue to fight for a potential cure and prevention of this horrible disease. My mother had lost so much weight, was so frail, and most of her hair was gone. My mom, despite the abuse was an admittedly attractive woman when she was younger. To me she don’t seem that old now, she was only 16 when she got pregnant, and 17 when I was born. But she looks nothing like herself now. My son and wife stated they would have never known it was her had they seen her. While it has been about 3 years since I saw her last, and then she had aged some, the cancer has torn her apart and broken her down. One of the saddest things is that the throat cancer prevents her from doing more than a very quite whisper and even then, it is very hard to understand her.
I guess today, as my time is limited, I ask again, why would one continue to do harm to themselves from smoking and the like. The answers of “it is my body,” or “we all have to go sometimes,” frankly, make me sick. Those left behind have to provide care, work out details, see and hurt from the suffering. I beg and plead with those reading this, take into consideration those who love you, your children, your spouses, your friends, you have no idea what you are going through when you face a death like my mother is experiencing now. I hurt, I grieve for this person, who many would say I should hate and have nothing to do with.
If God loves, and if God tells us that we show him how much we love him by how we show others love, shouldn’t we hurt, shouldn’t we care? If we are called to love even our enemies, shouldn’t we hurt, shouldn’t we seek ways to find compassion in our heart, for even those we have reason to hate? After all, didn’t Jesus himself offer up forgiveness for those who crucified him? If God lives within us, can’t his Spirit give us the ability to love and forgive? If God can give that ability, and he has for me, can’t those who struggle with addictions such as nicotine, tobacco, whether dip or smoking, find the strength and ability to quit the one thing that causes such horrible death?
For those who know me, you know I try not to be into this judgment thing. You also know though, that I care for people. I care for you, but I am at a point today, that I realize the damage smoking does, once again in my life. It just simply put, isn’t worth it. If you think it is, go visit a hospital today, ask the nurses to see someone who is suffering from lung or throat cancer. Then come back and tell me it was worth it.
Not trying to judge, just expressing my pain for this day.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Today I start a different kind of journey, one that will in part be put on film, one I am reluctant to start, and one that will give me a different kind of Christmas. Today I start the journey home, from Wichita Kansas to where I grew up, Johnson City Tennessee. I have told my story across the country in various forms of media. I even wrote a book about it, The Keystone Kid, it is one many find unique because I am a male survivor of physical and sexual abuse. I am now 49 years old, going on 50 and the truth is, as I approach a half a century of life, the abuse I encountered as a child still affects me. I have come to the conclusion it likely will until the day I die.
My Journey I start on today is rather unique; it is unique for various reasons. One is it is going to be a different kind of Christmas for me, yep, Christmas has always been an important day for me. I never really knew Christmas as a child, at least not that I can remember with good thoughts. There is even a photo of me holding a BB gun in one of my MySpace photo albums taken at my grandmothers on Christmas. I don’t recall that photo ever being made. I have an occasional memory of visiting different people at Christmas. I recall a time I got a pedal fire truck as a small child, but that is about it. I swore as I became older, my family would never know what it is like to not have a good Christmas. God has allowed me to keep that promise to myself but this Christmas will be different. As a result of my trip to Tennessee, I won’t return and celebrate Christmas with my wife, daughter, son and son in law until after Christmas, likely the first of the year. My wife and son will be visiting me, in some ways, enduring the need I have in my life this Christmas. That says something about their love because for them, this Christmas will have emotions they will have to deal with, it will have conflict they have to deal with, it will have life they will have to deal with that thankfully they have never experienced, other than falling in love with one who was abused, and one who was adopted into my family they deserve none of this, they are just ongoing casualties of abuse that we never think about. It will involve them giving, living, and being with me so I can do something I need to do which brings me to another reason this Christmas will be different.
This Christmas, my mother, who was one of those who physically, emotionally, and yes, sexually abused me, is in the hospital dying of cancer. She is in stage 4 now of this disease, it is likely her last Christmas and while our relationship hasn’t been good over the years, I am confronted with something in my own life, involving my faith that I simply have to do. I have to let her know that I forgive her for the harm, wrong, and shame she brought on my life.
I know that within many circles, there will be many who question my actions. There will be Christians who say, I should have forgiven her a long time ago. To those I would say; I have already forgiven to the measure of which God has allowed me to forgive. I just need to let her know, face to face. The act of forgiving face to face, of communicating face to face is something lost in many Christian circles. I will not compromise the need to do this. To the Christian or fellow human who would say; “It’s going to be alright.” “Or God will work things out for you,” Or anything of that nature, I would say, please don’t be so glib in your comment. You may not see it as glib, but I assure you, many of us who have experienced abuse do. Words sometimes mean so little, actions, such as a hug, a tear, or even, “I Love You,” can mean so much. This really is a situation, that unless you have walked in another’s shoes, you have no idea. You have no idea of how you perpetuate the hurting and difficulty in another person’s life when you say something like that in a glib way. I simply ask, try to understand, try to support, and try to pray that God would do what God wants in my life, in this situation. I ask, pray that Christ would be lifted up and shown to be the lover, care giver, mighty counselor that he is.
