My Journey I start on today is rather unique; it is unique for various reasons. One is it is going to be a different kind of Christmas for me, yep, Christmas has always been an important day for me. I never really knew Christmas as a child, at least not that I can remember with good thoughts. There is even a photo of me holding a BB gun in one of my MySpace photo albums taken at my grandmothers on Christmas. I don’t recall that photo ever being made. I have an occasional memory of visiting different people at Christmas. I recall a time I got a pedal fire truck as a small child, but that is about it. I swore as I became older, my family would never know what it is like to not have a good Christmas. God has allowed me to keep that promise to myself but this Christmas will be different. As a result of my trip to Tennessee, I won’t return and celebrate Christmas with my wife, daughter, son and son in law until after Christmas, likely the first of the year. My wife and son will be visiting me, in some ways, enduring the need I have in my life this Christmas. That says something about their love because for them, this Christmas will have emotions they will have to deal with, it will have conflict they have to deal with, it will have life they will have to deal with that thankfully they have never experienced, other than falling in love with one who was abused, and one who was adopted into my family they deserve none of this, they are just ongoing casualties of abuse that we never think about. It will involve them giving, living, and being with me so I can do something I need to do which brings me to another reason this Christmas will be different.
This Christmas, my mother, who was one of those who physically, emotionally, and yes, sexually abused me, is in the hospital dying of cancer. She is in stage 4 now of this disease, it is likely her last Christmas and while our relationship hasn’t been good over the years, I am confronted with something in my own life, involving my faith that I simply have to do. I have to let her know that I forgive her for the harm, wrong, and shame she brought on my life.

There are also likely those who have been abused who would be appalled that I would offer forgiveness to one who abused me. I am not saying that all can, or even should do this. For me to forgive though is giving credit and respect to the one who ultimately gave me, and showed me life and love, the person of Jesus Christ who as my leader and forgiver, has given me many times over a purpose and reason to live. It was ultimately his act of love for me that I realized love is possible. Now as a husband, father, and one who has many friends across the globe, I realize, it has all come about because of my Savior, Jesus Christ. So to those who don’t understand how I can do this, I simply state, I will not, I can not, allow my abusers to continue to have control of me, of my life, my dreams, and my emotions. I realize there are times that my life will all be affected as a result of the abuse, but it won’t control me. I also find liberation in forgiveness, liberation is one of those things I desperately need, and desire in my life. In a life of never knowing a father, a loving mother like many, or a family like others, I have found all of these things in my relationship with God.

I am involved in a ministry that does unique and different things, one of those is challenging those who have been hurt to find faith in Jesus, to find a way they can fellowship with others and learn about their faith teachings, even though the church, even though many Christians may have hurt them in the past. The ministry I am in is a faith based ministry. I am totally dependent on the gifts and contributions of others to do these things. Some have been critical of this work because they don’t understand, or know of the value it has had on the lives of others. While some are building up treasures on earth that show a materialistic aspect of accomplishment, The work of The Virtual Pew often has lives that have been changed and helped. While one has earthly value, I happen to believe the other has Heavenly value. In this journey for example, the actual cost is around $800, I needed an additional $500 to make it, and sure enough, it and more came in. I will need additional income to support me in this ministry as the year goes on. I now draw a salary of $1,000 a month from my church, I need about $500 more a month to meet my financial obligations, and that don’t include the additional needs the ministry of The Virtual Pew has in helping others with their needs and our expenses, but you know what? I have found that God works in those ways to. If God works in all ways, and in all things, I know God will work out the situation with my mother and me.

A number of years ago, one of the primary issues I had was in my question of where was God during all of the moments and times of abuse. I had that question answered in a satisfactory way by a wonderful therapist. Jesus was right there beside me, crying and hurting all the time. You see I have come to this belief that not all things are ordained and caused by God. With everything that is good, we sometimes have to accept some things that are bad. My belief in the creation of humanity here is such a belief. You see, I don’t believe God desires for a child to be sexually abused, I don’t believe God has it in his heart to have someone die of cancer. I don’t believe God would have a father killed by a drunk driver. There are many things I don’t believe God desires, but those horrible things still happen. I believe there has to be an answer to this, one I can’t fully explain, but one I believe. You see, I believe God loves humanity so much that he created us to make decisions, of our own free will if you will. In those decisions, each of us, within the acts of our hands, feet, words, actions, has the ability to do something good, or do something stupid. In that understanding of God’s creation, in believing He created me to make up my mind as to the things I do, in that he didn’t create me to be a robot, that bad things happen to good people, and that good things sometimes happen to bad people, I have come to accept the good, the bad, and the ugly as not being from God, but as a consequence of people making their own decisions, even stupid ones. You see life is more complicated than we sometimes think, I can accept that, it is the extremist on both ends of the spectrum that have a hard time, but then again, I just reckon, God made me different and I am grateful to know, in regards to some of these things, there are others who would stand beside me in agreement.

This video kind of illustrates my journey. It is new and I think you will like it. Just click on the video, if the video don't appear, click on the following link:
Click Here to Go to The Virtual Pew Daily Verse and Read The Bible in a Year Passages
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Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information

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Wichita, KS 67217
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Thanks, I have a facebook account as well as a myspace account. Myspace is at www.myspace.com/mikefurches I will check out and join the group at facebook. Thanks again.
I'm praying for you Mike, that God makes this journey everything for you that brings Him all the glory! Merry Christmas!
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