I have to admit, with great regret, I was a bully. I can recall to this day the idiocy I was engaged in. To those I bullied, I am so sorry. Unfortunately nothing can take away the cruelty of my own actions. Of all the things in my life I could change, this would be among the top. In my own life, I think this was a way to seek out recognition, to seek out love, I didn’t know what I was doing, my mind had been polluted, but despite that, on my own part, how stupid!
I don’t need much to remind me of my nightmares regarding bullying others; it was in my relationship with Jesus I recognized my own need of help in this area. In my late teens I was speaking at University Parkway Baptist Church in Johnson City Tennessee. I was sharing my story, when I see a guy I used to bully when I attended University High School. My heart broke; my mind realized the harm I had done. ‘Oh God forgive me,’ was the first thing that came to mind. He left before I could tell him I was sorry, I have yet to see him again to my knowledge, and now, some 30+ years sorry, I want to tell him, and others, I am so sorry. I am not the same person I once was, I am a new creature, but the memories haunt me of how unkind I was, of the hurt I perpetuated on others. I think it is one of the reasons I am so driven to try to make up for the horrors I perpetuated on others. I know that nothing I can do will do that, but I can’t help but try. I know my God has forgiven me but I can’t help but remember I am driven to address issues like this.
There are other ways I address this memory, I am an advocate for the abused, not just the sexual, but also the physical. I have stopped and intervened many times to help a woman getting beaten on the side of the road with a tire iron, a lady at the beach being beaten by her lover, or even a child being abused at a local department store or another at a movie theater. I speak up now, I stand up, and I run the risk of someday having this older body attacked by one of those I confront. I have said for many years, I suspect this could be one of the ways I meet God, standing up, speaking out, and intervening when one has to. The lady who was getting beaten by a tire iron, I could have just called the police, I could have waited for them to get there, to likely arrest the man who had murdered her, but she needed help, and she needed it then.
I only have to turn on the television, and look at the news to see this epidemic. Another student has committed suicide, another friend is reminded of his own bullying, his own abuse. ‘Oh God, send your love, let us who walk this earth learn to love.’ I pray that, I hope that, I know it won’t erase the memories through.
Now don’t take me wrong, I’m not trying to beat myself up, I’m not wallowing in pity, but I wonder, should I? I honestly don’t know the answer to that question, all I know is I have to do all I can to correct my own behaviors, yet I know that as much as I try, there are those whom I have hurt that I can’t change. The best I can hope for is that those who are like I was can hear what I say. I hope you will change your behavior. I know this; my relationship with Jesus is the ultimate change that occurred in me. I am a better person; I can’t comprehend ever doing what I used to do again. I can’t comprehend not standing up and speaking out against this behavior.
I wish I could say I’m sorry to each and every person I hurt. I wish I could go back and change my actions. I can’t, I can say to my friends like Rush, I’m so sorry, please forgive me. I can’t change what happened, but I will say; I will do my best to be a voice against bullying. I hope you can still love me, still respect me with the love only God can give. I wish all of those who have hurt you would know what I know, know of the pain they have caused to an unbelievable person created in the image of God.
In closing, here is a piece of advice, our actions, and our lack of actions has impact. It is time we learned to love and respect each other, no matter where the other person is coming from. We have to take into consideration how our actions, how our influences hurt others, whether from bullying or leading friends down the wrong path that would ultimately do them harm. I assure you, there will come a day, there will come a time, when you will regret your actions, if not now, certainly when you meet God. You may not believe in God, but is that a risk you can take? Is the possibility that you have hurt the very creature created in the image of God, something you are willing to face God on with no regret. Then there is something about when you will ultimately see your own loved ones bullied or led down the wrong direction by those who think only of themselves. I assure you there is a time that is coming, a time when you will realize, people matter, people need love, and that love starts with you.
The following is a video I encourage you to watch, just click on it and if it don't appear click on the link. The video was posted by my friend Rush on Facebook. It inspired me to write this posting.
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Sometimes I don’t think I have much on my mind to write about, then, out of nowhere I see something that moves me, gets me thinking and inspired. I have a dear friend, Mark Hollingsworth of Compassion International who has a way of writing things that get me thinking. There are others like Jim Palmer and various others, who do the same thing, I am grateful for those who remind me of the things I need to be reminded of.