There are also likely those who have been abused who would be appalled that I would offer forgiveness to one who abused me. I am not saying that all can, or even should do this. For me to forgive though is giving credit and respect to the one who ultimately gave me, and showed me life and love, the person of Jesus Christ who as my leader and forgiver, has given me many times over a purpose and reason to live. It was ultimately his act of love for me that I realized love is possible. Now as a husband, father, and one who has many friends across the globe, I realize, it has all come about because of my Savior, Jesus Christ. So to those who don’t understand how I can do this, I simply state, I will not, I can not, allow my abusers to continue to have control of me, of my life, my dreams, and my emotions. I realize there are times that my life will all be affected as a result of the abuse, but it won’t control me. I also find liberation in forgiveness, liberation is one of those things I desperately need, and desire in my life. In a life of never knowing a father, a loving mother like many, or a family like others, I have found all of these things in my relationship with God.
There is another reason I have to make this journey; I have to make it because I have come to realize my mother had to have had a difficult journey of life. I hear stories now of her in the hospital, I hear of her emotions and mannerisms. I hear of her bitterness, hurt, and desire to give up on life. I could in no way consider myself better than her or even equal to her if I didn’t want more for her, if I didn’t want her to find some measure of joy and forgiveness in her own life. The Bible makes it clear, for me to be forgiven, I have to forgive, for me to be loved, I have to love, for me to find healing, I have to offer healing. Jesus complicates things sometimes, he reminds me, it is easy to do these things for my friends, or those I love and am loved by. The challenge in finding the entirety my faith has to offer me though is from doing something else Jesus and others in the Bible tell me to do, that is offer forgiveness and love to even my enemies, those who have hated me, and those who have done me wrong. I have been on this journey once before in my life, with the man who murdered my Aunt Ruth who was one who took me in and help provide for me in a time of need. I had a chance to confront the man who murdered her face to face. I offered him forgiveness; I offered him a chance to receive Christ. He wanted none of those things though, but I was the one who took the high ground and did what my faith commanded me to do. I learned a lesson from that experience, I know the Holy Spirit of God finds a way to give strength and courage in times one needs it if they trust him. I am trusting God on this journey I am on.
I am involved in a ministry that does unique and different things, one of those is challenging those who have been hurt to find faith in Jesus, to find a way they can fellowship with others and learn about their faith teachings, even though the church, even though many Christians may have hurt them in the past. The ministry I am in is a faith based ministry. I am totally dependent on the gifts and contributions of others to do these things. Some have been critical of this work because they don’t understand, or know of the value it has had on the lives of others. While some are building up treasures on earth that show a materialistic aspect of accomplishment, The work of The Virtual Pew often has lives that have been changed and helped. While one has earthly value, I happen to believe the other has Heavenly value. In this journey for example, the actual cost is around $800, I needed an additional $500 to make it, and sure enough, it and more came in. I will need additional income to support me in this ministry as the year goes on. I now draw a salary of $1,000 a month from my church, I need about $500 more a month to meet my financial obligations, and that don’t include the additional needs the ministry of The Virtual Pew has in helping others with their needs and our expenses, but you know what? I have found that God works in those ways to. If God works in all ways, and in all things, I know God will work out the situation with my mother and me.
God has already started opening doors for this journey I am on. There are others in Tennessee that I will spend time with, relatives who experienced many of the same paths, many of the same hardships. Relatives whom I hope can open up to the sharing of story as I try to document this via film. My hope is that God will open up doors to make this project into something that can help others. I would love for a high quality Hollywood style production, but I won’t have it, I will have two cameras, and hopefully other people who will help document this. I know there will be a total cost of around $5,000 - $10,000 for this project if I have to pay for everything. Of course I know some will support the effort, by either donation of time, and/or money. I know they will because this epidemic of abuse has affected far more people than we can even begin to realize. If I have learned anything from presenting my story over the years, is that the epidemic of abuse is not unique to those outside of the church, the truth is it has impacted and infiltrated many within the church, it is one of the reasons many who have been associated with groups of faith, are now so reluctant to accept communities or people of faith. I have one thing to share with each of you, regarding my faith as I close.
A number of years ago, one of the primary issues I had was in my question of where was God during all of the moments and times of abuse. I had that question answered in a satisfactory way by a wonderful therapist. Jesus was right there beside me, crying and hurting all the time. You see I have come to this belief that not all things are ordained and caused by God. With everything that is good, we sometimes have to accept some things that are bad. My belief in the creation of humanity here is such a belief. You see, I don’t believe God desires for a child to be sexually abused, I don’t believe God has it in his heart to have someone die of cancer. I don’t believe God would have a father killed by a drunk driver. There are many things I don’t believe God desires, but those horrible things still happen. I believe there has to be an answer to this, one I can’t fully explain, but one I believe. You see, I believe God loves humanity so much that he created us to make decisions, of our own free will if you will. In those decisions, each of us, within the acts of our hands, feet, words, actions, has the ability to do something good, or do something stupid. In that understanding of God’s creation, in believing He created me to make up my mind as to the things I do, in that he didn’t create me to be a robot, that bad things happen to good people, and that good things sometimes happen to bad people, I have come to accept the good, the bad, and the ugly as not being from God, but as a consequence of people making their own decisions, even stupid ones. You see life is more complicated than we sometimes think, I can accept that, it is the extremist on both ends of the spectrum that have a hard time, but then again, I just reckon, God made me different and I am grateful to know, in regards to some of these things, there are others who would stand beside me in agreement.
Well, it is likely you won’t hear from me as much over the next couple of weeks. I plan to be doing a lot of video, doing a lot of praying, spending as much time as possible with my mother and others who lived my life alongside me. I plan to be doing a lot of praying and questioning. I don’t know what the next two weeks will bring me, I wish I did but I don’t. I will likely hurt, cry, laugh, and question again and again my life over the next weeks. I don’t know what all life has to offer over the next weeks, I do know there is one constant though, that is that Jesus Christ is real, and his love, forgiveness, and mighty counsel is still available. I am grateful I won’t be on this journey alone, I don’t know if I could do that. I know the prayers of others will sustain me, I know the journey likely won’t end over the next few weeks, I know I have a wife and a son who will be there with me, and a church who will be praying for me, and an online community who will be there as well. I appreciate that, I appreciate that Christians and non Christians will be on the journey with me in spirit, but more importantly, I am most grateful that Jesus will once again, be there with me, by my side, giving the love I so desperately need and seek each and every day, each and every moment.
This video kind of illustrates my journey. It is new and I think you will like it. Just click on the video, if the video don't appear, click on the following link:
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
In the past The Virtual Pew has requested funds. We are at the place again that we need your support. It is the end of the year and there are a number of ways you can make a tax deductible contribution to this ministry if you wish. You can do so by either designating your gift to The Virtual Pew as a benevolence gift, or specific gift to assist others or by making a designated contribution to The Virtual Pew through the ministry of Mosaic Church.
Here is the immediate need. As most know I am asking for personal help in regards to being able to visit my mother in Tennessee during Christmas. I am no longer receiving a check from Youth Horizons and while I have provided for my family through December, including Christmas, we did not expect to have to make the trip to Tennessee. I and my family have lived on faith, from month to month for some time; we don’t have extra finances for this. While some have been critical of some of the gifts given to my son, for example he was given 2 years ago a stereo for his car; those are things others have provided. You have been faithful in the past in helping others with needs of this type such as help for my wife to go visit her brother and sister prior to their death from cancer, as well as others who had requested I participate in the funeral of a mother or loved one. Let me explain my immediate need.
My mother has entered in the last month’s stage 4 of cancer. She has cancer in her throat, and lungs and it appears as if the cancer is terminal. My mother and I have never really been close yet she is still the person who gave birth to me, and she has in fact lived a difficult and hard life. I would hope to know the love of a mother for only a brief period of time as opposed to never knowing of this type of relationship in my life. I do not know of my mothers relationship with God but I know that despite the things that were done to me as a child, I have an obligation so show respect and forgive. For those knowing my story in detail, you know how important the concept of forgiveness is. I want my mother to know that I forgive her for the things she did to me as a child. I wanted to visit my mother some months ago, but was not able to do so for various reasons. I won’t go into those as I don’t want anyone to misunderstand my true feelings and intentions towards the reasons I was not able to go.
About two and a half months ago I realized I would be leaving my position at Youth Horizons. About a month ago, I presented to my mother and sister, who is taking care of her now, one of two options. I could leave immediately after my 1st day away from Youth Horizons and come spend a little over 2 weeks or as long as I needed with her, or I could come the first day after my wife and son’s Christmas break from school, December 20 and spend about 10 days with her. My mother chose to have my wife, son and I come visit her during Christmas. My daughter just spent some time with her in November when she took some vacation time with her husband. My daughter, Marathana, will not be going with us during Christmas. We as a family won’t celebrate Christmas until we return from Tennessee.
