Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Daily Devotional, Genesis 45, 46, Matthew 8, Family Reunions and Going To Jesus


Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 45, 46, Matthew 8

Family Reunions and Going to Jesus

After the last devotion we ended in a sort or cliffhanger, today, we have the continuation. Joseph is now in the palace serving his brothers and is so overcome with emotion that he tells his servants to leave the room. After they leave the room Joseph can't hold in his emotions any longer, he breaks down and starts weeping so loud that those outside of the room hears him. After a bit of convincing Joseph convinces his brothers that he is in fact Joseph, the brother they had sold into slavery. There is something amazing though at least to me.

All through this experience Joseph is not angry at his brothers, he has no desire to seek retribution against them. Instead, he pours out love and compassion, telling them it was God that sent him before them to Egypt.

Do we look at our circumstances and the hand of God as putting us in the place we are? I'll be honest, I fail at this, but maybe this is not only something you need to be more aware of, but I as well. We serve a God who knows the future and will do His part to put us in the places we need to be. We get in the way. If we let go and let God, God will put us in places that goes beyond our imagination. Of course we live in a world where evil exists so it's important to be on our toes and make sure our relationship with God is in an appropriate place.

In Chapter 46 we see Jacob and all of his family going to Egypt. There are some 70+ people that make the journey as the list does not include many of the wives. The reunion between Joseph and his father is emotional. Jacob has lived a long time, living much of it in the pain of losing his son. He realizes now his beloved son is alive and Jacob is content with his life and is now okay with dying. 

I believe there comes a time near death that the one who is dying, if dying of old age, illness or something of the sort desires to come to a place of peace. I realized and experienced that with my wife before her death. She wanted to live until Christmas and see that I was okay. It was upon releasing her and telling her that I was going to be okay that she died within seconds of telling her that, on the day we celebrated Christmas. Are we at a place of peace with God? What do we need to have happen in our lives to be at a place of peace?  Unfortunately many seem to still be fighting with God in their relationships, acceptance and other areas where our own desires take over. Like Jacob, or my own experiences have shown me, it is better to be at a place where we can find peace with God, but to get there, we have to be honest as to what it is that is holding us from that place of peace.

Matthew 8

We now see the continuation of Jesus ministry after the Sermon on the Mount. He is coming into town and immediately miracles start happening and we see the examples of peoples faith.  One of the things we see is Jesus is approached by others far more than He approaches them. They recognize their need and are compelled to go to Jesus for help. It seems like so many times in life others are telling us what we need to do and here, we see where the individuals know what they need to do. Were others telling them what they needed to do? It doesn't seem so. It seems as if they knew themselves and acted on it.

We also see that not in every situation does Jesus do what the person wants. This gives reason to think that just because we want something it does not mean that God will do it for us. He may tell us to stay, or go. He has His reasons for doing and telling us whatever the circumstance is we need to do. We must be in a relationship to hear and act on the answers we get.

In this passage we read about miracles, strong faith, demonic possession controlling the weather and much more. It is at this place that Jesus ministry begins to take off, He is followed by many and we see He has power over health, demons and even weather conditions. No man can have that power. We see early indications as did many others that Jesus was in fact, the Son of God.

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Friday, October 23, 2020

Daily Devotional Genesis 43, 44, Matthew 7 Sacrificial Love


Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 43, 44, Matthew 7

 Sacrificial Love

Today we are in the story of Joseph where his brothers, who had been sent away with grain and supplies from Egypt have to return from their land because they are running out of food and Joseph is the only one who can provide for them. Their father Jacob is reluctant but must agree to send the brothers back with their youngest brother Benjamin.

The brothers are nervous, not knowing that Joseph is the ruler they are going to see. Joseph knows and we see an emotional aspect of him seeing and meeting his brother for the first time. He has to leave the room, go back to a room alone where he cries and then cleans himself up only to come out and continue the ruse. 

Joseph is still planning to surprise his brothers and ultimately his father. While this in some ways doesn't make sense, we see a part of Joseph that while cautious is also planning ahead. 

Joseph had a plan and sets it in place. He isn't done yet. He has his servants put a cup in the sack of Benjamin and on the way home they are to be confronted by some of Joseph's men and then take Benjamin as a slave.  Of course the brothers have no idea of this and when it happens they are very upset and hurt. We see in some ways the remorse for what they know their father will feel, especially after they had told their father their brother Joseph had been killed. We see that Joseph's brothers truly love their father Jacob.

In this effort to talk Joseph into reconsidering what they think he is going to do, Judah pours out his heart, spilling the beans if you will and telling Joseph the whole story. He is heartbroken out of his love and concern for his father. 

What happens next? Well you'll either have to read ahead or wait until the next devotional, because just like a lot of good stories, this chapter ends in a cliff-hanger.

Matthew 7

Here we see the continuation of the Sermon on the Mount, the longest continual teaching of Jesus in the Bible.  He starts of Chapter 7 warning us about "judging" others, in what I believe is one of the most misquoted passages of scripture. Many often say, you shouldn't judge. I like the CEV translation here because it is more accurate to the actual Greek and uses the word "condemn."  It is not our job to condemn, it is the job and responsibility of the follower of Jesus to offer hope, yet speak truth without condemnation. 

We see the importance of seeking truth, whether that be about faith or other issues in life. We can also draw a comparison to how we interact with others as Jesus points out. We have to understand for ourselves, and others, that God is a perfect Father who will do amazingly wonderful things for those He loves.

We have to remember though, that following God is more than just words, there are actions, an aspect of submission and surrender to God, with the realization that He is in fact, God. We can so easily get caught up in the things we do, what we think and the results but Jesus makes things complicated. God goes so far as casting out those who say they love Him and has done miracles in His name. We must realize that what we do can't be built on our efforts but has to be built on the teachings of Jesus and based on the relationship we have with Him.

Today, we must contemplate, how serious is our relationship with Jesus? Are we willing to submit to His ways, to love, serve and share the truth about Jesus. Or, are we watering down the message?  Is our focus on ourselves, others, or is it on Jesus and the love He would have us show?  Only we know the answer to those questions along with God. They are however questions we need to ask. Do I have a real and loving relationship with Jesus? 

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You can also check out Mike's Musical ventures by searching for Mike Furches and Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band.  Mary Jane's album will be out in September of 2020 and the Pastor Mike and Demon Slayer Blues Band album will be released in October of 2020

There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free audio book link of The Keystone Kid at mike@furches.org You can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/.

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Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word. Here is our contact information

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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Daily Devotional Genesis 41, 42, Matthew 6, Letting Go, Letting God and Reaping the Benefits


Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 41, 42, Matthew 6

Letting Go, Letting God, and Reaping The Benefits

In Genesis 41, we see the continuation of Joseph's story. He is in prison, has been for several years, and he seems to have been forgotten. There was the man who served the king whose dream he interpreted that forgot to tell the king about Joseph as he promised he would do. Then the king one night has two troubling dreams. He calls his prophets, magicians and others, none of whom can interpret the dreams. It was then that the man who had been in prison with Joseph tells the king about Joseph and his abilities.

That’s how it seems to be with me sometimes, people I have done things for, helped and been there for seems to forget about it as they move on in life. I am sure many of us have experienced this. I have found out though, even as a one who believes in free-will, that there are times people will remember or do something that reminds them and they contact me back with a thank you, a recommendation or something of the sort. Of course there are times that helping others seems to get lost and we get nothing in return. But many times, just like in the case of Joseph here, we find there is a right time and place that things do come back to us. So it was with this situation, a perfect time where Joseph experiences a blessing beyond his dreams. He interprets the kings dreams and goes from a place of imprisonment to a place where only the king has a higher place in all of Egypt.

In Chapter 42 we see Joseph's brothers going back to their father Jacob. Joseph has an elaborate scheme to get all of the family there, while at the same time the reminder for his brothers of the dream he had had in his youth of his brothers bowing down to him. Joseph is planning retribution to get even. We see his sadness when he hears the brothers telling their story and he has to turn his head away as he weeps. 

Joseph knows the plans God has before him and for his family. On the surface upon returning to Jacob by his brothers this adds to the pain and suffering of losing one son and a brother for the family for Jacob. Joseph has plans though, he has intent. While we don't see it yet, Joseph desires to see his family together again and taken care of. He is patient in obtaining the results of the story.

Are we patient in waiting on God or working through the difficulties and waiting for the ultimate prize or rewards God has for us? I'll admit, often times I'm not. We want instant gratification and reward but we have to remember, God's timing is better than ours and just like Joseph and his family are about to experience, if we are patient, we may see the ultimate blessings and rewards God has for us, despite the difficulties and pains we have gone through.

Matthew 6

In Chapter 6 we have the continuation of The Sermon on the Mount by Jesus. As a reminder it is the longest continual teaching of Jesus in the Bible. We see Jesus continue to not only address aspects of the Law but of behavior and then taking it deeper to the intent or the law. 

One of the things we see Jesus begin to address is that the things we do, be it for others, ourselves, the poor etc., should be done with the intent of being done in such a way as it is between us and God, not with the intent to bring attention to ourselves, whether it be the time we spend in prayer or the things we do for others. The concept of doing things in secret is strongly emphasized by Jesus. It should address the heart and actions of many who in reality do these things to bring attention to themselves. I will admit, it is a hard concept, we want credit, we want recognition but Jesus is having us do things out of love, and concerns where those things and people are the focus in our relationship with God.  

Jesus follows through with this concept as He teaches what many call, The Lord's Prayer where He is instructing us how to pray.

As Jesus continues He goes over ways we can grow closer to God, via prayer, fasting, actions and so forth. Many worry and have concerns, yet Jesus reminds us that we need to remember our reliance is on God not ourselves. God will do far more for us than we can do for ourselves. God gives a peace that if we understand the abilities and love He has for us, we will know that we in reality have nothing  to worry about. Once we get to the place where worry is not an issue, our ability to do more for the Kingdom and feel at peace with ourselves is enhanced because we recognize the love and appreciation we have from God is greater than the fear we place on ourselves.

As I have stated in earlier devotions, the ways of God is not always the easy way, but, they are the best ways and provide the greatest results if we apply them. While many won't spend time studying and trying to apply aspects of The Sermon on the Mount because they are hard, the results obtained from that effort are far greater than the results of ignoring this aspect of Jesus' teachings. As has been stated before, the best things in life, come with effort. The effort in applying Jesus teachings from these chapters will have far more benefits than consequences.

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You can also check out Mike's Musical ventures by searching for Mike Furches and Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band.  Mary Jane's album will be out in September of 2020 and the Pastor Mike and Demon Slayer Blues Band album will be released in October of 2020

There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free audio book link of The Keystone Kid at mike@furches.org You can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/.

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Monday, October 19, 2020

Daily Devotional, Genesis 39, 40, Matthew 5 Integrity Despite Accusations


Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 39, 40, Matthew 5

Integrity Despite Accusations

We have another great story in the Bible. We continue on with the story of Joseph after he has been sold into slavery. Yet, despite the circumstances, God is intervening and taking care of Joseph. As it ends up, this big, handsome man is put to work for one of Egypt's top officials, Potiphar. 

Joseph is obedient, appreciative, and faithful not only to God but to his master. The only problem is that Potiphar has a wife who, how can I say it, has desires for Joseph, yet Joseph remains faithful, refusing to give in to the temptation of having sex with this beautiful woman.

Joseph's faithfulness' though doesn't present him from problems. After allegations of attempted rape by Potiphar's wife Potiphar has Joseph put in prison, but even here, Joseph makes friends with guards, and others in jail. Despite his circumstances he maintains his integrity. I have often said, integrity is an important character trait and while it doesn't stop allegations, in the long run, truth and integrity will win out.

While in prison Joseph was presented with the chance to interpret the dreams of two prisoners, both former servants of the king. Joseph volunteers to tell the men their dreams, one having the man going back to serving the king and the other having a dream that indicated he would be beheaded and his body eaten by birds. Joseph asked the one with the good dream going back to the king to remind the king and tell him that Joseph had interpreted the dreams. Unfortunately, that man forgot initially upon going back to work with the king.

Even though we try to maintain integrity, do good for others, we need to remember there are no guarantees that things always work out the way we wanted to, in Joseph's case, certainly not right away. Sometimes there are delays, and sometimes, it just doesn't happen on this earth. As hard as it is to accept, we have to still do our best, maintain integrity and then, accept things as they are while still trying to do what is right and waiting on God.

Matthew 5

Matthew 5 is generally the start of what is often called The Sermon on the Mount. While it more or less starts at the end of Chapter 4 we certainly start getting into the meat here. This passage of scripture is the longest singular teaching of Jesus in the New Testament. Some thing this is a dispensational teaching, meaning it isn't for the times we live in. Personally, I believe this to be bad theology with no support of that ideal.  This is a difficult set of scriptures coming up, that doesn't change the importance of the passage or its application to us today.

This passage starts to get personal, as we each have to personally have to deal with the specifics of the scripture, which again, are very difficult to apply, and in some ways, on our own, impossible.

From being meek, to being a peacemaker we see aspects addressed in what we call The Beatitudes. Jesus expounds on the meaning of the law here, not that the law itself isn't important, but instead of looking per say at the letter of the law, Jesus is looking at the application and broader application aspects of the law. It is more than words on paper, it is a way of life that is to be applied not just in our lives, but in our actions towards others. We learn, that thoughts are just as important as actions and in that regard, it is likely that we have all failed. So when we judge someone for their actions, we must remember, that if our thoughts have had the same thoughts, then we are just as guilty as those who have acted. It is a change of heart that Jesus is teaching here. 

There are college and seminary lessons taught on The Sermon on the Mount, I know, I've taken many of them. It would be easy to do a whole year long  in this series, it is therefore important to take time to read over them, meditate on them, and pray about application of these teachings in your life. I will tell you, the application process is hard, but it is essential that we learn to apply the meaning of the law in our daily lives. If you read the passage you will see a section where Jesus goes so far as to say, if you don't obey God's commands, we won't see the kingdom of heaven.  I didn't say that, Jesus did. Walking the talk of following Jesus, on our own, is virtually impossible, there has to be a reliance on the Holy Spirit and allowing Christ to live in and through us as opposed to us fighting our own battles.

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You can also check out Mike's Musical ventures by searching for Mike Furches and Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band.  Mary Jane's album will be out in September of 2020 and the Pastor Mike and Demon Slayer Blues Band album will be released in October of 2020

There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free audio book link of The Keystone Kid at mike@furches.org You can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/.

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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 37, 38 and Mathe 4. When the Story Begs for More and Prepare, Prepare, Prepare


Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 37, 38, Matthew 4

When a Story Begs for More and Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

In Genesis Chapters 37 and 38 we have two stories that beg for more. I love stories, I love writing because I can create the narrative. If I want to know more, I can write more I an answer my questions. Sometimes in the Bible we have stories that beg for more. The story of Joseph and his amazing Dream Coat and the story of Judah and Tamar are two such stories.

In the story of Joseph, his brothers get upset at him because of his pride him being declared his fathers favorite. Then there are his dreams of ruling over his older brothers. It is a fascinating story where much is left out. Of course many will know the ending of the story but can you imagine him being taken by his brothers, whom some were wanting to kill him out of jealousy and then ultimately being sold into slavery by those brothers?  What was Joseph's response to all of this? What was he thinking? What did he tell those he was being sold into slavery to? All questions that scripture doesn't answer but one can imagine. If anyone ever had a right to complain or question God about their Joseph would be in the top 5. Did he complain? We don't know. What we do know is more of the story is to come. Stay tuned in or go ahead and read ahead because there are some incredible aspects of love and forgiveness about to come forth.

There is  also the story of Judah and Tamar, lost love, sex with "prostitutes," abandonment, hypocrisy and so much more. When I read this story I think of things like Ying and Yang or Karma. While they are concepts I don't accept they certainly are concepts that at times, seems to be real. Such is this story and again, a story that leaves much to the imagination.

There are also aspects here about life in the womb, when does it occur and what constitutes birth. Interesting points of discussion as we live in a world and time when abortion is available in late stages and even in the place where some support what is called partial birth abortion. Yet, we see the value God and the people of the Bible placed on the life of a child, even with tying a red string around the wrist of a child who was sort of born but not out of the womb yet.

Today, the concept that the Bible can be an interesting book that leaves much to the imagination is an encouragement to read the Bible. All have a purpose and while we may not see the immediate benefits, ultimately we will.

Matthew 4

If there was ever a passage for today, Matthew 4 is it. There are so many lessons and teachings getting ready to take place and we see the start of them here. It is so easy for people to want to do things their way, taking shortcuts and not thinking things through.

We know that Jesus is the Son of God but how quickly we forget that while He was fully God, He was also fully human. In this story, taking place shortly after being baptized by John the Baptist, He goes into the wilderness to prepare for ministry by spending 40 days fasting and spending time with the Father. I believe He is also contemplating His ministry. During this time of getting ready, we see Satan doing all he can, to tempt in the most serious of ways, Jesus to essentially, abandon His calling. Jesus recognizes those temptations, even in a time of weakness. His getting ready is one of the things that gives Him strength to overcome. In today's world we experience those same pains and  difficulties. Have we prepared to overcome those things?  Do we spend time in prayer and fasting? Do we study the Bible? Or, do we just give in and only do those things when we "have to."  Realize, it is the doing these things first that we have the power to overcome now, otherwise, we may fail and it will make life more difficult.

We see another part of the story, Jesus getting ready for ministry. He knows what the next 3 years has for Him. He gets ready and surrounds Himself with people to help along that journey but to also train to train others once He is gone. Do we, do I, surround ourselves with people to assist through the journey. Sure they may, as we all do have weaknesses, but are we surrounding ourselves with people to do the work effectively, to the purpose of why we do what we are called to do?

There are lessons here, even massive lessons for me. If I want to be effective, have an effective ministry, I have to prepare and surround myself with people who will help me on my journey, so should you.

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You can also check out Mike's Musical ventures by searching for Mike Furches and Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band.  Mary Jane's album will be out in September of 2020 and the Pastor Mike and Demon Slayer Blues Band album will be released in October of 2020

There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free audio book link of The Keystone Kid at mike@furches.org You can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/.

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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Daily Devotion, Genesis Chapters 35, 36, Matthew 3. God's Promises and Our Faithfulness


Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 35, 36, Matthew 3

God's Promises and Our Faithfulness

Today, we are reminded once again that God made a promise that many descendants would come to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Through these three individuals we see a faithfulness and consistency in their willingness to follow and obey God. It is as they honored God, that God honored them. There is also the clear aspect that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the God to be honored. We will hear later on how God is a jealous God and how He is to have no other God's before Him. The question is, what is it in our lives that is our God or takes priority over the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? 

We see a willingness to serve God, to follow His directives no matter what. In a situation where fear exists, God gives courage. In a situation where harm may come, God gives protection. Even our enemies will fear God. Of course there may be hardships along the way. There may even be what some would consider failure, but ultimately, God comes through to those who faithfully follow Him in all things, not just some things. Could that be a reason many don't have the peace that God offers, or the results that brings joy even in difficult times. Yes, we will all be lacking at times but it is important to return to honor and serve a God that keeps His promises.

The remainder of Chapter 36 is a genealogy. It is a reminder that God did indeed keep His promises that many descendents would follow Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is a reminder that for us, God will as well keep His promises. Are we willing and do we need to and follow through with doing the things God would have us do? 

Matthew 3

In today's Matthew passage we see the introduction of John the Baptist who would be the one in many ways to introduce his cousin, Jesus into the ministry. In that introduction we see some characteristics of John that should not be overlooked. John in many ways, was faithful to the point of being seen even in his world as different. He had an aspect of authority about him but he also was one that from his surroundings, mainly in the wilderness, had spent a great deal of time contemplating on and seeking God.

John, had an impact, even many of the religious leaders of the time went to John and to be baptized. In their efforts John saw through their hypocrisy. He called them out as they had clearly not been seeking God, instead, they were more or less playing games, trying to manipulate others to make themselves look good. John didn't have a tolerance for this.  

In today's world, it seems as if many in the church are not willing to hold others accountable for their actions. That doesn't mean we turn our backs on people, for sure, love them, reach them with the message of Christ, but we shouldn't condone or make light of ones actions. We are called later on to be fruit inspectors, but in today's world, many pastors don't do that, they make excuses, they misuse scripture and make exceptions. Again, this isn't meant that we abuse and hurt people, but neither does it mean we ignore their actions. John is simply challenging, in a confrontational way, the intent and purpose as he sees no evidence of change. John if you will, was not going to be manipulated by the religious leaders of his time.

It is unfortunate that we still see this, but we do. We must be reminded, to stay faithful to the ways of God. It isn't easy but when we do we have a peace about us. There is nothing like looking back on mistakes and saying to ourselves, "If I had only listened." 

John sees another blessing for his actions, he gets to baptize his cousin, Jesus. John recognizes his own imperfections and realizes he is not worthy but in that, in his willingness to recognize his weaknesses, is a humility that contributes to the quality of leadership and relationship he had with God. 

There are many lessons from John that we can learn from. There are lessons for the church. The question becomes; are we willing to learn?

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Monday, October 12, 2020

Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 33, 34, Matthew 2


Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 33, 34, Matthew 2

Love, Revenge and How Do You Get Your Information

How far does one go to show family love? At the start of this story, a good one by the way, we see a reunion of brothers that turns out much better than expected. Jacob has been away from his brother Esau for sometime and the reunion of sorts was far better than what Jacob thought it would be. His brother is wealthier and more powerful and due to the long time away among other circumstances Jacob was concerned about his servants, tribe, wives and family, yet Esau surprised him.

One of the things I've learned myself is that time heals and the love between family can be a deep and passionate love can overlook past transgressions. We can all be surprised at the possibility of reuniting with family if we will only give family a chance. Believe me, I know all too well the hardship that family can cause on each other, but, I also understand the ability of God to heal broken relationships if we give Him a chance. Of course we have to use wisdom in these decisions, we have to be smart, we see the efforts of Jacob to make sure that there is a healing and a effort to bring peace, I think God rewarded that, yet today, we see so many who are unwilling to do the way of love towards anyone, including family who may have done wrong at one point. I know one thing for sure in my life, there are many situations where God may provide healing, but I also know that there are some situations where there will never be peace and healed relationships, but it is important to know, that doesn't take place because you haven't tried, it takes place because the other party hasn't accepted it or tried. I wrote this last week, before I knew the circumstances of the last few days, how true I know the importance now of both parties willing to do what they should, and others who involve themselves to search out truth prior to involving themselves into a family matter, including people with other church groups.

We also see in this passage the love of a brother and sister as Dinah is raped. The brothers, as I an imagine many brothers, decide to take action into their own hands after nothing seems to be done. While I'm not advocating for vigilante justice, it is easy to understand why these brothers did what they did. They thought about a plan, put the plan into action and then were successful in their actions. I guess for me, while there are a lot of things to think about in this story, the one thing I think about is the need to think through ones actions, especially when there is the possibility of danger. 

In some places, and in some times, law does not exist. Later we will see the establishment of laws that God puts into place to see to it that appropriate justice takes place. In this time though, we see the need of revenge often has consequences, even for those who may be innocent.

Matthew 2

From the very start of Jesus life, there were those who wanted to do harm to Him as well as others who wanted to worship Him. We see that illustrated in this passage.

We see how there were those who warned Herod of one that was coming that would be like a shepherd but also be a king. Of course just like today, many hear certain things from a Biblical perspective and take them totally wrong. Herod was prideful and worried about his power, he didn't want to give anything up. Sound familiar? 

Then there was another group who had heard the prophesies and saw Jesus in a different light and wanted to worship him. One group was hearing from God; Herod was hearing from people who had read the prophesies but didn't know or have a relationship with God. In many ways, this explains the different perspectives people have today. I think a good thought is that one has to know God to understand God and His ways or teachings, There is a difference.

The question I have, which of these do you fall into. Are you like those instructing Herod, reading and thinking you understand scripture or you one that knows God and therefore has a different insight into scripture. Of course those who don't know God will disagree and come to their own conclusions, and those who know God will fully understand and get what I am saying.

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You can also check out Mike's Musical ventures by searching for Mike Furches and Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band.  Mary Jane's album will be out in September of 2020 and the Pastor Mike and Demon Slayer Blues Band album will be released in October of 2020

There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free audio book link of The Keystone Kid at mike@furches.org You can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/.

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Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word. Here is our contact information

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Monday, October 5, 2020

Daily Devotional, Genesis 31, 32, Matthew 1, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob


Daily Devotional, Genesis Chapter 31, 32, Matthew 1

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

Today I start something a bit different. I am doing the daily devotion on 2 chapters in the Old Testament and 1 in the New Testament.

The Genesis passage is another interesting passage.  One of my favorite stories in the Bible is at the end of Chapter 32 but more about that later.

It is fascinating that Jacob would put up with as much as he did from his father in law. He has now worked for his father in law Leban for almost 20 years, despite the deceit, lies, and being taken advantage of. He does it out of an attitude of commitment and love for his wife Rachel, and subsequently Rachel's sister who he has also married Leah.

There comes a time in all of our lives that enough is enough and we must take action to take care of ourselves. There is a popular misconception in many church circles that we as individuals in the scheme and order of things are last despite such teachings that state otherwise such as we are to love our neighbors as ourselves which implies that we are to love ourselves. There are those Jacob is committed to, his wife, children and his family, so after a period of time, Jacob does what is best for Jacob.

In the journey for independence and to go back to his family, Jacob practices a sort of deceit. He sneaks off from the lands he is in takes his herds and his family and slaves to head back home without telling his father in law Leban. I can kind of understand why, especially after some 20 years of labor for this man and the way he was treated.

On the journey Rachel steals some things from her father  unbeknownst to Jacob and he makes a pledge that he will take action against the thief. Rachel becomes deceitful and hides the fact that she is the thief and ultimately Leban and Jacob make a peace agreement. In a strange sort of way, despite the harsh differences and feelings, they still make peace. How much can we learn from that?

In their agreement we also see a situation at the end of chapter 32 where Jacob essentially ends up having a wrestling match with God through the night. Now I admit, this is a hard concept to grasp; he wrestles with God all night and the passage says he wins.  I don't get it; how can he defeat God?  I think there are some interpretations here that likely mean more than what we read on the surface but in the long run, Jacob has his name changed to Israel and he has an injury that has him limping for the rest of his life. There are consequences for wrestling with God, I think especially so when done in a spiritual sense. 

Are we wrestling with God in any way?  Do we want things our way? Are we willing to do what is necessary to show those that we love that we love them and will do the best for them?  On those points, Jacob passed the test.

Matthew 1

Today I start including a chapter from the New Testament, and will start with Matthew 1.

Matthew starts with Jesus genealogy. This is an area easy for many to skip over, but interestingly, we see that the first ones mentioned are those we have been studying, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Here we see that Mary, the mother of Jesus, conceives a child by the Holy Spirit. Prior to the conception she was engaged to be married to Joseph, a good man. This was a carnal sin in these times, especially since she had not had relations with any man and Joseph was to be the only man she was to have relations with. Yet, Joseph tries to find a way out of the situation so Mary don't suffer the consequences. It is then that an angel appears to Joseph telling him of the situation and of the birth of the Christ child that is to come,

There are a lot of ways to look at this passage, one, our past means something. Our families and the families before our immediate families mean something. They are all a part of making us who we are.

There is something else, that is the need to be in contact and open to the direction of God. Joseph is a man often neglected and not thought about but he was willing to listen to and obey God, to the point that even in a difficult situation, he obeys. 

Joseph loved Mary and was willing to place the leading from God above his own needs.  There will be times in our lives that difficult decisions have to be made, and in those situations, like Joseph, we need to seek direction from God, and listen to that direction.

We don't have a lot of information about Joseph in the Bible but I have to tell you, what we do have only makes me wish we had more. May we all learn from the lesson of seeking wisdom and direction from God, even in the tough times.  

To see Genesis Chapter 31 and 32 along with Matthew 1 Click the following link:


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You can also check out Mike's Musical ventures by searching for Mike Furches and Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band.  Mary Jane's album will be out in September of 2020 and the Pastor Mike and Demon Slayer Blues Band album will be released in October of 2020

There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free audio book link of The Keystone Kid at mike@furches.org You can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/.

Hopefully, you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.

You can donate via paypal at mike@furches.org or cash app at $MichaelFurches

Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word. Here is our contact information

The Virtual Pew
1249 N. St. Francis
Wichita Kansas, 67214
Email: mike@furches.org

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