Awhile back I did an article regarding the political system and the upcoming elections. I have been following the elections and decided to post an article regarding candidates I am looking at. On this topic, I am not one who says we shouldn’t be involved in the political system. What I say is that for people of faith who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ, or any other religious system, don’t compromise your beliefs. Your service and commitment to your faith is far more important in my opinion than your commitment to country.
For me, to measure an individual involved in the political system to my faith, or my God, always has the individual falling short. It will become obvious that I am picking a wide diversity of people, two Republicans, and 2 Democrats. This gets me away from the “endorsement” of any candidate, although I am not opposed to that.
Now I love politics, and have been involved in the political process since I came of age to vote. I have come full circle in my political beliefs, and suspect they will change between now and the next election. I have been extremely liberal, actually a delegate for Jesse Jackson back in the 1980’s, a supporter and delegate of Al Gore, a presenter at the Greenville County, SC Democratic Convention in the 1990’s, I voted for George W. Bush, (the only presidential candidate vote I ever “won”) and I was a Democratic candidate for a house seat in South Carolina, where I lost 52% to 46% against a retired postman. I was endorsed by the National Right to Life, The State Educators Association, The State Nurses Association, and the NAACP. In recent years I have voted more for Republicans, but as of this election, I am not certain who I will vote for. Now to the political system and especially this upcoming election:
Let me say here and now, from the get go, I am disappointed not in the candidates, but in some of the candidates, and certainly both political parties. I know from personal experience, both parties, on a national level are out of touch with the American public. I will touch on part of that in my mention of the candidates.
In the early process, on my My Space page, I had all political candidates that had a My Space page. I subscribed to all of their blogs and followed those blogs, comments, and policies. It is from a lot of reading that I have come to my conclusions.
Let’s start first with the two candidates that are in my final two that I am considering from the Democratic Party.
The first is a dark horse, a candidate who doesn’t have much of a chance, but I will admit, I like this guy. I like the majority of his policies, and he is a candidate I would consider voting for if in the general election. That candidate is Dennis Kucinich.
I honestly think Dennis Kucinich is right on target on a number of key issues. I especially like his position on a National Center for Peace, and believe he has a good grasp on what I would call Christian responsibility on issues such as social justice. I wish he were more consistent on certain issues regarding what I would consider Christian Worldview issues. While he is solid on several social justice positions, I disagree with his positions on other areas like abortion. While using Biblical supports to support certain views and positions, I don’t think he does that on all positions. That doesn’t take away from my view of Senator Kucinich. I respect him, and believe him to be a solid individual. One I would say, if you haven’t looked at up to this point, look at him, check out his web page, subscribe to his articles, and blogs, then let our conscious help you decide about the validity of this candidate.
The next Democratic candidate I like is Barack Obama. In a political world where there has been a lot of hatred expressed by the opposing parties, Democrats of Republicans, and Republicans of Democrats, I think that Senator Obama has an ability to bring people together. He is balanced on a majority of positions and I find myself agreeing with much of what he has said. Of course, me being the pro life individual I am, I am concerned about his or any candidates’ position on this issue. I have to say though, I feel as if in the last few elections I was duped by the Republican Party to do something about this issue.
I believe Obama is the most electable candidate among the Democrats; one I could vote for and one who could draw in votes from other middle of the road voters, especially if the Republican nominee is a candidate who is not a strong pro life candidate.
I believe Senator Obama has been misrepresented by not only Republicans but many Democrats. He is a candidate I decided to do a lot of research on and was a candidate I would not have considered voting for. After doing my research, after checking the facts, I found Obama to be a man of character, and one who could do this country good.
Now to the Republican side of the candidates. Let me state clearly, right off the bat, I am very disappointed with the political efforts of the Republican Party in this election. Their willingness to redefine what is, and is not a Republican is sickening. At one time the party that preached inclusion is now practicing exclusion. That will be obvious in my two finalists in the Republican Party.
First I would ask you to consider the candidate, Ron Paul. I have to admit, a lot of what Ron Paul speaks about appeals and challenges me. I admire this man; I admire his willingness to be the preverbal black sheep in this election. While I agree with much of what Ron Paul stands for, many of his followers, the 9/11 Truthers for example, scare me. There is no doubt; there is a massive ground swelling of individuals who has brought about an impressive grass roots movement. From raising millions, to getting conservatives, and liberals together, Paul has hit a nerve in the Republican Party. Their efforts to keep him out of the debate process, their continued attacks on him as a person, offend me.
The willingness to attack Senator Paul isn’t the only thing that has molded my recent views of the Republican Party, I see the attack happening with another candidate I like.
The other Republican Party candidate that I find myself liking more and more is Mike Huckabee. Governor Huckabee, to listen to all of the higher ups within the Republican Party is no where near qualified to be the Republican Candidate for President of the United States. To hear the attacks from the conservative talk shows, and the pundits within the party, of Governor Huckabee, and Senator Paul, is at the point of being obvious. I am now willing to vote for anyone, other than a candidate from the “establishment” of the party.
Regarding Governor Huckabee, I see what I, as a Christian would consider to be a “Compassionate Conservative.” We have all heard the term before, one only has to associate that with the last two elections, but Governor Huckabee has a track record that seems to show a side of compassion for the poor, plus a solid position on various issues that people of faith will be concerned about. While some are concerned that Governor Huckabee is a former pastor, I am not. I don’t know how he would blend the concepts of politician and Christian, but I do believe he will act on his convictions as opposed to a political party agenda.