The reality is, we don’t have the funds to go, but we are going nonetheless. We likely have enough to get there, but will be far stretched to care for ourselves while there, and then come back. We are in need of somewhere between $300 and $500 as a minimum to make this trip. It is possible we will need around $300 more than this, but am awaiting news regarding funds I was expecting to receive from my past employment and vacation pay. We will be staying at an uncle’s trailer while there; he is currently in South East Asia taking care of some of his family business. This is at minimum of a 2 day drive and there are other ways people can help a place to stay along the way, a place to speak to earn income, those types of things would be of great help. Places either along the way, or way back would include any place in Tennessee along the I 40 corridors between Memphis and Nashville in particular would be of great help. We will be leaving her on the evening of the 19th, likely drive through the night, and returning on December 29 or 30, leaving Johnson City Tennessee, (upper east corner of the state) early in the morning. The drive is approximately 1,100 – 1,250 miles. There is an alternate route we can take that would involve needing some lodging between St Louis MO, to I 57 to I 24 through Kentucky into Nashville Tennessee. Of course we would love to have the opportunity to meet many of the friends of either myself, wife, or The Virtual Pew along the way. We would even love the opportunity to share about our ministry, speak in a church or group of some sort, and even just spend time with friends. Getting to see folks we have been blessed to get to know is also important to us. This would include any along the routes listed above, Western North Carolina and/or South Carolina. Now for clarification the two route options includes 1) from Wichita Kansas to Tulsa, Tulsa to I 40 and then East Through Arkansas, Memphis, Nashville, Tri Cities. The other option 2) would have us going from Wichita to Kansas City, Kansas City to St. Louis, St. Louis to Paducah, Paducah KY to Nashville, Nashville to Tri Cities. We are open to going one way, coming back another depending on the help we get from friends along the way, or possible speaking engagements along the way.
There are various ways you can give, one is to send a check made payable to The Virtual Pew to P.O. Box 17731, Wichita Ks 67217. You may also send a check to our personal address at 5410 Annapolis Avenue, Clearwater KS 67026. If wanting to send a check to Mosaic Church to be designated to help you can do so by sending it to Mosaic Church, 902 George Washington Blvd, Wichita KS 67211. You may also give on line through pay pal, note we do incur a cost for this donation but it is quick and instant. The url to make that donation is located at
Now please understand there are many ways you can help here, a place to stay, a gift in any amount, prayer and more. I truly value the concept of every gift being of value. There is one other thing you can do to help out if you choose.
While in Johnson City, along the way, and even here in parts of Kansas, I am starting filming of my story The Keystone Kid in the locations where the story took place. This will be done in documentary format using a 2 camera shoot. For everyone who wants to contribute to this cause, any gift in the amount of $50 or more will get you listed in the credits as a contributor. One can take on the Honorary Producer Rights for $5,000. This will help insure that the final product is of best possible quality. It is estimated that the final product will be between 1 hour and 30 minutes and 2 hours in length. I am also seeking music for this production with video rights. I estimate the total cost, including time for this production, will range from $10,000 to $20,000. I could easily spend substantially more for this, but realize that those costs may be prohibitive. For every gift of $50 or more, we will also send a copy of the DVD once it is complete. Filming for this project has already started.
In closing, while I am now a full-time pastor at Mosaic, and with The Virtual Pew, the only guaranteed income is through Mosaic, which is currently $600 a month. There is hope that will go up to $1,000 a month but even then, no housing expenses, I have to pay taxes, travel and more. Think about it, $12,000 a year, plus doing the ministry of The Virtual Pew. It is why the contributions to The Virtual Pew or salary designations through Mosaic are so important. I have never asked for more than I need but have been blessed with what others have given. I want to assure you, that there are still the designated ministries of The Virtual Pew that provide direct services to individuals, whether help with phone bills, help with food, electricity, and so much more. The ongoing support to The Virtual Pew as well as ongoing speaking opportunities at both Christian and non Christian events is also important. From testimonial salvation messages to messages of hope to non faith events are available and you can see those by checking out The Virtual Pew web site or by contacting me. You can also email to obtain information. These events are available not just in the Midwest, but around the world.
I value and appreciate you, I hope you know that. I know God has used many of you to bless this ministry in the past. It is a blast seeing it get back on track, including the new postings of weekly online sermons. As a result an upcoming article in Dr. Charles Stanley’s “ In Touch” magazine is coming out. There is also the comments of many dear friends that have seen the benefits of this ministry. I was touched recently in some of the responses that came in for the In Touch Article that is coming out. I will include those at the conclusion of this post but I want you to know, my hope is that in all things glory comes to Christ. Now to see what is going on with The Virtual Pew check out some of the recent posts. In the last months, I have been interviewed by media across the world regarding various positions, from The Guardian in London, The London Daily Telegraph, The Canadian Free Press, and many more. The Virtual Pew is back on track, full force. The marriage between our Vision and Mosaic Church is exciting. We still need your help, and know that it is greatly appreciated.
Now some of those quotes:
The Virtual Pew is always a stimulating read because it integrates a Christian worldview on culture...often rather controversial films and artisans...but does so in a welcoming, curious way. Many of its readers are folks who are outside of the evangelical mainstream, and are welcome to contribute their thoughts. In many cases the comments section is as intriguing as the text because of the stimulating give-and-take between participants that is kept respectful by Mike Furchess' attitude that everyone is worth hearing out.
Mark Hollingsworth ~ Nashville TN ~ Compassion International
Hello my name is Mary Ellen, I was on my space for a short time a few years ago and I prayed I could help others who spend so much time on the computer. Many do not go to church and many have been to church that still needed love and concern. I realized my gift for God in the helps dept. and so writing, poetry, praying and storytelling would be a start for Mike and God. Real friendship started and thus Virtual Pew was new and so I tried to be creative and the fun began! I was amazed our prayer and just a few care ideas have grown for the Virtual Pew and how it has changed and transformed for many, many out there who read it and seeds of love have prospered for a needing, hurt, dry world and it has shown me ALL matter to our Father and he has so much love for all no matter what and Mike is a GREAT soul winner and truly he and his family exemplify Christ in a BIG way he is -a spiritual Daddy for many once again. He has been thru many trials and still climbs thru like a royal soldier-(possibly a general or higher (haha) (he and his family) I have missed greatly being a part of ....I was to be back active soon-I too have been greatly tested and tried-as we will for our Lord. But just because I am not there currently -that is merely a stepping stone to my future and what VP has shown me about me!!! Well thanks for letting me share... always there in prayer and so glad to have been blessed by friends like you!!!! Recently I realized (and it was thru working with Mike and The Virtual Pew) my share and love gift and how many in this world need our light learned from above so I am taking a step further to either go in the ministry full time or go to college and be a counselor etc. etc. -so do be praying for me many need the hope found in him and VP was just one avenue to help show me my purpose and now I transcend it many ways in my personal life-please be praying for me ...THANKS again and the solid foundation working behind the scenes. P.S. Merry Christmas to all-be blessed no matter who you are and stop by and see and read about "The Virtual Pew" friends for life!!----------------- Mary Ellen ~ Kentucky
One thing I'd like to mention during the time I was sharing on the Pew I was in touch with a Jewish man named Aviad Cohen . He was a young musical artist actually starting to get famous-as you will see on his site. Anyhow he was new in Christ -as you may or may not know many Jews do not recognize Christ as we Christians do. Being on the Pew inspired me to really witness to this new baby believer very strong for about a year. Well now he has sang on Christian television, being interviewed by Carmen, has been on countless talk shows and has inspired millions for Christ, in many ways... he is very creative with kids and artists (honestly) many are seeing the true Light of Christ and who knew how we all play a part in this world in the great commission and Mike and the Pew greatly inspired me much!!!!!! Go to his web site and see how he Aviad Cohen has transformed-many have prayed and helped this young man he is a great teacher, soul winner, and musician. Again thanks to the Pew and God for showing me who I am in Him!!!!!!! No matter the cost-Freedom in him is the key and loving God and my neighbor as myself!!!! be blessed ~ Mary Ellen from Kentucky
I got to be a guest on The Virtual Pew several times, so I got to see the impact of this ministry first hand. Mike does a great job of using simple language to reach others with the gospel message.
Kasey Reusser – Wichita
The ministry of the Virtual Pew has helped me tremendously in my walk with the Lord. When I first discovered this group online over a year ago, I was skeptical. An online church seemed a little unorthodox to me. But since I didn't have a home church at the time, I decided to give Mike's group a try. I have not regretted it one day since. The Virtual Pew has challenged me to grow deeper in my faith, to dig into the Bible more than ever before and also to understand that the Church is not a building made with brick or stone, but the Body of Christ loving, supporting and caring for one another. Mike has supported me through various trials and changes in my life and has taught me that sometimes we need to just trust God even when it seems He is far away. Another aspect of the Virtual Pew that keeps me (and I suspect others) coming back is that it is a non-judgmental atmosphere. The Virtual Pew encompasses people who are atheists, seekers, long time believers, and everyone in between. Through open and honest discussion things that I've never heard spoken about in a traditional church are openly discussed and sometimes by people who would never otherwise come near a church. The final thing that I love about the Virtual Pew is that it provides me with somewhat of a church home when I can't make it to my own church now. For the past semester, due to my school schedule, I've had to work every single Sunday morning. Because of the Virtual Pew I was able to have a church experience still during the semester which helped me to feel connected to God. During the college years it’s so easy to get sucked into the drinking and partying lifestyle. But because of Mike and the Virtual Pew I know I have been called to not live and act like that. I will forever be grateful to this group for helping me to grow into the Christian woman God is calling me to be, inspiring me to keep growing, and supporting me through all the challenges that lay ahead. Thank you for your interest in our group. I hope more and more people come and find the Jesus we are so willing to share.
Miss Jenny Baker
The Virtual Pew has provided me with a means to worship were I spend most of my time, and with a ministry that is very down-to-earth.
Like many, a portion of my life includes a good deal of time spent online. I shop, meet friends, and find most of my entertainment online. So, worshiping with others online was a logical step for me.
It was also easy because, although I am a Christian, I have never really felt comfortable in a church. I don't know why really, but I feel a connection with the Virtual Pew. I feel completely comfortable. Mike's messages always seem to hit upon something that I need to hear.
