Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Who Do You Say I Am?
This is a first in a restart of The Virtual Pew, it will be simple, it shows the intent of what we want to do with this site.  While many posts will be longer, this one is short in words but hopefully deep in visuals and thought.  Think about it, and comment as you will, and by the way, thanks so much for visiting The Virtual Pew. 

Many say many different things about the person of Jesus. Often those questions come about during times of conflict, hurt, seeking help, confusion and more. I ask a simple question, while no one really knows, (at least I don't think so) what Jesus looked like, I ask, take a look at the following photos, watch the video, what do you say, and think about Jesus? Post your thoughts and I ask only this, please take a little time to think about it before commenting.

Please watch and think about the following video.  Just click on the video, if there are problems, just click on the following link.

The Virtual Pew and our other work is supported solely by the kind contributions of others. You can click on the donate button below to give any amount to this work that does so much more than just post articles on the net; I draw no ongoing salary from the church I pastor, Mosaic Wichita which is predominantly a homeless church; I am grateful for any small amount you can contribute to help with this ministry.  Believe me there is much more going on than most realize. I will also provide information to verify the ministry and income that comes into this ministry and work.  Thanks and feel free to share any material from The Virtual Pew, I only ask that appropriate credit is given and a link to the original site with the materials provided.

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There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free audio book link of The Keystone Kid at You can visit

Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.

Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word. Here is our contact information

The Virtual Pew
1249 N. St. Francis
Wichita Kansas, 67214

Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew

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The Virtual Pew Blog

Personal Furches Web Site

Hollywood Jesus

Reviews With Mike

The Virtual Pew Sermons

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