Saturday, April 10, 2021

Urgent Call for Support

Every now and then I send out a request for support. It's been awhile but the need now is actually greater than it's ever been. Let me be clear, I don't like doing it, there is always one like William who recently talked about how I needed to get a real job, needed to quit being an underachiever and "quit playing music for drunks" among numerous other attacks. This despite the ministry that takes place among some of those "drunks" aka as regular folks who need to know Jesus and that Jesus loves.

A few things about the last year. Regular donations over the last few years have gone from at one time $600 a month to now, $0. Covid was a huge part of this. As you know, if you have followed my work, the people I have been blessed to provide ministry to often times don't have money. So it involves me doing things like the following, just within the last three months:

  • providing online counseling services to persons contemplating suicide which involves being online with them, or on the phone while at the same time in immediate need cases online with local authorities.  My knowledge in this area gets immediate attention from Law Enforcement. As a result in the last 3 months, numerous individuals talked down, 3 individuals where the authorities went and stopped a "serious" attempt and one case unfortunately, where the authorities did not get there in time and the person committed suicide. Believe me, it pains me to this day knowing the efforts I made to save and help this person, even offering to drive to Wyoming to be with them.
  • Since December I have housed 3 homeless people, although I said I wouldn't do it again. It costs approximately $300 a month to house a homeless person here.  None of the 3 paid anything and in one instance I had one steal a bunch of stuff some of them that belonged to Mary Jane. In all of these cases I supplemented and paid out of pocket the cost of keeping them here. That will be changing as I am not so certain if I can do this again. I certainly can't afford it without major financial help.
  • There are homeless persons on the street I have helped and assisted, be it with musical counseling and assistance or just being a friend and thanks to FEMA giving advice and masks related to COVID, so far some 1,200 masks.
  • There are things like hospital visits to individuals who have followed me online and consider me their "pastor" even though I still have a hard time considering myself a pastor.
  • Then as of late the writing and reviews have started again. I know some will not see this as a ministry, but if you ever take the time to read those reviews you will see points of discussion that points to Christ, yet isn't preachy. Some would be amazed at the doors of conversation this has brought about. To the point of praying in a smoking area at a local bar with people on several occasions and even those in the arts community who call me Pastor Mike and tells me how much they appreciate me because I am not like other "preachers" I am "real." 
  •  There is much more that goes on, on a daily basis, sharing my faith in a real, but honestly broken way, (believe me, I am the first to admit my shortcomings and failures.
  • I am also so grateful that the continued work with my band Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band continues. While I am receiving some royalties for world wide air-play it amounts to less than $20 a month. As musicians will tell you, for playing purposes, this is really good but not enough to live on.
  • The video On My Knees has now been seen close to 1 Million times world wide on various formats, the gospel message on that video is abundantly clear.
  • My music has been played in approximately 48 States and now in over 115 countries. While there are no "hits" and work to be done for live performances, rest assured, as my band will tell you or anyone who has seen us. In the bars and clubs we have played, the love of God is always mentioned, displayed and clearly presented. Yet because I am seen as "Real", it is received.
  • There is much more from individual spiritual counseling, videos and more that is taking place on a daily basis.

Now here is the reality. Currently I have monthly expenses at around $2,200 a month. That is with no medical benefits or salary or anything of the sort. I currently get $1,800 a month from Spousal Death Benefits, a bit of retirement, and a little outside earnings. As you can tell, the math don't add up. Currently, for the first time in 3 years, the bank account has less than $1,000 in it.   

Last month, there was approximately $500 in support that came in from individuals. One specifically requested that their $300 gift go to me, which I appreciated and as hard as it was, respected, the other individuals $200 went right into the bank for the ministry. 

On top of all of this, also please consider that none of this includes the now close to $500,000 of medical bills I have due to the quadruple bypass heart surgery where the doctors assured me that with those arteries being blocked 100% I had very little time to live. I am paying about 6 medical facilities between $10 and $25 a month for a total of $150 a month that I didn't expect to be paying.  This is above and beyond the operational expenses for The Virtual Pew / Mosaic including living expenses. Neither is included though that my lawnmower and weed eater among other things was stolen and I had to purchase new ones this last month. 

I don't like asking for help it makes me feel like a moocher and is something not in my nature. I have had many people tell me that there are many ministries who does much less but brings in thousands a month because they are good at it. Well, I'm not good at it and I am not worried about having things for myself. I do have a few subscriptions like my $20 a month which allows me to do up to 3 movie reviews a week, my streaming subscriptions at about $30 a month and my car wash subscription at $19 a month. Outside of that, there really isn't anything else for my self other than getting with my band mates and playing music, but, I recognize, without help, I am in trouble.

Here is what I am asking you to consider: Would you consider supporting this ministry on a monthly basis?  Any monthly donation would be huge and of great benefit. I am also asking that you make that donation not to me but to either The Virtual Pew or Mosaic, preferably, to Mosaic. That gift is tax-deductable and goes to the immediate needs and operational expenses of ministry.

If not able to do a monthly gift in any amount, can you consider a one time gift in any amount?  Again, we praise and thank God for any donations that come in. They are so much appreciated as it allows me to do the ministry God has called me to do.

You can make contributions in several ways. I would ask first and foremost to make sure that if making a gift online that you specify that it is for The Virtual Pew / Mosaic.  That way it is easier to manage funds.   

If mailing a gift the address is: Mosaic / The Virtual Pew, 1249 North Saint Francis, Wichita Kansas 67214 

You can also give online via pay pal to - The Virtual Pew - or Mosaic -

You can also give via cash app at $MichaelFurches

As a side bar, my health outside of allergies right now is doing great, my blood sugars over the last 2 years have gone from averaging 300 to now averaging 100 and I've lost some 50+ pounds and still losing weight.  I feel good and look forward to hopefully at the end of May seeing my daughter and grandson in Ohio for the first time since Mary Jane went to be with the Lord. My son Nathan has come through and I see him on a regular basis but have not seen my granddaughter now in over a year because the mother refuses to let me or my son see her even though he has joint custody and has been paying child support. That will be going to court in the near future as my son has already contacted an attorney.  I am also still waiting on 2 cases before the courts, one the contractors that robbed us and did the poor job on the renovations and the other a Grand Theft Felony case against the person stealing things here from the house. While I can forgive, it does not mean that people aren't held responsible.

The band continues to improve and we are also currently looking for a vehicle to travel and tour in. I continue to be excited about bringing the message of Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band to folks and we are open to playing wherever. The band and radio show I do weekly at KFH are among the highlights of my week as they are some me and enjoyable time while at the same time sharing Good News and happy moments.

Thank you again for your time, I very much do appreciate it and God bless you.

Mike Furches

To Donate via Pay Pal, donate at paypal at

To Donate via Cash App, donate at $MichaelFurches

You can also always donate to The Virtual Pew at 1249 North Saint Francis, Wichita Kansas 67214

Click here to follow The Virtual Pew on Twitter

Mike Furches on Faceboook.

Click to subscribe to my blog

You can also check out Mike's Musical ventures by searching for Mike Furches and Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band.  Mary Jane's album will be out in September of 2020 and the Pastor Mike and Demon Slayer Blues Band album will be released in October of 2020

There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free audio book link of The Keystone Kid at You can visit

Hopefully, you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.

You can donate via paypal at or cash app at $MichaelFurches

Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word. Here is our contact information

The Virtual Pew
1249 N. St. Francis
Wichita Kansas, 67214

Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew

To follow Mike's Band, Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band, click the following link: 

The Movie Guys

Donations to The Virtual Pew

The Virtual Pew Blog

Reviews With Mike

The Virtual Pew Sermons

The Virtual Pew News 

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