This last weekend was kind of different. I spent time doing my regular weekend homeless outreach and came across a man that reminded me of my own story. Fortunately I have a reminder of where I have come from because I have Jesus. This man I was speaking with has crystal meth and outside of that, he doesn’t have much else. As we spoke he showed me the scars on his legs from shooting up. It was as horrid a needle track scar as I have ever seen. We spoke for close to an hour, I tried to convince him of where I had come from and the answers I had found which could help him. He believed my story but was reluctant to accept my faith because of what he had seen in his life. He had an appreciation of Jesus, but was reluctant to accept him because he saw Christians as self consumed and not really caring about a homeless drug addict. I can’t help but believe that my Lord weeps when he knows that despite what so many Christians may believe, many on the streets, many facing struggles sees Christianity in such a negative way because of the examples of some. We can throw a lot of blame around, but we must accept that many of us, many of our organizations have to start mirroring the concerns and life of Christ to those around us. I know some people are critical of the answers I have heard from people like this gentleman, but I know what I have heard because I have put myself in a place to hear what people have to say. I wish more people who says they follow Jesus would get out of their comfort zone to show the people around them that Jesus tells us to love, that they are in fact, loved. This man used The Virtual Pew cell phone to call his former landlord several times. He recently had a meth rage and did a lot of damage to his apartment. He was kicked out and worried about his violation of parole. He is looking at another 6 or 7 months of prison for the violation and is on the run. He has been spending the night wherever he can find. As I met with him, he was sober, but I was praying, praying he would get caught, praying he would turn himself in. I suggested that he turn himself in and get some help, but to no avail. We spoke for awhile before I gave him a ride to another part of town, encouraging him to turn himself in, to get into a detox center. I am concerned for this man, he is close to death, I won’t be surprised to get a phone call from someone informing me of his death because I gave him my card. He promised he would contact me if he needed to. I pray he will. Sometimes the answers seem so easy from the comfort of our easy chairs, but on the streets, in the reality of life, those easy answers are not always easy, and not always possible. Then again, we will never know that as long as we choose to live a life that provides ease to us, that provides what we want, as opposed to living a life where we give and become the hands and feet Jesus wants us to be to those who suffer.
I wonder sometimes, for those that say they follow Jesus, why are they not consumed with doing the same things he did? We say we love him, we say we follow him, but Jesus never seemed to care so much about obtaining a comfortable life as he was in serving those who were desperate for love. Many of our churches have become an example of everything that seems to be in direct contrast to the teachings of Jesus, and we wonder why we don’t have the impact on the lives of people any more than we do. We wonder why our lives don’t feel fulfilled. I can’t help but wonder, when meeting God face to face, will some of us be those that say we did all the right things only to hear the Son of God say, ‘Depart from me I never knew you.”
I have the same reminders of those who aren’t much different than me except for one thing. I have and know Jesus, I have accepted the blood that was shed and poured out for me. There is an old adage among many of the old time religious folks that talks a lot about the blood Jesus shed on the cross. They remind me of the adage that there is no forgiveness of sin outside of the blood. I am reminded by old songs like, Nothing but the Blood, or There is Power in the Blood, or even The Old Rugged Cross. There was a price to pay to provide me the forgiveness and life I now have.
The blood Jesus shed on the cross was so valuable. The author of Hebrews in the Bible tells us how important it is:
Hebrews 9:13-15 (Contemporary English Version)
(13) According to the Law of Moses, those people who become unclean are not fit to worship God. Yet they will be considered clean, if they are sprinkled with the blood of goats and bulls and with the ashes of a sacrificed calf. (14) But Christ was sinless, and he offered himself as an eternal and spiritual sacrifice to God. That's why his blood is much more powerful and makes our consciences clear. Now we can serve the living God and no longer do things that lead to death. (15) Christ died to rescue those who had sinned and broken the old agreement. Now he brings his chosen ones a new agreement with its guarantee of God's eternal blessings!
