Sometimes I get advance screeners worth watching, and others that are a waste of time. When getting The Velveteen Rabbit, I was expecting a hokey animation story done trying to capitalize off a popular story. What I got was a live action / animation blend with a very good story that was extremely entertaining and very moving emotionally. Michael Landon Jr. has directed and provided a movie sure to surprise many who see it. It is so good that I would have liked to have seen wide spread commercial theatrical release. The timing of the release of the movie is the only thing I personally question. This classic story, with a strong Christmas theme is beautiful. It isn’t the first time a potential Christmas Classic has been released outside of the Christmas season, can anyone say, It’s a Wonderful Life. While this surely won’t become as big as that movie, few will, it is destined, at least in my house, to be a regular Christmas viewing.

I was concerned about the blending of animation with live action, but Landon does a very good job of blending the two to where it is not a distraction. The quality editing, direction, cinematography and periodic costuming is done very nicely and given the detail expected in a major theatrical release. I was impressed with other components of the film often neglected. The quality of sound and lighting were very well done. These are things I seldom make mention of but the effort here is worthy.

While at his grandmothers, Toby finds a magic attic and it is here that life lessons occur, for Toby but also the viewer if they allow. Toby befriends a stuffed rabbit, and while shedding a tear, the rabbit comes to life and Toby discovers an animated world where he discovers love. It is here that children, in their imaginations discover the things God intended for them, often in the little things we can even learn in the faith of a child.
My son loved the television star, Lassie. I used to watch Lassie every Sunday night on television when I was young. My son, Nathan took it a step further, he would go around for what seemed like hours pretending to be Lassie, never speaking but barking, and doing all of the things Lassie did. I could have, like other parents, ignored this, but my wife quickly taught me this was okay, and to play along. We did, and I still treasure the moments of having Lassie follow me around on all fours as I would give her a treat for being such a good dog. While some think these things were crazy, we knew God gave the imagination of a child to the children for a reason. The treasured moments of spending that time with my own children, who are now both grown, is something that built relationship, it was showing each other love. The Velveteen Rabbit takes this concept of loving and being there for your children to a level that not only children will appreciate, but so will the adult audience.

There are other lessons and examples; we see an illustration of the great Michelangelo art, The Hand of God where we see God reaching down to touch humanity. The touch of a loving parent can resemble in some ways the touch from God. We see illustrations that loving another are worth the risk and when giving love to others we discover life. There is a concept presented that love makes us real but a beautiful reminder that it’s not love that makes us real, it is loving that makes us real. Learning to love means simple things like playing ball together, teaching a child how to hold a bat, knit a darn, it involves spending time with each other, doing things together.
Just as in real life, there are few excuses. We have all had lessons in our life; we know the joys, hurts, pains, and wants. We have people who still get it to give us reminders. One example of this in The Velveteen Rabbit is Neil, a Christmas tree salesman. While a small part, it gives illustrations and lessons to this point. We all have those reminders, unfortunately, it often takes a tragedy, or potential tragedy, to bring us back to a place of understanding, a place of, if you will, loving.

I loved the Velveteen Rabbit because it is a wonderful reminder of loving others and being a parent. My wife, a teacher of over 30 years now, and I both unexpectedly teared up while watching this film. I didn’t expect this movie to do that for me. It was more than joy though, it was a life lesson I wish I would have had some years ago to remind me of my own needs. I can’t help but think, Michael Landon Sr. is looking down from Heaven, realizing, and knowing that his son is carrying on his vision and dream. I expect he is smiling and for those who have longed for quality family entertainment, seeing this movie will have you smiling as well.
While not a perfect movie, The Velveteen Rabbit is an exceptional movie. On a scale of 1 – 10, for the 9 letters in the word Christmas, minus a little boy named Toby, I give a very deserving and enjoyable 8.
To visit the official website for The Velveteen Rabbit movie click here.
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