Another thing that has had a big impact is that Mike is not your average minister. He is different. I had always thought that if I was not like every other Christian that there was something wrong with me... maybe this has something to do with my discomfort in church. But finding others who run outside the norm put me instantly at ease. I guess birds of a feather flock together... and I found my flock. ;)
I am James C. Sanford aka "Pastor Jake." I am 73 years old and currently a volunteer pastor at the Ms. State Veterans Home in Collins, Ms.
I first came on the internet in Sept. of 2006. I discovered Mike and The Virtual Pew shortly thereafter. I greatly rejoiced to find someone who was a Christ like minister. Mike is a simple, plain spoken man from the street; caring for the forgotten, speaking a language that all can understand, delivering the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ to the unreachable and touching the untouchable with a message of hope. Mike and The Virtual Pew is truly a light in a dark world. God once again has put the gospel in good hands. I love you Mike---keep up the good work.
Pastor Jake
I tend to be a bit cynical due to experiences with the "church". Then I started reading the blogs from the Virtual Pew. I can see that Mike Furches is a genuine guy with a heart for carrying out the Word and taking it to people in need. His sincerity is evident in his words and is eager to meet people where they are in life and share the Good News of Jesus Christ in a way that reaches hearts of those so hardened by this world. I applaud him for his dedication and love for God. His ministry is real.
Lois Snow
I am writing you to let you know how The Virtual Pew as put together by Mike Furches has certainly affected my life.
You see, I am a Goth Writer and music critic. I write music reviews of new albums and band interview questions to propose to various rising acts within the Gothic Rock and Industrial Rock scenes. I’ve been part of this crepuscular scene for the better part of sixteen years and now recently am having my interviews and reviews published internationally. Many people within my subculture find that “Christianity” is a faith based solely on elitist values, judgmental views, and in general are made to feel ostracized and disposable. In short, many are called trash and often never even allowed to enter some churches. Rare though we may be, there are those of us who while residing in and working in the Gothic Rock community who still pursue a faith in Christ. Yet, even then we are considered unsalvageable to the larger Christian culture and community.
Mike’s statement of faith as part of The Virtual Pew is one of acceptance unmatched in the larger Christian community. A rare gem as it were. Where many standing preachers would find reason to berate and belittle prospective members of their congregation on matters of appearance or grooming, Mike conversely opens wide the floodgates to any and all people who are willing to listen regardless of culture or subculture, even finding creative ways to involve outcasts and iconoclasts into the discussion on pop culture. His reviews of Horror Movies I find particularly fascinating as he too also takes the road like me that Horror Movies are not something to be feared but rather are our modern Grimm’s Fairy Tales meant as morality lessons.
I met Mike via myspace while I already had a relationship with my savior and continued to announce myself as a Christian. I have found Mike’s vision to reach out to what many of my other rather bombastic “brothers and sisters” would term unreachable people to be a refreshing sentiment. To know that there are those people still left in the world that see the value in a lost and hurting human heart rather than turn and be disgusted simply by the cut of one’s cloth or the color of their hair, let alone the color of their skin. The Virtual Pew is most certainly a unique outreach to people who otherwise may feel that soapbox preachers, rude comic book tracts, and general ignorance seem to be the normal methods any “Christian” has to express what they can only describe as “love” for their common man. Mike’s definition, my definition, God’s definition, of love is to embrace the value of people. No person, no matter how strange or outcast is ever disposable. There are no “trash people” in God’s eyes or in the message of The Virtual Pew.
I hope this finds you well and I hope that it encourages you in this article you’re putting together. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions and Gods peace to you.
Dr. Raven Gothic Rock Journalist and Writer.
Mike is a straight talker, like Jesus. That's why you like him, and like some were in Jesus' day - you don't know why.
Fred Imel, CPA Yukon, OK 73099-7501 405-324-5511
"I am not a religious person at all, and in fact could fairly be called an atheist. That said, I gladly contribute each year to Pastor Mike and The Virtual Pew because I know that my donation will be used entirely for the betterment of the lives of people in need. Unlike many so-called Christians, Pastor Mike's deeds speak louder than his words."
- Dr. Jack Alkon. I am a dentist and a volunteer wrestling coach in Connecticut.
"Mike used to write movie reviews for a Christian online magazine I own. His reviews clearly reminded us that God can use secular art forms to illustrate the sacred."
While many have actually seen this, I realize many others may have not. The following is my story of growing up, it will give you some detail as to why this trip to Tennessee is so important, and an idea of the documetary I want to film. I suspect the documentary will be filmed over the next 4 - 6 months, and will be completed within the year.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
I was recently asked by a reporter from a popular New York City publication about my thoughts regarding one of my MySpace friends, Vince. Well I had to respond back, “uhhhhmmmmm excuse me, but I have a number of friends named Vince, which Vince are you asking about?” She quickly replied, “The Reverend Vince Anderson.” Well to say the least, I got this great big smile on my face. You see one of my favorite folks at MySpace I have gotten to know, even if only a little, is the Reverend Vince Anderson.