In the Old Testament people had to offer sacrifices. In fact, in many cultures around the world, their religions stress the importance of blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin. So is the case in the Muslim, Jewish, and Christian traditions, yet in Christianity, we have an answer that solves this problem. We have a solution to the problem because Jesus was perfect, and without sin. He offered his own life up as a sacrifice, not just in a symbolic way, but in a real and literal way. I love the wording in this Hebrews passage here, Jesus rescued us from our mistakes, from the things we did wrong. But he had to shed his blood for us to have this opportunity which this passage says, guarantees us of God’s eternal blessings.
Some often ask me where I get my strength. It is from the wonder working power, the wonderful power of the blood provided by my forgiver and leader also known as my lord and savior, Jesus Christ. I realize there is nothing more powerful I could introduce my dear friends to than the blood provided and poured out in the purest love ever known. The truth is, the blood, the love of Jesus has never failed me. I am confident, if giving him a chance, it won’t fail you either. Is the total surrender to Jesus worth it? It is worth it every day and will be worth it until the day I share an embrace with my Forgiver, my Leader, but not before I spend time on the ground, weeping at his feet, thanking him for all he has done for me.
I am amazed and know I will be weeping for a number of reasons. One of those is I know that Jesus knew what the cost of forgiveness was before he even made the sacrifice. He spoke about this the last day he was with his followers prior to his being taken into custody, beaten, stripped, and ultimately killed and crucified. Read the following here to see his own understanding.
Matthew 26:27-29 (Contemporary English Version)
(27) Jesus picked up a cup of wine and gave thanks to God. He then gave it to his disciples and said, "Take this and drink it. (28) This is my blood, and with it God makes his agreement with you. It will be poured out, so that many people will have their sins forgiven. (29) From now on I am not going to drink any wine, until I drink new wine with you in my Father's kingdom."
There are a lot of things we can read into this passage, but can you see where Jesus talks about the shedding of his blood so that people can have their sins forgiven? Again, remember, he is saying this prior to his own sacrifice on the cross for our sins. Jesus didn’t just go there though, he went beyond this, struggling, having difficulty with what was going to occur. We sometimes forget that while Jesus was fully God, he was also at this point a man. A man, who felt pain, knew of the events that lay ahead of him. One of the ways we can see this struggle is by what occurred when he went into the Garden after that last supper with his disciples. He went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray and seek direction from God. Look at what occurred here:
Luke 22:43-45 (Contemporary English Version)
(43) Then an angel from heaven came to help him. (44) Jesus was in great pain and prayed so sincerely that his sweat fell to the ground like drops of blood. (45) Jesus got up from praying and went over to his disciples. They were asleep and worn out from being so sad.
We need to remember, Luke the author of this was also a physician, he knew of the medical aspects of what was occurring. It was a process that occurs due to there being webbed blood vessels around the sweat glands. Under great stress the vessels constrict and ultimately dilate until they rupture. While rare, this process known as hematohidrosis does naturally occur.
While praying over this message, while spending time in it, I realized that where many of us believe the shedding of blood begins with the cross, I realized that it actually begin with the prayers of Jesus. He was praying, realizing the sacrifice he was making for us. While this created a tremendous amount of stress to cause this phenomenon to occur, it was out of his love for us. While many may choose to not accept that love, it does not negate, or change the reality of the love Jesus offered. I often wonder due to my own weaknesses, have I really contemplated and reflected on that love. A love that was so pure the blood started to flow out of his concern for me and his willingness to put himself through the upcoming events, even prior to the cross, Jesus offered this love.
The following are passages that can help us understand the gift Jesus offered a little better. They can also help us appreciate the importance of the blood Jesus offered.
Romans 3:24-26 (Contemporary English Version)
(24) But God treats us much better than we deserve, and because of Christ Jesus, he freely accepts us and sets us free from our sins. (25-26) God sent Christ to be our sacrifice. Christ offered his life's blood, so that by faith in him we could come to God. And God did this to show that in the past he was right to be patient and forgive sinners. This also shows that God is right when he accepts people who have faith in Jesus.
In the above passage, understand that verse 3:24 shows us that God treats us much better than we deserve: The Greek word charis, traditionally rendered “grace," is translated here and other places to express the overwhelming kindness of God. Whether we accept that kindness or not is not a point of question, the reality is it was offered, to not accept it may not be appreciated, but it doesn’t change the heart of the one who offered this tremendous gift. Other verses follow:
Ephesians 1:6-8 (Contemporary English Version)
(6) God was very kind to us because of the Son he dearly loves, and so we should praise God. (7-8) Christ sacrificed his life's blood to set us free, which means that our sins are now forgiven. Christ did this because God was so kind to us. God has great wisdom and understanding,
Of course on the above, we have to accept that gift if we want to receive the hope, and ultimate freedom offered by Jesus.
Ephesians 2:12-14 (Contemporary English Version)
(12) At that time you did not know about Christ. You were foreigners to the people of Israel, and you had no part in the promises that God had made to them. You were living in this world without hope and without God, (13) and you were far from God. But Christ offered his life's blood as a sacrifice and brought you near God.
(14) Christ has made peace between Jews and Gentiles, and he has united us by breaking down the wall of hatred that separated us. Christ gave his own body.
We so seldom see the lack of hatred in many who call themselves followers of Christians. It is one reason that living out the message is so important, it becomes evidence that the sacrifice offered by Jesus can provide hope and change in a life where both hope is needed. We have to understand, our actions have an impact that will help others accept the blood that Jesus shed on the cross. So many of us are so much more focused on things like politics that the message of the cross, the message of the blood shed on the cross is lost. I can’t help but wonder, who is doing more damage, those of political tenancies we may disagree with, or those who forget about the purpose of the cross or at the very least, by their words and actions, take the focus of the forgiveness and liberation of the sins of the world away from the true liberating power, the blood shed on that cross? Let’s all keep in our focus, the power of the blood and the eternal consequences of the acceptance or rejection of the one offering his blood.
Hebrews 9:11-13 (Contemporary English Version)
(11) Christ came as the high priest of the good things that are now here. He also went into a much better tent that wasn't made by humans and that doesn't belong to this world. (12) Then Christ went once for all into the most holy place and freed us from sin forever. He did this by offering his own blood instead of the blood of goats and bulls. (13) According to the Law of Moses, those people who become unclean are not fit to worship God. Yet they will be considered clean, if they are sprinkled with the blood of goats and bulls and with the ashes of a sacrificed calf.
We can’t look at how good or bad a person is. While we tend to think that people are limited by their situations, by their conditions, the reality is, the power of the blood of Christ has the power to provide more, more of everything. While we may be limited by the situations we live in and face on this earth, we have to be reminded again of that word, hope, hope of eternity provided by the blood of Jesus.
1 Peter 1:18-20 (Contemporary English Version)
(18) You were rescued from the useless way of life that you learned from your ancestors. But you know that you were not rescued by such things as silver or gold that don't last forever. (19) You were rescued by the precious blood of Christ, that spotless and innocent lamb. (20) Christ was chosen even before the world was created, but because of you, he did not come until these last days.
We tend to have so much confidence in the material possession of life. Yet when we look at this verse the Greek word used here often, though not always, means payment of a price to free a slave or prisoner. I am reminded, as a former lifeguard, those that need rescued are destined for doom. In fact, one who thrashes, who fights the rescue normally quickens their doom. They have to submit, surrender to the one doing the rescuing. Jesus was the ultimate lifeguard. He is the one who provides salvation for this life, but more importantly, for all of eternity. Again, salvation provided by what? The blood!
I realize I am no one special, if the Son of God loves and give so much to me, I know he has done it for you. Accept it, receive it, express gratitude for it, in all ways, and in all manners, then once you enter that special place where you can do this gladly, you are at a point of worship that will produce and give more than you ever imagined, not just in the things you receive, but in the glory, honor, and praise you give to the creator of the universe.
I am grateful, that despite my own failures, I have forgiveness and salvation offered by Jesus through his blood and my acceptance of him. I realize I have done wrong, I realize I will do wrong, but I also realize the perfection of the blood shed by Jesus and what that blood has done for me. The one who loved me, and loves you, freely offered that blood that life, so we can all have a relationship with God that will last forever. Not just one day a year, week, or two, like so many seem to observe at Christmas or Easter, but for all of eternity. Think about the following in this regard:
1 John 1:6-8 (Contemporary English Version)
(6) If we say that we share in life with God and keep on living in the dark, we are lying and are not living by the truth. (7) But if we live in the light, as God does, we share in life with each other. And the blood of his Son Jesus washes all our sins away. (8) If we say that we have not sinned, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth isn't in our hearts.
The truth is, all of us need the blood of Christ to wash our sins away, to correct the wrongs we have done. Jesus, even before the cross, offered himself for us, he did this out of love. Yet we sometimes lack showing that love to him. We have to understand, an amazing thing in this; we show our love to Jesus, to God, by loving others. It is a part of what Jesus meant when he said that loving God, loving others is the greatest of all of the commandments. When we have kept these two, we have kept them all. It is a part of what the Bible means when it says we will know who is, and is not followers of Jesus by their love of others.
Now read the piece from Mark Hollingsworth that challenged me today. Mark can be found at MySpace and Facebook, after you read the section from Mark, I challenge you, to watch and listen to the videos in the order they are provided with your eyes closed, in prayer contemplating on what Jesus has done for you. Now the article from Mark:
Ever looking for music that will help you contemplate or pray? Or perhaps even just set the tone for your day? Here is such a piece that has provided tremendous solace and perspective: “Jesus’ Blood Never Failed Me Yet.” It is a continual seventy minute piece of an aging English vagabond’s heartfelt declaration of love and acceptance in the form of an old hymn. He sang it in twenty-eight seconds. But artist Gavin Bryars then took that simple prayer and looped it with tender layers of orchestration that is, at turns, both reassuring and uplifting.
Tom Waits became a fan of the piece, which was circulating as an underground cassette back in the mid-70s. He claims it is his favorite piece of music ever. Tom played his copy so often that he wore the tape out, and through much research, was able to finally track down Bryars to ask for another one. Gavin kept Waits’ enthusiasm for the project in mind, and approached Tom in the early 90s about re-recording the piece with his voice added in to the final 20 minutes…singing as a duet with the elderly homeless man. The result is, to my ears, the most moving Tom Waits singing ever recorded. I’m sure the fact that Waits spent time on the streets and riding the rails as a hobo for a time earlier in his life only added to the pathos.
Seventeen years ago, not long after its formal re-release, I was introduced to “Jesus’ Love Never Failed Me Yet.” Part of the liner notes penned by Bryars gives more back-story…
In 1971, when I lived in London, I was working with a friend, Alan Power, on a film about people living rough in the area around Elephant and Castle and Waterloo Station. In the course of being filmed, some people broke into drunken song--sometimes bits of opera, sometimes sentimental ballads--and one, who in fact did not drink, sang a religious song "Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet." This was not ultimately used in the film and I was given all the unused sections of tape, including this one.
When I played it at home, I found that his singing was in tune with my piano, and I improvised a simple accompaniment. I noticed, too, that the first section of the song--13 bars in length--formed an effective loop which repeated in a slightly unpredictable way. I took the tape loop to Leicester, where I was working in the Fine Art Department, and copied the loop onto a continuous reel of tape, thinking about perhaps adding an orchestrated accompaniment to this. The door of the recording room opened on to one of the large painting studios and I left the tape copying, with the door open, while I went to have a cup of coffee. When I came back I found the normally lively room unnaturally subdued. People were moving about much more slowly than usual and a few were sitting alone, quietly weeping.
I was puzzled until I realized that the tape was still playing and that they had been overcome by the old man's singing. This convinced me of the emotional power of the music and of the possibilities offered by adding a simple, though gradually evolving, orchestral accompaniment that respected the tramp's nobility and simple faith. Although he died before he could hear what I had done with his singing, the piece remains as an eloquent, but understated testimony to his spirit and optimism.
Taking Bryars’ cue, while I ran my management company back in the 90s, I would often play this over our sound system each morning, and it became a favorite of my staff. It brought a calm and intention to our work. Over the years, it has also served as a great refreshment to me in times of want, as well as a serenade in peaceful devotion. I have loaned it to many, and they have always become fans of the piece, too. We are not alone--as it has quietly sold over a million copies worldwide with no radio airplay, no glitzy marketing ploys, and no recommendations from Oprah.
It is a miraculous treatise that transcends art and becomes something even more rewarding to the soul. “Jesus’ Blood Never Failed Me Yet” is one of those God-breathed creations that are good medicine for any who are in need of its healing. Maybe you will become yet one more who succumbs to the curious affection emanating from this good news.
I want to thank Mark Hollingsworth for letting me share this. Mark recently lost his father, and as mentioned earlier he has been a real friend. This last year he was there for my wife and me when I lost my mother. I only pray that others will be blessed by this message, which was inspired by a dear friend who has been there for me and so many others over the years.
Now for something a little different: I am going to ask you again to watch in a prayerful, meditative state the following videos. You don’t have to watch, you can just sit back, listen and prayerfully ask God’s Holy Spirit to help you understand and contemplate on the meanings of the words to the songs.
To watch the videos just click on them, if they don’t appear, click on the link provided, I ask you to go through each video though, even though the first two may seem like duplicates, listen to them all in order:
(4) From John to the seven churches in Asia. I pray that you will be blessed with kindness and peace from God, who is and was and is coming.
May you receive kindness and peace from the seven spirits before the throne of God.
(5) May kindness and peace be yours from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness. Jesus was the first to conquer death, and he is the ruler of all earthly kings.
Christ loves us, and by his blood he set us free from our sins.
(6) He lets us rule as kings and serve God his Father as priests. To him be glory and power forever and ever! Amen.
Asia was in the eastern part of the Roman Empire and is present day Turkey.
Revelation 12:10-12 (Contemporary English Version)
(10) Then I heard a voice from heaven shout, "Our God has shown his saving power, and his kingdom has come!
God's own Chosen One has shown his authority.
Satan accused our people in the presence of God day and night. Now he has been thrown out!
(11) Our people defeated Satan because of the blood of the Lamb and the message of God. They were willing to give up their lives.
(12) The heavens should rejoice, together with everyone who lives there. But pity the earth and the sea, because the devil was thrown down to the earth.
He knows his time is short, and he is very angry."
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew P.O. Box 17731 Wichita, KS 67217
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As a young man in college I recall a story I was reviewing by Langston Hughes. My professor in American Literature was Beverly Holmskog, what a wonderful woman. I realize how instrumental to my world view she was. This Tabor College professor made a contribution to my life, which I hope carries over to the life of others. That story inspired Langston Hughes to become my favorite author of all time. I have much of his material and found a signed book in Lawrence recently I would love to purchase if anyone would like to donate the $250 to buy it.
The story Bev had us read was about a black man in the early 1900’s who visited churches, parsonages and other locations in the deep south. He was homeless and rejected from one place to the other. Later we discover in the story, at least as I can best remember as it has been 20+ years since I read it, the man was Jesus or an angel. I think Langston Hughes captured the imagery of the church of the time, unfortunately, for many, that image still exists. I recall the imagery of his stories so well. I had so hoped, so longed that those time was past. After all, we have an African American man as President of the United States; we would think the issues of prejudice, hatred, ugliness is gone. I had that hope that things were getting better, then on Saturday I had a reminder of how wrong I was, a reminder that had me literally shedding tears as I retold the story at church this last Sunday.
In Matthew chapter 25: verses 31-46 we read a passage that is actually debated among many theologians. This is the popular sheep and goats passage that has Jesus separating those who are called sheep, from those which are called goats. The Sheep, because of what they did get to go to Heaven, the goats, because of what they didn’t do are thrown into ‘The eternal lake of fire’, (Hell). The things they are to do are things like visit the homeless, the sick, visit those in prison, help the poor and well you can read the passage to see for yourself. A surprising thing about this passage, is that the decision as to who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell isn’t based on their view on baptism, their perspective on the virgin birth, their view on the Holy Spirit or the Trinity, or any other point of theology (the study of God) that we often place such emphasis on. Whether they go to Heaven or Hell is based on what they have and haven’t done.
Unfortunately, some theologians present this passage as ‘The Great White Thrown Judgment’ and go so far as to basically say it excuses the followers of Jesus and are not applicable to us. I would simply say, this isn’t consistent with scripture as a whole, and it ignores the over 6,000 verses in the Bible which seem to show a consistency of the need to serve and show love to the poor, the orphan and widow and so forth. Now this is all I will say on this debate, I do not deny, nor will I, that salvation is just as it says in Romans, Hebrews and implied and stated in other parts of the Bible, based solely on the blood of Jesus Christ. Our faith in Christ, and I believe that alone justifies our salivation. I believe however, just as James indicated, and the theologian Barclay indicated, ‘we can’t divorce faith and works,’ As James states, ‘Faith without works is dead.’ This isn’t to imply that we are saved by our works, but our works, the things we do indicate we have a faith we are willing to put into action by doing the things we are not suggested we do, not recommended we do, but COMMANDED we do. In that capacity, the concepts in Matthew 25: 31-46 become critically important. Despite your theology, if you disagree with my perspective on that passage, look at any of those other 6,000 or so verses, including some 2,000 or so incidents in the New Testament.
Now what brings this to thought today? Remember that Langston Hughes story I was telling you about? I had an incident this last weekend in the homeless outreach I am involved in with our church that reminded me of the story, it reminded me of the passage out of Matthew. I want to tell you about the event between me and Lloyd.
I like to spend my Saturdays at the downtown library in Wichita Kansas. There are always a lot of homeless folks around and a number of friends, from both Mosaic Church where I pastor and others within the community go down to help out. The best thing we do is talk and be friends, we are blessed to help out on occasion like this last week by taking some shoes, socks and underwear down and passing them out along with coffee, mocha, and hot chocolate along with some Peanut Butter Sandwiches, chips and other things. Thankfully there are some dear friends who help provide these things.
One of the coolest and best things about this, and it may sound crazy, but folks are starting to know me by name, either Santa or Mike. I can’t explain how I feel about this, how it moves me, that folks God is so close to, know me by name. It was one of those points of realization as I was sharing yesterday at church that brought tears to my eyes.
As I was sitting on a bench talking to a few friends, yes these folks are friends, I noticed a lady from our church, Mary, and my wife, Mary Jane looking through the art and poetry book of a fellow named Lloyd. Lloyd is an older guy, not young, but older. He has white hair, a white beard and his skin is wrinkled from the years in the elements. As I was talking to a lady, who has 5 children, was abused when she was a child, and now has lost custody of her children, I call, my girlfriend, (my wife don’t mind) about how God has more for her and loves her despite the ways others have treated her, I noticed the art and coloring of the book Lloyd was showing the two Mary’s. My other friend Mike who I was with was about to leave, he is looking for HUD housing and is excited about that possibility. He actually has an 11 year work history at a single business. He like so many others has lost his job. With all of this going on, I can’t help but be drawn to the conversation with Lloyd. My girlfriend I am talking to gets ready to move on, Mike starts to walk away, and I decide to meet Lloyd for the first time. Mike strolls over with me.
I think the first thing that draws me in, like so many others, Lloyd is a passionate man, he is intelligent, he even raves about how offended he is that people often think of the homeless as nothing but a bunch of ‘drunks’, ‘drug addicts’, ‘bums’ as he calls it. “Damn, some of us have a lot more intelligence and degrees at a more advanced level than those who are critical of us.’ He is passionate, he is opinionated, but he has a history to back his passion. A history that is negative towards many in the ‘church’ and ‘Christians’.
Lloyd finds out that I am a pastor; I think he appreciates that I’m not there forcing my religious beliefs down his throat. He becomes direct though, not confronting me, not asking me questions, but in a matter of fact way. “You know, I gotta take some things up with God when I meet him at the pearly gates. I’m gonna ask him, ‘what about them sons of bitches who call themselves Christians or are a part of the church? Whatcha gonna do to them for not doing what you told them in the Bible? You know Mike, I’m gonna have it out with God about that. I don’t get it! I don’t get where they get coming off and being on their high horses so much ignoring exactly what Jesus told them to do!’
I listen to Lloyd and tell him the story I recently heard Tony Campolo tell about Mother Theresa in Haiti responding to a man asking similar questions; she was going to ask God that very question when she got to meet him. I told Lloyd how Tony Campolo stated that it was probably one of the reasons she lived as long as she did, God figured out he was going to have to answer those questions. Lloyd kind of laughed about that, but he was serious, no jokes about it, he is going to ask God those questions.
I spoke with Lloyd more and he proceeded to tell me something that touched me, a personal story of his own experience with a church in Coffeyville Kansas. He told me about the Wal-Mart in Coffeyville. Directly across the street was a Braum’s which I had actually eaten at, and I had actually shopped at this Wal-Mart in Southeast Kansas near the Oklahoma state line. It seems as if Lloyd was on his way from Tulsa Oklahoma to Nebraska and along the way he was hitchhiking. He went to get some money out of an ATM with his bank card and the machine ate his card. He couldn’t get it and from that point on was without money. He was at Wal-Mart, on a Sunday and he decided to go to a church nearby that someone told him about. It seems as if faith is important to Lloyd, but he had had a few experiences that day which wasn’t so pleasant.
He entered the church right after it had started and took his back pack off after going in. He pushed the back pack up under his seat beneath his feet to keep people from knowing he was homeless. It didn’t help, someone noticed and prior to the start of the service, the pastor, or someone enforced the policy of ‘no vagrants’. They went to Lloyd, with everyone looking on, telling him, he wasn’t welcome and the church had a policy to prevent vagrants from visiting. Lloyd stood up as he reached down to get his back pack, telling the person in a loud enough voice as to let the entire congregation hear him.
‘I’ll leave, but I am reminded of another who didn’t have a place to lay his head. I am reminded of another who wasn’t welcome by the religious institutions of the world. I know of what he said about how you are supposed to show love, I also know about where his word tells me to do this. I know of a place which speaks of showing love because you don’t know when you entertain angels.” Lloyd then illustrated to me how he took each of his feet, knocking them against a concrete bench as he had the church pew, illustrating that he was ‘shaking the dust off of my shoes’. He stated; ‘I told them; I shake the dust off of my feet with you, letting you answer to God for your actions of how you treated those very people Jesus tells you to love.’
Lloyd told me then of how he walked over to Braum’s a local ice cream hamburger joint popular in parts of the Midwest. He got a hamburger, fries, and cherry limeade. He told me that as he sat there, a nicely dressed black man and woman entered the store. They walked over to the table he was at. Lloyd told me how she laid down one $20 bill, then another $20 bill, and then a $10 bill. The woman and gentleman was kind, they looked in his eyes and stated, “Sir I was just in the church where they asked you to leave. You know I figure I owe you a part of my tithe because I have been in that church for 20 years and I haven’t heard anyone speak truth like you just spoke it in the entire time I have attended that church.” Lloyd had a big toothless grin. It wasn’t that he just had $50 bucks handed to him; it was there were some in the church that got it.
Lloyd and I spoke for another 10 or 15 minutes. I had to go because I had another function to be at; Lloyd understood. My other friend Mike stuck around, he listened in, I think he understood as well, I noticed how he nodded his head during much of the conversation with Lloyd, especially the part about asking God a few questions.
I had to respond to Lloyd before I left. I told him that I think he should ask God those questions. I told him though; God didn’t make us robots, each of us has a choice as to if we will help, if we will love, if we will care, not just in word, but in action and deed. That doesn’t negate that some of us are going to have to answer for the questions some are asking God, questions like where are those people you said are supposed to show love. What about that first church where people went without want and everything they needed was provided.
As I close I can imagine there are people who question me on things like this. I can imagine people talking about how these ‘lazy people need to get jobs’. I can hear all kinds of things like that. I simply respond that Jesus didn’t put conditions on the folks we are commanded to help. I would challenge the people who say things like this are likely people who have never taken the time to give a person a sandwich on the streets and look in their eyes and do a simple thing like start a simple conversation of something as simple as, ‘Hi my name is Mike, how are you?’ You may be amazed at how that opens up doors of conversation where love can be nurtured and developed. Then maybe, just maybe, you can experience the joy of meeting some wonderful people who will know you by your name. I know this will sound crazy, but each time they call me by my name, I am reminded of another Biblical concept which I hold dear to, when they call me by my name, I am reminded that it is Jesus who is represented in the poor, the hard of luck, the misunderstood, who also knows my name. When Jesus knows your name, and calls you by your name, well, at that point, I don’t care how tough life it, the hardships just melt away with the joy that the creator of the universes knows me, and knows you, by name. When you hear that out of the mouths of those of which Jesus said, ‘What you have done for the least of these you have done for me,’ it is simply, almost more than you can comprehend.
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