I know many will have issues with my top 4, that is okay, but at least think about the candidates and their positions. Check out their positions on various issues, but beyond that, check their track record. I am frankly tired of being promised the moon and getting nothing more than a moon pie. On the other hand, I am tired of being told who to vote for by the suits who have been involved in the political system for many years. I look at our world, at our willingness to care for and help those in need, and then wonder, why I would listen to any of these people with the world being in the state of affairs it is in.
During the last election, it was rather hard to come up with 4 candidates I could support in an election. This time, there are about 6 I could support. If I was to add another Democrat, it would be John Edwards, and the other Republican would be John McCain. I don’t know who I will vote for as of yet. I can tell you 4 or 5 I won’t vote for; hopefully two of those aren’t running against each other. Not only Americans, but the rest of the world deserves better than an election where we elect the lesser of two evils. We all have a responsibility, at least those of us in America have a responsibility to be informed and educated in this process. Hopefully we take that responsibility seriously in the next days, weeks, and months ahead. Realize during that time frame, your responsibility and allegiance is not to The United States of America, but to the Kingdom of God, that is if you are a Christian. If not, then at least become as informed as possible on the issues. The truth is, our next President will have a strong influence on the world, either good or bad, the decision needs to be made by the people, not some political party who has their own agenda that may, or may not really care about the people they are commissioned to serve.
Check out this great commercial, if you don't see the video, just click the link.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at
You can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
I don’t know what I would change, what I would complain about, even if I could. Let me explain. Recently life has been kind of hectic, difficult, hard to explain, and seemingly impossible. For some strange reason, to make much of a deal over all of these things don’t make much sense to me, even though I likely could.
Let me explain:
I recently took a job that is eventually supposed to be 3 evenings a week, which will allow me to work on The Virtual Pew and supplement some of my families’ income.
Unfortunately, for the last month, and at least the next 3 weeks I have been putting in long hours, through the day, 5, 6, and in some weeks even 7 days a week, and unable to get most of my obligations taken care of related to The Virtual Pew. I have had to put on hold the radio programs The Virtual Pew Live and HJ Live until the schedule gets worked out. Thankfully that appears to be in the near future and I will start working on the new schedule this next week. I have also had to cancel officiating several, actually 5 wrestling tournaments, I have at least 2 more I will have to cancel, and that is at a loss of $125 to $150 per tournament. Unfortunately some of these have come at a notice of less than 2 days.
On top of this, income and needed promotion of The Virtual Pew has been slacking due to my commitments to my new job. The reality is, The Virtual Pew still needs all of the donations and support we can get. Ministry has to continue, and the ultimate dream and desire is that this ministry is a full-time, self supporting ministry that continues to provide the ministry it does to The Lost, The Last, and The Least. We can’t do that without the support, plus there are the other outreach events, that require money. Even if I could complain though, I wouldn’t. The reality is my new position with Youth Horizons is a wonderful opportunity provided by God to provide some income, plus allow me to work with troubled boys. In a few weeks I will be able to give a large portion of that time from Youth Horizons, to The Virtual Pew. While the contributions and gifts are needed, God works in his time. I know people will continue to contribute and support this ministry, I also know that the additional time will discipline me to get things done, plus provide opportunity to work on other things I have been wanting to like the possible publication of The Keystone Kid as I work to submit it to an agent for consideration.
I could complain about Christmas, in fact, it is the first Christmas that I can ever recall where I was actually sick. I got sick on Christmas morning, and was in bed most of the day, was sick the next day. I went to work yesterday, still a little sick, but nonetheless, still sick.
I could complain, but while I was sick God honored my family and I to provide a wonderful Christmas to a new, dear friend. I will be careful about saying too much but will say that for around 26 of my 28 years of marriage, my wife and I have had people spend Christmas with us who would have no place to go otherwise. This last Christmas was no exception. A former gang member from the area spent Christmas with us, in fact, he spent 4 days with us. Complete with all of the gang tattoos, and numerous gun shot wounds, this person told us Christmas morning that this Christmas was the best he had ever had in 32 years of life. To hear things like this, even when you are sick, have ways of making one have a great Christmas.
I could complain about how I would really be at HJAG (Hollywood Jesus Annual Gathering) this year in Seattle. I was there for the first one and Hollywood Jesus is a ministry I am honored to be a part of. I was looking forward to it this year, but with the new job, lack of finances, it just isn’t possible.
I am okay with that though, I am spending some time with my family that I wouldn’t get to otherwise. I also know that God has something good for me this weekend. Don’t ask me how I know that, I just know that. I will call the folks at HJAG on Saturday morning, sending my love, encouragement and more to the folks attending. Maybe in some way, God will use this, I can only imagine.
On Christmas night, I got the hardest news though, I got word from my wife, who had spoken to my mother when I was in bed sick that my sisters former husband went to the ATM and just fell over dead. This is a former brother in law I had had numerous discussions about regarding faith, most not good because of his attempt to keep any area of faith discussions away from my sister, who was instrumental in getting me involved in church. This person at the time denied God, and saw no value in religion at all. This is a former brother in law who showed up at the funeral of my Aunt Ruth who was murdered, intoxicated, and was asked to leave the funeral. I’ll be honest, I didn’t like the guy much, but I had my reasons, that didn’t mean I didn’t pray for him, and I don’t hurt for my sister who is hurting. For those having issues with thoughts like this, I guess I will only say, walk a half a mile in my shoes. It isn’t always easy but there is far more that went on here than many realize, even I. Only my sister knows, and I know she isn’t willing yet to talk about it all.
On this one, I have to admit, I struggle because I realize my sister was the smart one in the family, she was the one who should have gone to college, she is the one who should have never experienced the abuse she did for the duration of time she did. I have always struggled with that, I guess brothers kind of do that.