Reverend Vince Anderson you see is an icon in the Brooklyn New York area. He is an assistant pastor at The Revolution Church in NYC. His record label is titled, Dirty Gospel, which is what he calls his style of music. Reverend Vince has four records on that label, which I regret to say I own none, but I listen as much as possible to his music on his page, as well as his YouTube videos. I may just have to remind my wife, and children, that a Reverend Vince CD would be a most excellent Christmas present.
Now I know from the get go, a lot of people will be critical of me paying tribute to someone like Reverend Vince, but I have to tell you, the man makes me think of ways we should be sharing the message of Jesus with folks out there. He made the commitment some years ago to take that message to the bars and taverns around NYC, and over the years has been able to take that message all over the world to various places. Now his methods may be unorthodox, but for some reason, I can’t help but think that his methods bring a smile to the face of Jesus. While many Pharisees will be critical of the approach of going into bars, I know from my own experiences years ago, for those who love Jesus, for those who want to share Jesus with those who aren’t religious, there just isn’t many places better and Reverend Vince is doing a fantastic job of taking his music to the places people need to hear it the most.
While some may not like his methods, I have to ask, is getting people to think about the person of Jesus Christ have benefit? I think it does, I think that if truth be told, Reverend Vince may have gotten more people who aren’t in church to think about Jesus than most any pastor I can think of. You see, the same old methods of the church reaching out to those who aren’t in the church just don’t work. The church has this position that those who don’t know God, don’t love Jesus will come to the church while we are in the process of putting those people down, condemning them to hell and on and on. Well if you ask me, those methods of yelling at, chasing away, and so forth don’t work with dogs, they sure won’t work with people. Reverend Vince in that regard has a concept that works.
I have to tell you, I don’t care much for how the top friends and all are used at MySpace. I personally have my top friends set on random and love it as it prevents me from having to pick out my so called favorites, but ol’ Reverend Vince has his set up the old fashioned way, he has his top friends ordered. I know pride is a terrible thing, but I kind of have this sense of pride in knowing that Reverend Vince, for whatever reason, has had me on his top friends list for some time. I don’t know why that is, but it is and to tell you the truth, I kind of find it as a badge of honor. A man I respect, a man who is doing a lot of things right who understands, values, music and Jesus for some reason sees something in me. I only hope it is Jesus, I know when I look at Reverend Vince, I see a lot of Jesus. For those non religious, spiritually truth seeking folks out there, who happens to love a good measure of blues music laced with organ and horns, check him out for yourself, you will see real quick, he is different.
I have never had the honor of meeting Reverend Vince; have never had the opportunity to visit his church. I hope to someday, I know there will be things we disagree on, I also know there will be things we agree on, we will agree on a good tune laced with the blues, a good friend who many will consider a sinner, and a good savior named Jesus. In the process, we will also agree on the importance of letting people, all kinds of people, know that God does in fact love them. Our methods will likely be more similar than not, and there will likely continue to be many Christians who disagree with the approach we use, but in the long run, I know the methods work. I know they work because there are people listening, just as I am still listening to the music of Reverend Vince Anderson.
Here is the question I would ask each person reading this, are people still listening to you? Is your life, your music intriguing enough that people want to know more? There is this old fashioned, almost Pentecostal concept presented by Reverend Vince in the song, Water To Wine, the concept that “miracles don’t stop!” Yet for many who follow after Jesus, for many who seek spiritual truth it is almost as if we believe that Jesus is somehow different today and that his miracle working power of reaching those in bars, in taverns, the smoker, the toker, Jim Bean lover, sexually addicted, Atheistic, pornographic loving, three pieced suit wearing drug dealing gang banger don’t exist anymore. Well let me tell you, I disagree. Jesus and those who follow him should still be accused of being drunks, gluttons, partying, heathens because of those they hang out with. Not because we are under their influence, but because we are using the influence of Jesus of Nazareth, and his Holy Spirit to share God’s love with a world Jesus came and died for.
Jesus came to earth to give of himself and share his love; surely we can find it in ourselves to go to the places across town where the “sinners” live that need to hear that message of love and forgiveness. Now that song of life that involves sharing Jesus love might be laced with the blues, but it is concluded with a victory party that ends up in heaven. A party I can’t wait to participate in, a party that God is reminded of every time folks like Reverend Vince, Pastor Dave at Third Day in Fresno, David Bruce from Hollywood Jesus, and hopefully I and many others like Reverend Z engage in! In those moments we experience life and do the things we love. We know others can be touched if we do what we do out of love and out of obedience of doing the things Jesus told us to do. We know we have to take Jesus' message of love and salvation to all corners of the earth, not just the fancy smancy, suburbs and theaters of worship filled with gold hungry, pride seeking people in the places often called churches. God forgive us of that sin, and the sins of being critical of people like Reverend Vince who is doing, somehow, and in some ways, the very things I think Jesus would have us all doing.
I hope you enjoy some of the music of Reverend Vince Anderson.
