I am currently in the middle of a 96 hour span where I will get maybe 13-15 hours of sleep. I have been tired, stressed, and to say the least, looking for more hours in the day. The last few days have looked like this, I worked on Saturday night, left work directly to go to church on Sunday morning, went home, slept for three and a half hours, came into work again, work until tomorrow morning, and then home for 4 hours of sleep and back into work for another 13 or 14 hour shift. Simply put, I have been tired while a lot of things are going on. From health issues to family issues, and from church issues to work issues, there always seems to be something to take my focus off of the things God wants me to focus on.
Currently at Mosaic Church, the church I am pastor at, we are in a series I have titled called Back to the Basics. Currently we are on the section dealing with prayer. This series as a whole will end up being a 6 month series and the section just on prayer will end up being 6 weeks. Also as a part of this process, the church was voting today as to whether or not bring me on as their regular pastor, I have been serving as an interim so this was a big deal. A lot has been going on as mentioned and there has been little time to think about it all. All of this and more is going on and then out of the clear, God worked, and I once again, for one of those special moments saw Jesus.

For pastors to do things like this, allow someone from the congregation to “disrupt worship,” to change the potential order of the service, throw a kink if you will into the structure is not practiced much anymore. That is a shame, as it was indicated God was at work at Mosaic and so many churches have forgotten about letting the Holy Spirit lead them in their worship. After I had made the challenge, we had another family; and other individuals come up for prayer, for all kinds of reasons, and several of them with tears in their eyes. I was moved, I was blessed as these people I am honored to be a part of, felt called to come up, share, and be prayed for.
Things were going well when there was a pause in the time people were coming up, and I felt the hand of a friend on my back as he prayed for me. His words were inspired, and obviously from God as he prayed for specifics I had not shared and the Holy Spirit used his words to give me comfort, and I hadn’t even asked for this. God is good!

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Powerful testimony Mike!
I grew up in home that recognized the power of prayer and can bear testimony too of times where God impressed upon one or the other of my parents they we needed to "STOP RIGHT NOW AND PRAY"! Sometimes it was for the other parent, sometimes it was for one of us children, but always it was made know to us that our prayer was answered. I have been in services where the order of worship was laid aside to follow the nudgings of the Spirit. Always humbling to recognize and a privilege to be a part of such.
I will keep you and yours in my prayers as I have for the last year and a half. God bless you man (as he already has and will continue to do so).
Thank you so much for your kind words and I appreciate what you posted. I especially appreciate and covet the prayers.
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