I could complain, but, my sister is back in church now, she is growing in her faith and getting stabilized. I firmly believe she is around others who will help her through this difficult time. I certainly hope so as there is no way I can visit and be there with her, even though I would love to do so. I am confident that God is still good, and I am confident my sister knows she played a significant part in my life, and a part of the blessings I have seen belong to her.
I could go on and on about things I could complain about. I know I come from a background where drugs, death, difficulty, gangs, and all are still, in many ways, a part of my life. I have come to the conclusion those things will always be a part of my life because that is a part of who I was, and in some ways, who I still am. That is with the exception of having Jesus in my life now.
Some say faith and religion is nothing more than a crutch. I consider myself an intellectual but I have to admit, I think sometimes religion and faith are a crutch. I don’t see that as a bad thing though. I see that as a need for those who need it. A crutch don’t make a broken leg any less broken, it don’t make a sprained ankle any less sprained. Neither does a person having a need for faith or religion make that person any less of a person. In fact, I think it makes them whole, especially when they need it. The benefit is that a crutch can be temporary; it can be a short term need to help one get through the rough and tough times. During that process, they heal, get better, and are able to move on, often times in a stronger faster way than ever before. I have also learned that my faith in Jesus is something I enjoy, and desire, some may say, even hunger and thirst after it. Why, because I know the process works, I know it works because while I could complain, I don’t, in fact, I am at peace because I know the Prince of Peace.
Here is a song by Thousand Foot Krutch (Notice the Pun) called Falls Apart. Double Click on the Video Below if you don't see the video, just click on the link. Listen to the words, you will see how it applies to this article.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at
You can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Over the last year The Virtual Pew has continued on with its mission, touching, and reaching out to The Lost, The Last, and The Least. Our mission is to help make fully committed disciples of Christ out of all people, regardless of background or circumstance by building a community of faith on the Web. From the backwoods of Kentucky, to the battlefields of Baghdad, The Virtual Pew has been there helping individuals in either their walk for Christ, or their search for Spiritual Truth. The truth is, this ministry, with your help has made a difference for so many people. During the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, I want to remind you, this season, are all about you. Not only is Jesus birth for you, so is his ultimate love, life, death, resurrection, and ultimate return. Whether you are a follower of Jesus or not, I challenge, this season is still for you.
To all of those wanting to designate gifts to The Virtual Pew, we thank you for that. We do appreciate the year end giving, whether in prayer, thought or financial. Thankfully this next year, we look forward to doing more than ever with more money being targeted to the specific ministries of The Virtual Pew. If interested in obtaining more information about speaking, writing, or ministry brochures just send an email, or written request.
To all of you receiving this, many who have offered prayer, support, encouragement, and even just comment on one of the articles or web site, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thanks for all you have done, it is appreciated more than you will ever realize. As a Christmas gift to you, I am providing a link to The Virtual Pew Christmas articles from last year. Believe me, there are plenty of great articles and interviews provided in the following link. Go back, visit, and enjoy.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at
You can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Charlie was a boy who grew up in the plains of Nebraska in the small town of Gretna, just outside of Omaha. As a small boy he fell in love with hockey. It was difficult for Charlie to play the sport because he was born with a lung disorder that made it hard for him to breathe in cold weather. As Charlie got older, he was able to play more due to the medical, rehabilitation, and medication advancements that would take place.
While a small boy it was difficult for Charlie to get used to the fact he couldn’t play the game as much as he wanted. He didn’t stay away from the game though; he played as much as he could, advancing and improving on basic skills. Charlie did not play the game on the ice as much as he wanted. He did take time to watch the game, learning basics and strategy. He learned when to make appropriate substitutions, when to make defensive or offensive changes and other strategic aspects of the game. Charlie was learning things that would enable him to someday show off the totality of his skills. Learning these things at a young age matured him in a way most hockey players didn’t until they were much older.
As Charlie got older, his skills got better, and he was eventually able to play hockey more. As a result of his efforts to improve his basic skills, learning the strategy of the game, he became an exceptional player. Eventually, he became good enough in high school that he would go to college on a scholarship. While in college Charlie perfected his skills, learning to deal and work with his weaknesses. He became a productive and quality player for the limited time he was on the ice, and growing up with the health problems he had.
After college, Charlie went on to play 7 years of professional hockey in the minor leagues. From Tulsa to Wichita, and from Shreveport to Omaha, he made the circuit. Charlie was never able to break into the NHL as a player but he was able to eventually become a coach. Charlie had dreamed of coaching in the NHL. In his 4th year of coaching Charlie made it to the big show, going to the Stanley Cup where his team ended up winning the Cup in 5 games.
Charlie went on to coach for 14 years in the NHL before retiring. Later on, after being placed in the Hall of Fame he shared his story of how his infirmities had enabled him to learn the game in a way he never expected. This allowed him to become the player and strategist which allowed him to go on and coach 3 NHL Stanley Cup Champions over those 14 years.
We are all born with some form of imperfection or weakness that holds us back. It is the champions who learn how to adapt, work around those imperfections and ultimately accomplish their dreams and aspirations. Just as in the case with Charlie, we can all accomplish the things in life that are important to us. The questions become, do we give up? Do we quit? Do we attempt to excel in areas outside of our natural desires? Do we focus on the negatives, or work to change them? I have found that in my own life, God moves and shakes us to places beyond our dreams, if we will listen, and if we are moved to action as opposed to inaction. What will you do? Who will you become? How will you be remembered? You can be more, expect more, have more, and be remembered more while walking with God, as opposed to on your own. Make the right choice, move on. Excel despite the problems, become the person God wants you to be.
The following should encourage you, you can overcome. Click on the video below, if you don't see the video, click on the following link.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at
You can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Did you ever feel like just when things seem to be going well, it seems as if life hits you up beside the head with a two by four? It is easy to get into a rut when things like this happen, I know, I kind of hit it recently.
I have been going through training with Youth Horizons, a program that works with fatherless children. It has been somewhat difficult lately, I am doing 2 jobs, trying to be a husband, and father, on top of living life and getting all of the things done I need to get done for the Holidays. To be blunt, sleep as of late has been a commodity. Unfortunately I am starting to feel it, and those things that hit me up beside the head hurt even more so because of all of the stress, and other issues related to just plain, flat out, being tired.
The other day I was involved in a Girls Town and Boys Town Training with Youth Horizons when my cell phone rang about 3:15 PM. It was a tough call, but I made the decision to let the person calling leave a message as opposed to disrupting my training by answering the phone. I have always had some issue with taking personal calls during work time. Doing ministry, knowing that important calls come in at times with The Virtual Pew made it difficult to not answer the phone, but that was my decision.
One of the worst case scenarios was I would receive an emergency phone call from one of my family members. Needless to say, the phone call was from my wife. Things weren’t good! The car she was driving had broken down, and she didn’t know what to do. We didn’t know how to respond exactly because we didn’t know the seriousness of the breakdown. The car was left on the side of the road, and one of the possibilities was a cracked head. Of course that was the worst case scenario, and the one we were praying wasn’t the case. Truth is, money is tight, and as much as we appreciate the funding that is coming in with Youth Horizons, we still need the income from The Virtual Pew as the expenses are still there. The last thing we need is an additional car expense, especially during the holidays. Well as of this writing we still don’t know the details, we know we need a water pump, and work done on the timing chain. The job in total could run from $400 to over $1,000, the cost will be very difficult, but the high end of the cost will be prohibitive, and put us in the place of having one van, almost ready to break down, and that is it. In other words we will have to do something we didn’t want to do, check and see about buying a new vehicle. I could write all kinds of thoughts on that but will let that rest for another time.
During the holidays we often get caught up in so many things that we forget about those who struggle from week to week. What is really sad is that one has to go through the difficulties of a car breaking down or some other catastrophic event to be reminded of this. I wish I could be like Jesus all of the time, always aware of the needs of others around me, aware of the difficulties that people are going through. I think it is important to reflect on the events of our own lives to remind us of others who have it worse. Truth is; it is always easy to find someone having a harder time than we may be experiencing.
During the holiday season I will ask each person reading this to not only think of those in need, but think of those agencies supporting and/or helping those in need. While The Virtual Pew is one of those ministries, we aren’t the only one. There may be a homeless shelter in your community, a drug treatment program, a women’s shelter or any other number of ministries providing help to those in need. Find a way to be like Jesus, find a way to help the individual, or those who are helping, it does make a difference, especially to those already experiencing a tough time. I will ask you to do something else though, look at those agencies who need, and will put to work the gifts you give them. I know there are a lot of larger wonderful agencies but a lot of those agencies have so many volunteers, so much money, the truth is, they don’t need more. The smaller agencies though, especially those who don’t receive government funding will be those that may be able to get the biggest bang for the buck, consider them, then realize, you may just be helping out someone who needs it, someone who would have otherwise done without during the time they needed help and love the most.
A Broken Down Car? It could have been worse. Click the Video below, if the video don't appear, just click the link.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at
You can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Would you like to hear the interview with Mitch Albom, author and screenwriter of Oprah Presents; Mitch Albom’s One More Day, the Sunday Movie of the week on ABC Television? Mitch has written many stories, and you can listen to the interview between he and I at the link provided at the conclusion of this article. Feel free to call into the program if getting this prior to airing at 646-716 -8853. The show will air today at 4PM EST, 3 PM CST, 2 PM MST, and 1 PM PST. As always, if you can’t listen live, the show will be available via archive by clicking on the link here. You can also call in to talk about my perspective on the movie, or about the new release of The Golden Compass and a Differing Christian Perspective of the Film. If you want to see the article, The Golden Compass, One Christians Anti Protest, visit the link at The Virtual Pew by clicking on this link. You can also read and follow along with the transcript of the Mitch Albom interview by clickin this link as well as see the trailer for the program.
Enjoy the show, hope to hear from you. You can always email your comments and thoughts at or by commenting here.
Things have been hectic over the last few weeks. I guess it is time to confess. I have been doing 2 jobs, plus trying to be a father over the last weeks. As many know The Virtual Pew was having some financial difficulties. As a result I picked up what was intended to originally be a part time job to help meet my families’ financial needs. It has turned into a full-time position, but one that will allow me to continue The Virtual Pew on a full-time basis. I will be speaking a little less in the near future, but will be doing virtually everything else I have been doing with The Virtual Pew. I will continue speaking but on a limited basis. This will eventually get back to my regular routine. This is not such bad news though; I will be able to concentrate more on my writing, and in getting The Keystone Kid published. It will also allow me to speak more locally.
I am blessed to have picked up a position with a wonderful ministry, one I am learning more and more about, and one I believe in. The name of the ministry is Youth Horizons. You can find out more about Youth Horizons by visiting their web page, This ministries mission statement is: “To empower children and their families to become healthy and productive members of our community and to create a nationwide awareness of the needs of at-risk youth.”
For those who know my story, you know of my own reality of growing up in a fatherless home. Youth Horizons recognizes the value of touching children who come from fatherless homes. It is for this reason that you can imagine why I am so excited about this ministry. I will attach the video The Story of Anthony on the primary web site where this is listed. If receiving the email, go to the link provided to see my own story of growing up without a father. To say the least, I know of the value of this ministry, because I still struggle with never knowing a father. God bless Youth Horizons for standing strong to this concept. Not just helping those without a father, but showing them the ultimate Father.
Youth Horizons as a part of their mission provides various program and ministry services in the Wichita area. Those include:
The Kinloch Price Boys Ranch: This group home is for boys between the ages of 10 and 18 who are in need of out-of-home placement.
Speaking Engagements: Youth Horizons strives to educate the public about the needs of at-risk children in our community and the nation. Presentations to church groups, civic organizations, and schools help to accomplish this task.
For those wanting to know more about this wonderful ministry I again encourage you to visit There is much I am learning during the orientation process, not the least of which is observing, and working closely with wonderful Christian individuals. One of those has already begun to teach me so much, just from observation and listening. For those who know me, I am intentionally keeping my mouth shut, listening, observing, and marveling at the things I am learning.
Ernest Alexander is one of America’s finest vocalists. Ernest is a man after my own heart as he has been a part of this ministry for so many years. Ernest takes the income from his concerts and other ventures and gives it back to Youth Horizons from which he draws a salary. For those familiar with The Virtual Pew, you know this is a concept I have desired for The Virtual Pew. Not to be a burden, get rich, or anything of that nature, but to provide an effective ministry to The Lost, The Last, and The Least. Ernest has established an incredibly effective ministry, and followed this model. I know that not only can I learn ministry application from this man, but I can, and have already started to learn from one who has shown a heart of serving God by loving others.
As a part of my efforts, I will be taking the salary from Youth Horizons, as well as the donations that continue to be needed, for The Virtual Pew. Of this, I will take my salary of $375 per week. Every penny above and beyond that will be used for direct services for The Virtual Pew. I encourage you to check out last month’s newsletter, attached with a link later on to see an example of what we have, and will continue to do. Through this, it is possible that if donations continue to come in, eventually The Virtual Pew will be able to bring on additional staff, and in the process, provide more effective ministry that will allow us to grow. The reality is, the need, the broken hearts, The Lost, The Last, and The Least needs have not diminished, they will continue, and the need to love and serve continues.
As a result of my association with Youth Horizons, the work of The Virtual Pew has taken a back seat until after the training process is concluded. It doesn’t mean it has ceased, it hasn’t, it is just not possible to give my family, the Virtual, or Youth Horizons its time as there are only so many hours in the day. Since Youth Horizons is paying the bulk of my salary, I am committed to this new ministry and realize the positive impact it can have. Until the training process is completed, I am only spending 2-4 hours a day with The Virtual Pew. Once the training process is complete, I will be able to go back to my regular schedule. I anticipate this happening prior to the end of December.
One of my concerns is that during this Christmas season, a time of year we receive a good deal of contributions, many would slack in their giving. Those who have given in the past are needed as much as ever. Many have already given this season, for those, I am grateful, for others, I thank you in advance for your wonderful contributions which you will be making. Rest assured, The Virtual Pew continues to develop, and God continues to have his hand on it.
For the remainder of December, I am going to ask you to do something different; I am asking you to consider also making a gift to Youth Horizons. This wonderful faith based ministry is not only supplementing my income, it is teaching me much more than most realize. I value that, and know they would appreciate a contribution to their ministry. For those living in the Wichita Kansas area, you can attend the annual Christmas Concert this weekend featuring Ernest Alexander and Friends at Central Community Church 6100 W Maple. Tickets to the concert are $10 and then individuals will be given the opportunity to contribute additionally to Youth Horizons. You can not only give financially, you can contact Donovan Karber about becoming a youth mentor. There are approximately 160 youth placed with Christian adults in the Wichita area. There are another 60 or so awaiting volunteers who will become a part of their lives. This program is one I was, and am quite impressed with. It would be wonderful if those in the Wichita area would volunteer their services as a result of being moved by The Virtual Pew. I am reminded of Jesus on words, what you have done for the least of these, it is as if you have done it for him. I am also reminded of Jesus own efforts to allow the children to come to him, you can be a part of that effort in a real, and practical way.
I could go on about Youth Horizons, but I wanted to keep it brief. I am open to speaking to any of you about the specifics regarding what all is going on with The Virtual Pew and how I see God developing me, and the ministry of The Virtual Pew. The work will continue, but with much more solvency. Thanks for your prayers, your support and all you have done. Now again, if in the Wichita area, attend the Christmas Concert this Sunday, consider making your regular contribution to The Virtual Pew, but this month I also ask you, consider making a special contribution to Youth Horizons.
Contact information for Youth Horizons follows:
1601 E. Douglas Wichita, KS 67211 Phone: (316) 262-8293 Fax: (316) 262-8829
Oh yea, how good has the orientation been? In a word GREAT! I have been spending time talking about faith, the walk with Christ, loving others, and praying about everyday. I even have developed a friendship who loved God so much that after he got saved, he couldn’t wait to preach his first sermon. While he couldn’t find anyone to preach to, he did find a dog in the neighborhood, so, he preached away. Word is still out on if the dog made a decision or not. I think Paul was about ready to baptize him though.
God bless, and just for those in the need to know, I am pasting here the link to the last newsletter, check it out, and thanks again for being such good friends.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at
You can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
There is all of the hoopla about Thanksgiving, you know the hoopla that gets into politics, religion, the whole bit. I think the concept of Thanksgiving, at least for me is quite simple. Throw out all of the politically correct agenda, throw out all of the assumptions. At least for me, I will break it down to the simplest of things.
I am thankful for my Lord and Savior, my Forgiver and Leader, Jesus Christ.
I am thankful for my family, my wife was my second salvation, my daughter was among God’s great gifts, my son, is a reminder of the blessings God will give when you least expect them.
I am thankful for my friends. Yep, even friends built online. While some see the internet as a dangerous thing, and it can be, it can also be a wonderful thing that brings people together from around the world.
I am thankful for The Virtual Pew, God has granted me the desire of my heart for ministry, and even provided a way to keep it going for over a year now. I am even thankful for my pets, they love me even when I am short with them.
I am thankful for little things like my ears where I can listen to wonderful music, the voice of a friend, or the silence of darkness.
I am thankful for my eyesight, I can see a beautiful Kansas sunset and be reminded of the greatest artist of all, God, most every evening.
I am grateful for so much, more than I sometimes realize. I am thankful for you, for taking the time to read this and the other things I write. I am blessed to think that God sometimes uses my words to inspire, motivate, and cause others to think about God, Spirituality, love, and sometimes so much more.
What are you thankful for? I promise, there is something, think about it, then give thanks.
God bless you, and a Happy and wonderful day to you, no matter what day it is you read this.
Love to all in the name of the one who gave the ultimate gift of love, Jesus Christ.
Just for you, a guy I can relate to and appreciate, a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. Click on the link below if the video don't work.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at
You can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information:
The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
As many know, and others may not, one of the things I enjoy doing that has gotten me a little recognition is review of the arts, including movies. I will sound a little conceded, although I am not trying. I believe I have a unique talent and ability of discovering spiritual truths in the arts, and then being able to communicate those truths with others. I have trained people on this, and have written on it in the past.
Being involved in this type of ministry has its ups and downs. Ups in that I have had the opportunity to meet and speak with various people in the industry, even finding ways to share my faith in a way many seem to appreciate.
I have always been unique in this way, from finding ways that a blind, schizophrenic, uncle, with brain damage could function better to putting Christian Bands into non Christian venues to play the music they loved, before those who were not people of faith and in the process, find ways to talk about Jesus Christ.
There have been the downs, including, debate with Christians who were ignorant to the science and disease of mental illness, or being criticized because we wouldn’t preach to some of the non Christian bands I worked with, and being criticized because I would review certain movies, or music. After all, to paraphrase a verse from the Bible: “What good could come out of Hollywood or Rock ‘N’ Roll?”
On these subjects I simply say, the Bible talks about being able to identify followers of Jesus by their fruit, in other words, can one show their lives and actions have had an impact? Or do their lives show a selfish, uncaring, lackadaisical attitude about life? One where you think Jesus cares about the person doing the complaining, but no one else? Maybe the person is so self consumed that the last person they would care about would be anyone not a Christian.
In the above you often see self absorbed attitudes, one that has the person who says they are being careful about life. They are careful because they want to protect themselves, and the ones they believe are incapable of protecting themselves. We see this when we observe the “Christian” emails warning of eminent doom and danger to faith. We saw it when the movie The DaVinci Code was released, we saw it when the debate came about regarding Jesus being married, and we can all think of the most recent events, or maybe the warnings from the pulpits. Let’s not even get into the Harry Potter debacle, where author Rowling’s later on admitted the story was filled with Christian concepts and principles that were revealed in the last book of the series.
The newest concern, the newest movie that is going to destroy the lives of children, tear down the Kingdom of God, (at least according to some) is, The Golden Compass. The Golden Compass is scheduled to be released on December 7, Pearl Harbor Day. The controversy has already started, from emails, to discussion forums, and message boards, Christians are warning others about the dangers of The Golden Compass.
It isn’t just Christians giving in to the hoopla though; many Atheists are basting in the delight, hoping the movie has a negative impact on Christianity. While one expresses glee, the other is expressing concern and remorse. The truth is, both are hanging their hopes and dreams on a cloths line during a Kansas thunder storm. There is little that is going to change, wet clothes, will remain wet, and dreams of destruction will remain simply that, empty meaningless dreams.
The Golden Compass is based on the best selling Children’s series written by Phillip Pullman. The fantasy based upon the UK titled Northern Lights (named The Golden Compass in the USA) is the first book of the trilogy, His Dark Materials. While many of the religious themes have been toned down in The Golden Compass, the ultimate concept of the story, written by devout Atheist Pullman (although it seems as if more of an Agnostic after reading many of his interviews) has the story going to the ultimate place where religion is seen as a bad thing, and the children in the story work towards the goal to kill God. While many see the potential for danger in this story, it is important to see and consider other possibilities.
I would like to explore a few thoughts, via questions. These questions are for Christians who seem to be somewhat critical of the movie, even prior to release, not just critical though, remember, there is the need to protect others from a message, from a thought, from a process. Here are the questions I would ask the Christian in this group.
When does the Holy Spirit enter a person? Even if a child can the Holy Spirit protect, encourage, and teach? What does it mean to train a child in the ways of the Lord? Can you mention any thought, movie, process, or teaching that has hurt or destroyed Christianity? If so be specific as to how it has hurt Christianity, or destroyed it?
I ask the above questions because although I am older, I have held firm that we adults don't fully realize the ability of God, through the Holy Spirit, to lead, guide, direct, and even use for evangelism, children just like he has through history. Don't get me wrong, I understand a parent’s responsibility to train a child in the ways of the Lord, but what does that mean? To hide, protect, or to understand full potential, putting on the armor of God and getting ready to go into battle, through love, concern, preaching, and living out the teachings of the Bible? I challenge that with people like Mary, Joseph, King David (who was between the ages of 9 and 12 when he killed Goliath) among others, that God has the ability to do his part, if we do our part.
I want to challenge Christians in particular to think about something else. Does staying away from this movie (your right, and in some situations your obligation) prevent multitudes of others from seeing it? I also ask, do we have any responsibility to those who do see it, who may or may not be Christian? Is it possible that knowing about the contents of the movie or book, the thoughts of the author and so forth, could lead to discussions where you can share spiritual truths that may ultimately lead to the salvation of the person you are discussing the topic with? Or is it possible your faith is at the point in life where you think Satan has more power than God, therefore, you refuse to engage in conversation, or even think about reaching those who are drawn to things you don’t feel equipped for.
On the above point, I would recommend the viewing of the Ray Vander Laan series, That the World May Know put out by the conservative think tank group, Focus on the Family. In the video series, Vander Laan challenges much of the contemporary thought of Christian Isolationism. We often see Christians only listening to Christian music, going to Christian concerts, attending only Christian camps, even going to the extreme of buying candy with Bible verses on them to give out during Halloween. Using the salt and light analogy, Vander Laan speaks specifically at the importance of Christians mixing with the world to share spiritual truths. He speaks and shows archeological evidence of Christians starting places of worship in the bath houses, sex and prostitute parlors of the day. He also speaks candidly and openly about how Christians should have the faith to attack the gates of hell because Hell won’t survive our attacks, as opposed to taking the defensive and running away from spiritual battles.
Spiritual battles are often spoken about in the Bible. While there are cautions given, one would be hard to discover instances or passages in the Bible that illustrates that Christians should be afraid, or concerned about protecting their own. We are given specific directions about taking the message of Jesus Christ to the forefront, sharing the “Good News” regarding the offer of salvation with all people, men, women, and even children. This is not to say we enter into battle in a haphazard way, we have to prepare, and we have to take it seriously. We must remember the battles we enter have eternal consequences. We see the illustrations of people like Paul, Peter, Timothy, Barnabas and others taking this so seriously they ultimately gave up their lives trying to reach those the religious community seemed to have little or no concern for. Today it seems as if we have no understanding of what it means to lay down our life for our neighbor.
Many Christians are critical of the author, Pullman, because of his views, and his supposed intent to tear down God. I have heard many say, “I refuse to go to the movie and put any more money into his pocket.” My thoughts are that the author has already sold the rights to Alfred A Knoph Publishers and New Line Cinema. He has made his money, going or not going to the movie is going to make little difference.
If in boycotting, or protesting the movie you think you are preventing your child from knowing this story you are mistaken, unless you home school. This series of books, rightly or wrongly, has won numerous awards and is recommended reading in many classrooms across America. Public School kids are already reading the book; already know the spiritual overtones which are much stronger than in the movie. With that said, how will you educate your child as to the book and movie, and the truth about God?
In the Bible, Christians read and see teachings like, “Study to show yourself approved.” In other words, know what is going on, be ready to give an answer and don’t be afraid to stand up, even to those critical of you.. I challenge, with over 2,000 years of Christianity, the true follower of Jesus; the true Church is still strong. It may be different as the Church has always allowed room for change to adapt to the culture.
The love of people for Jesus, their desire to become more like him is still strong despite attacks on the Church and people of faith. If God is real, if God is just, if God is all powerful, this movie, nor any other movie is going to destroy the concept of God, his Church, and his people. In fact, if Christians take advantage of this opportunity, they can in fact, reach multitudes of people because of the spiritual questions raised by the author via the book and movie. It isn’t the ultimate conclusion of the author we focus on, it is the questions and points he brings out in the process. If Christians are there to help those asking the same questions, we will reach many of them. If we are not there, they will come to their own conclusions. The sad thing is, those who love and follow after Jesus Christ are called, even commanded, to show the world Jesus love. Yet, when the going gets tough, when we have to ask a few questions along the way to help us have a stronger faith, we run because we don’t believe our God, is greater than the ruler of hearts who choose to not follow after God.
Christians can use some of this material to get their start in educating themselves about the movie The Golden Compass. This isn’t the end all but it is a start, and it is a start that can show you the potential of reaching others.
Let me state, the best place to start with truth, is with the book of truth, the book I believe to be the ultimate love letter from God to the people of this planet, The Holy Bible. Find a translation you know, respect and believe in, and study the sections that shows God’s people going out of their way to show love to others. Look at this especially in the New Testament with the person of Jesus. Jesus isn’t the only person to look at though; there are multitudes of those who followed him that we can read about in the Bible and in history. People who made a difference in their world because they were challenged to show others love, and to speak up for and share the truth of the Bible with others.
A part of this search has to have a point of honesty, a point of honesty where we can agree with, and have some understanding of, the questions people are asking. Many people, Atheists, Agnostics and others who support this movie have asked some interesting questions and brought up some challenging points. A large part of those questions comes from honest searching. I am fully aware that there are the antagonists, who have no desire for truth, just the desire to tear down and mock Christianity. To be honest, this dishonest discourse has little or no value to me, and is conversation I choose to not be involved in due to the lack of respect given to the debate. I have as much respect for these individuals who hate Christianity as I do for the Christians who say they love others, believe in God, but go on showing no change in life at all. It is as if the Bible is an empty book of words when it says things like, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives within me.” Personally, I would prefer wasting my time in front of a video game (which I seldom play) than spending time arguing with dishonest, rude, and inconsiderate people who are so much into themselves they care little else for the world around them, much less an authentic search for truth on serious issues like faith.
For those that are willing to search, no matter what your position, your faith, your belief, be honest, and share your thoughts, you will find there are points of discussion we can, or likely should agree on, and even if not agreeing, can find points of discussion to help point people to reality and a spiritual truth. This debate, when done openly and honestly, should never be anything we as Christians, or followers of Jesus should be afraid to be involved in, or encouraged to run away from. Here I am reminded of the statement from the Bible, “If we deny Jesus before people here on earth, then God will deny us in Heaven.” Realize this is a passage talking to Christians and followers of Jesus about openly sharing their faith and belief in Christ with anyone, even those who go see the movie The Golden Compass.
When asked about Dark Materials being against organized religion, and asked if he believed in God Pullman responded: “I don't know whether there's a God or not. Nobody does, no matter what they say. I think it's perfectly possible to explain how the universe came about without bringing God into it, but I don't know everything, and there may well be a God somewhere, hiding away.” Pullman continued: “Actually, if he is keeping out of sight, it's because he's ashamed of his followers and all the cruelty and ignorance they're responsible for promoting in his name. If I were him, I'd want nothing to do with them.”
Christians, those who are concerned with how we practice the teachings of Jesus can and should, find points of agreement here. Pullman is actually stating he don’t know about God; (note the reasoning for Agnostic as opposed to Atheist for at least me.) He is also saying though, that religion hasn’t done a very good job at reaching, touching and helping the world. Pullman seems to have serious issue with religion. I would state there was another individual that Christians should know who had trouble with religion, in fact a great deal of trouble, to the point he was one of the greatest reformers and rebels who ever lived. His name was Jesus Christ. I fully believe, that pointing out those facts, pointing to specific issues and instances where Jesus had issues with religion, we can find common points of ground to begin a serious discussion.
Realize, on the above point, one of the great reasons people turn from God, turn from the teachings of Christianity, is because they have seldom seen this aspect of Jesus being taught, and they sure have seen very little of it being lived. When they do, they seem to have an appreciation for those living it to the point of giving respect, respect for people like Martin Luther King, Bono from U2 and many others. Unfortunately, mainly what others see is the money hungry ministries which seem to care little about their neighbor. We can turn the thought around in two ways, we have to first reach those engaged in the discussion, and (we won’t reach them unless we go to engage them. Remember we are to attack the gates of hell, not sit back and let it come to us.) Secondly, we have to be living a life that shows the attitude of Jesus. When the religious organization seems to care little for the world around them, we must do as Jesus did, confront that religious organization.
Of course, on these points, it is easier to say, “I’m not going to see the movie.” It is easier to send out an email that tells about the destructive nature of the movie, it is easier to say we aren’t going any where near the books or the movie because we don’t want to run the risk of being damaged. We stay at home, have nothing to do with the world, and we even have to be careful about those who go to our church because not all of them do ‘Godly things.’ I challenge though, the hard road, the road of sharing Jesus with all people, the whole world, Jew, Gentile, Christian, Atheist, Gay, Straight, Male, Female, and everyone else on the planet has its own rewards. I read Luke 15 and saw the importance of a single solitary soul to the Kingdom of God. Luke 15 illustrates that when that which is lost is found, that all of the angels in Heaven above rejoice. In other words, one person comes to know Christ, and then all of Heaven throws a great big party.
Yes Pullman is a man who has issue with Christianity and the God he has seen presented by Christians. It is as Peter Hitchens a conservative British columnist stated about Pullman, he is: “the most dangerous author in Britain,” in which he called him the writer “the atheists would have been praying for, if atheists prayed.” I challenge, the only thing that makes him dangerous is if God don’t exist. But, if as I believe, God does exist, God is capable of taking care of himself. Seems to me there have been many people, even nations that took on God and lost. Frankly, I believe there will be little or no impact either way from this movie. That is unless Christians get to work, and then there will be a great deal of impact because if we do our part, we can be party organizers for Heaven. If, for some sad reason, Christians are too afraid to do any good work, to turn the tides if you will, then I still believe little will result because of our inaction. I believe little will occur because I believe in God, and in his ability to take care of the things he needs to take care of. I just joy though, that God, through his Holy Spirit chooses to use me and you to reach the very people he sent his son, Jesus Christ to die for. The question then becomes, will we allow God through his Holy Spirit to use us?
There are a few other notes to be aware of regarding the author Pullman when trying to share with others:
Pullman has been compared a great deal to J.R.R. Tolkein and C.S. Lewis. He actually is an admirer of both authors and has spoken openly about how he would have loved to engage in conversation with them.
Pullman also comes from a religious family where his grandfather in particular was a strong man of faith. He greatly loved and admired his grandfather and refused to engage in discussions on spiritual issues with him based on that love.
Pullman, while calling himself an Atheists or Agnostic, is also a member of the Church of England and commonly reads and recites prayers from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. He recognizes the importance of the tradition of religion in his own family.
Regarding C.S. Lewis, Pullman is not a fan of the fantasy series The Chronicles of Narnia, he is a huge fan of his other works dealing with morality and often quotes them in his presentations.
While Pullman does not like the conclusions with The Chronicles of Narnia, he does see value in the books, even stating, “The ‘Narnia’ books are a real wrestle with real things,” he then goes on to state that he respects “the struggle that he’s (C.S. Lewis) undergoing as he searches for the answers. There’s hope for Lewis. Lewis could be redeemed.”
Am I telling you to see the movie The Golden Compass or others that would have something negative to say about Christianity? Nah, I’m not telling you, but neither am I telling you to stay away from them. I guess if I was hoping, if I was praying, I would pray that Christians would be concerned about the people who are seeing them. I would hope the conversation, the search, and the discovery of God is important enough to all of us that we wouldn’t run from the battle we are called to be a part of. I also realize though, that not all are ready for battle, but for those who are not ready, start getting ready, you aren’t expected to stay babes for the duration of your life, there comes some point, where we are expected to engage, we have the armor we are taught about in the book of Ephesians, it is time some followers of Jesus get it out of the closet, shake off the dust, and engage in battle that may redeem the soul of one which does not yet know Christ.
To see the official trailer for The Golden Compass double click on the video below. If the video don't appear, click on the following link:
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at
You can visit and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.
Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew