Unfortunately, it seems as if most Christian filmmakers are satisfied with lack luster quality. I have personally seen many a documentary that isn’t worth the cost of the plastic it is pressed on. In regards to the technical quality of The Mysterious Islands I was more than pleasantly surprised at the quality of cinematography, sound, editing, and story. This top notch documentary accomplishes its purpose in providing a quality product beyond the typical lackluster ‘Christian’ film.
The Mysterious Islands follows the journey of the father son team of 16-year-old Joshua Phillips and with his father Doug. Also on the journey is Dr. John Morris, a noted Creationist. They travel with their team to the Galapagos Islands to search for evidence to refute many of the teachings and beliefs of Charles Darwin. The fact that this is done on Darwin’s 200th anniversary and 150th anniversary of the release of the book Origin of the Species is not lost in the production. It has been said that the Galapagos Islands are the birth place of evolutionary thought. While this is partially true, it is certain that many of the concepts espoused by Darwin were birthed on the islands.
The Mysterious Islands does a good job at following this road journey format as the exploration team searches out to discuss some of Darwin’s findings and conclusions regarding Evolution and the Origin of the Species. One of the concepts strongly challenged through out the journey is the belief in the Survival of the Fittest. Most documentaries start out with a premise supported by the film makers. Unfortunately, many don’t state their intent and present their film under the premise of fair journalism. The makers of The Mysterious Islands, from the get go, lets the viewer know of their intent and beliefs. There is no doubt their view will be presented from a Conservative Christian Creationist point of view. Thankfully on the exploration of the subject matter, they present their case in a logical way with the layman in mind. Most will understand the scientific material in a way that makes sense to them.

This film respectfully explores the differences between Creationist and Evolutionists. From the start, they clearly point out that in their opinion; there were many things Darwin got right. They also point out that he got more wrong than right. They use the arguments of several well known individuals in the field who do not accept their faith to point this out. There is also respect and recognition given to many religions of the world that recognize and believe in creation. They also come to a place where they state that one who says they believe in God cannot believe any concept outside of creation. I would have liked to have seen more debate and openness on this subject. Especially from those who believe that God may have used parts of evolution, or even evolution as a means of creation. It is one of the things that Exposed by Ben Stein has over this film, a more open means of possibility. There are certainly far more beliefs than were presented by the makers of The Mysterious Islands, even from within a Christian perspective. One gets the opinion that if one doesn’t agree with a literal 6 day creation, then one can’t believe in the God of the Bible or be a Christian. It is these types of dogma that have the tendency to turn people away from a faith journey and honest discussion on the subject.

Some other interesting views in the film look at the history of what they say have occurred as a result of Evolutionary thought. Here they present that the human species have been devalued. There are quotes provided by Darwin and others that accepted Evolution to promote their beliefs. These include people like Hitler and Margaret Sanger, the creator of Planned Parenthood. While it is debatable as to the role evolution played in supporting their perspectives and support of things like racism and prejudice, the quotes provided, seem to support these premises. They also seem to support the general notion that concepts held and presented from Darwin’s teachings were in agreement with the thought process of these individuals. There are additional interesting historical information presented including information regarding an affair between HG Wells and Sanger. It seems these are attempts to not just attack the various beliefs, but the character of these individuals.
While I greatly appreciated the technical quality of The Mysterious Islands, and the ability to communicate the message in layman’s terms I felt part of the story, while done to a small extent, could have been better developed with a more open exploration of the points. This would have taken this film from being widely supported by the Creationist community to a film widely used and effective to people in all belief systems. This could have effectively been used as a discussion point between Evolutionists and Creationists. This could have facilitated great discussions at Film Festivals, Churches, and Scientific Study Groups among others.

One of the things I like to comment on is the special features. I actually give them a mixed review. While there are ample features and information on how to obtain a study guide, much of the focus is more editorial. They vary from the history of the Galapagos to the history of Whaling in the area. It is certain; much of the features material will be controversial. I personally enjoyed The Flightless Cormorant, and their response to the findings of noted Atheist, Richard Dawkins as well as the history of the islands.
As stated earlier, while not perfect, this may be the best documentary on the subject from a Christian, Creationist perspective that has been made. While it will do little to change minds, it is done in such a way it can be understood and appreciated by audiences outside of Academia. I would have appreciated a more balanced approach, but I recognize this wasn’t the intent. It is worthwhile viewing and one Creationists will likely want to own.
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This looks very interesting, Mike. John Morris is the son of Henry Morris, who co-authored The Genesis Flood with John C. Whitcomb back in 1961. Their pioneering work in the interpretation of the fossil layers led the way to much of the discussion going on today.
My greatest hope is that people will be able to discuss the subject in a civil manner without resorting to name-calling.
I actually have written a few articles recently on Hollywood Jesus reviewing a movie and a book which try to reconcile the secular science with the Bible. While I do not necessarily agree with their approach, I welcome such dialog into the discussion. Your readers might be interested.
Divine Evolution -
Evolution, Creationism, or Hybrid? http://live.hollywoodjesus.com/?p=6092
The Genesis Code
Can Genesis and Science Both Be Right? http://live.hollywoodjesus.com/?p=6071
The Genesis Code -
Beginning of a New Discussion? -
Interview with Studio Rep and Actor Dr. Jerry Zandstra http://live.hollywoodjesus.com/?p=6117
I am personally, as a Christian, not nearly as interested in where we/I came from as where I/we are going. I think more Christians should be a little more concerned with our future than our past. God created us how he created us, weather that was in the Biblical 6 days or over millenia through evolution and we have no say about it.
I think people would not laugh at us Christians nearly as much if we focused on what was truly important, our destination, than the specific details of our creation. I hate talking to creationists because our past is all they seem to talk about. I like to be more focused on today and the glory that is to come.
Mark thanks for the links to the things you have done. I look forward to reading them.
Skeptigirl, thanks to you as well for your comments. I think you hit several nails on the head.
What a cool sounding movie. I love the Galapagos Islands and would love to go there with my hubby at some point in my life... after the kids "grow up" lol.
And skeptigirl, I agree, you sounded many great points!
Thanks for your comment maidmarian4. I would love to visit as well, but... gotta have the funds for that. The video does show much of the beauty of the islands.
Mark, I read the links and would encourage others interested in the debate to cut and paste them to check out. Quite interesting stuff, and I have already been to the links within the articles as well. I agree with the first one especially of the need for reason in the discussion.
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