Just click on the following videos, if the video don’t appear, just click on the provided link;
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Today’s contribution to Street Level Devotions is from Michelle Anderson. Michelle is a registered nurse practicing in Florida, the mother of 2 boys, 17 and 22 and was born again in November of 2005? Just as a reminder, if you have things you would like to contribute for The Virtual Pew's Street Level Devotions, contact me, Mike Furches at or through MySpace at
I am always looking for additional devotions that can be used in the book submission once it is done, and for devotions that speak to real issues, and come from real people, not the religious, but those seeking spiritual truth via real relationship with Jesus Christ. Now on to the devotion given today by Michelle.
Luke 6:20 - Looking at his disciples, he said: "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God."
Poverty, what do you think about it? What do you think the solution is? Who do you blame for it? I confess that before Christ, I didn't think about poverty except where it concerned me. I'm a single mom of 2 boys. I have a college education and I'm a registered nurse. My boys have different fathers, neither of whom wanted to do his fatherly duty and pay child support. I make a decent living, but I live paycheck to paycheck as do a large majority of people. Back then I considered myself poor because while I had a decent job, I also had a lot of debt. The combination made me "poor" in my mind.
I live in the richest country in the world. Yet the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. There doesn't really seem to be much of a middle class anymore. And even though the U.S. is rich, we are quite poor due to our spending habits. Yet compared to the third world nations, even the poorest people living here are rich.
So what does God, the Maker of heaven and earth, have to say about poverty? He has plenty to say.
Leviticus 19:10 Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the LORD your God.
Leviticus 25:35 "If one of your countrymen becomes poor and is unable to support himself among you, help him as you would an alien or a temporary resident, so he can continue to live among you."
Deuteronomy 15:7 If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother.
Deuteronomy 15:11 There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.
God doesn't ask us to sit around and contemplate the plight of the poor. He is very specific in commanding we take care of the poor.
Deuteronomy 24:14-15 Do not take advantage of a hired man who is poor and needy, whether he is a brother Israelite or an alien living in one of your towns. Pay him his wages each day before sunset, because he is poor and is counting on it. Otherwise he may cry to the LORD against you, and you will be guilty of sin.
The Lord hears the dries of the poor when we cheat them and treat them wrong and He holds that against us as sin.
1 Samuel 2:8 He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. "For the foundations of the earth are the LORD's; upon them he has set the world.
People might be poor here on earth, but they are going to be treated with the highest honor in heaven.
Psalm 35:10 My whole being will exclaim, "Who is like you, O LORD ? You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from those who rob them."
God is ALWAYS on their side. So what should we do about poverty? Maybe you blame God for poverty, arrogantly saying if He is so loving why is He allowing people to starve? Francis Chan said in "Crazy Love", God should be asking us why WE are allowing people to starve! He created this place for US. He gave US charge over all the earth. Who are WE to blame God for poverty?
Maybe you think you are just one person and what difference could you make? Here is what Mother Theresa said - We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.
We can do no great things, only small things with great love.
We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.
Poverty is more than a financial issue. It is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. When Jesus arrived on the scene, He turned everything this world knows about poverty and wealth upside down. He said the poor will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and the rich will be so wrapped up in their stuff here they will miss the Kingdom completely.
James 2:5 Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?
Revelation 3:17 You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
He tells us to sell everything we have and give to the poor and then we will have treasure in heaven!
Luke 18:22When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
Jesus is God incarnate. He became poor and homeless so we might be rich through Him.
2 Corinthians 8:9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.
Since I surrendered my life to the Lord 3 years ago, I've changed my mind about poverty. I no longer consider myself to be poor at all. He showed me how rich I am in Him. I still don't have a lot of money per se, but I have way more than hundreds of thousands of people around the world. He's also showed me that everything really belongs to Him anyway and if I trust Him and give, He will take care of me and my boys.
What is the solution for poverty? It's simple. GIVE! Don't shut your eyes to the poor like I did for most of my life. Your one dollar does make a difference because if everyone who could give a dollar gave it, it would add up to millions of dollars!
Matthew 5:42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
Give because it is better to give than to receive. Give because Jesus says to take care of the widows and orphans and poor and homeless.
The Sheep and the Goats
(31) "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. (32) All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. (33) He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. (34) "Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. (35) For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, (36) I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'
(37) "Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? (38) When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? (39) When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'
(40) "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
(41) "Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. (42) For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, (43) I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.'
(44) "They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?'
(45) "He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'
(46) "Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."
I am not perfect. I am far from perfect. I love Jesus Christ and so I do my best to obey His commandments. He said, "Love your neighbor as yourself." For me that means helping the poor, loving them and befriending them and caring for them. I hope you'll join me. Who knows, it could be a countercultural revolution.
Thought for the Day: Purchase a toy for a child you don't know or donate something to a local organization helping the poor.
The following video captures the heart of this article. Just click on the video, if the video don't appear, just click on the link:
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew