It was a small wedding, some folks were shocked we were even getting married as Mary Jane is a little older. Not that much and not uncommon in a lot of circles and certainly the longevity of our relationship and marriage has showed many of those people, wrong. Now a days I feel at times older even though she is fighting pancreatic cancer. I have pains from years of sports like football, soccer, basketball, boxing, and the one that did the most damage to a never little boy, running. The pounding has me with a horrible back and the rupture or tear of an Achilles heel that never had surgery doesn't help.
Truth is, for the overwhelming majority of our marriage it has been great, there have been tough times though, like the stupid period of my life where a lesser woman with less love would have divorced me. Some think success is a way to build a relationship but I learned that success to the level that I was experiencing it was taking time away from my family which had me doing some pretty stupid things. Mary Jane though, while life has not been perfect has been as close to a perfect wife a I could ever have. While I have great regrets at times for my stupidity, in the end, I know how blessed I have been to have this mountain girl, coming from a Christian family and a strong faith in God in my life to help me recognize my weaknesses and keep me growing in my faith. Mary Jane has in essence, been my balance to keep me grounded and from doing stupid things. I honestly don't know how I would have made it without her.

Lately, it hasn't been easy. The cancer takes its toll. There are days that are not good, days that I resort to in some ways the person I used to be. I want her to live, I have fussed at her to do the things she needs to do to stay alive, to have a chance to beat this thing called cancer. In all of that, and in the times I reflect on the love we have had and still experience, I have shed more tears in the last months than I have in my previous almost 60 years of life. Some people don't understand that, they make judgments, all I know, is that as Mary Jane can verify, the doctors and nurses keep telling me to keep on doing what I need to do as whatever it is, is working. It was only a few weeks ago that I was wondering if we would see one more Christmas? Would there be life that was recognizable for Thanksgiving? Truth is, right now we think there is hope, we know for Thanksgiving, we are praying for continued progress for Christmas. And we are really praying for at least one last trip together with our friend The Praters to Lake Tahoe later this year.

People say they have the best wife, I don't deny that as I think that God provides soul mates if we look for them, surrender to Him and then are obedient to the concepts of marriage as outlined in the Bible. People don't succeed because either they don't have a relationship with God, or they are unwilling to follow His guidelines. As an example, prior to my wife's illness, I still took her out on weekly dates, I still prepared meals for her, I still opened the car door for her and many of the other things you do in a dating, falling in love relationship. Many find excuses to not keep doing those things and then wonder why their marriages fail. I took seriously the scripture that I was to love my wife in the way that Christ loved the church. While I am not perfect, that command has a lot of weight to it.
To see Mary Jane's performing my original song, Dancing with Jesus, click on the following video or link. Note the video will not be available until after 5:15 CST November 20, 2018
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